Global Literacy - Challenge & Enquiry Pack

Page 122

What Would I See?

Curriculum Links Lit Geog

Geography Num Cit

To understand that diversity exists everywhere (locally & globally). To reflect on their own understanding of their own country and Ghana.


To use knowledge and imagination to create illustrations.


similarities & differences




In a circle, play ‘finish the sentence’ focussing on things that you might see in common places or on common journeys. The teacher starts the sentence and then anyone can finish it first, shouting out their answer, and then it gets passed all the way around the circle until everyone has had a turn at saying their answer. The aim is to answer quickly, without too much thought, and say ‘pass’ if you cannot think of anything. “On my way to school I saw ...” (example answers might be “a dog”, “a bus”, “pass”, “lots of children”, “an aeroplane” etc) “Out of my bedroom window I can see ...” (example answers might be “trees”, “houses”, “my garden”, the road” etc) “When I go to town I see ...” “Out of the car window I see ...”

Big Ideas

Highlight any similar things mentioned and the many different things that were mentioned for each sentence explaining that there are so many different things to see, we all notice different things and there is massive diversity between our experiences, just within our small class.


Explain we are going on an imaginary journey to Ghana. Look at a world map to remind pupils where Ghana is in relation to your country. Does anyone know how we would get there and how long it would take? (you would probably go by aeroplane, but you might like to discuss other travel options, and flight times are usually around 6-7 hours from London, 910 hours from Manchester). Look at a map of Ghana and point out the main airport, Kotoka International Airport, Accra. At tables and using the ‘What would I see? Windows’ sheet, ask pupils to draw the following, making sure they have time to complete each part before moving onto the next (they should do this individually so you get a range of interpretations); 1. What you might see out of your house window before you leave to travel to the airport; 2. What you might see out of the car/bus/train window on the way to the airport; 3. What you might see out of the aeroplane window once it had taken off, flying over your country; 4. What you might see out of the window as the aeroplane is flying over Ghana towards Accra; 5. What you might see out of a taxi window as you travel from the airport into Accra city centre; 6. What you might see when walking around Accra markets.


Make a display of the drawings putting together each part of the ‘journey’ and highlight the similarities, differences and celebrate the diversity of illustrations, and therefore of the places. Ask pupils to elaborate and explain their drawings. Extension ideas You could extend the illustrations or split pupils into groups so when you ‘arrive in Ghana’ some could visit markets, some the beaches, some the rainforest, some a school etc, so you get a wider spread of interpretation of Ghana.

Stimulus / Resources / Worksheets

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‘What would I see? Windows’ sheet, 1 per pupil (enlarged to A3 size)


you se e at th e marke ts?

A project funded by the European Union and led in England by CDEC

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