Finale test

Page 41

Topic N°7.

Kings of Paragraph Objective: - Work on the different types of paragraphs.

 Process Paragraphs A process paragraph is a series of steps that explain how something happens. Or it explains how to make something. It can explain anything from the growth of a malignancy to parallel parking to baking sourdough bread. It gives tips for conquering insomnia or for removing nose hair. Because such explanations must be clear, the process paragraph must be written in chronological order, and it must include a topic sentence that clearly states the paragraph’s purpose. It must also include transition words and phrases— “first,” “next,” “finally,” for example— that connect each of the steps. There are two kinds of process paragraphs: a process explanation and a set of instructions. A process explanation explains a process without assuming that the reader will afterwards know how to carry out that process. A set of instructions gives the reader step-by-step guidance. The following is an example of a process explanation paragraph: The grapes for winemaking are usually squeezed and destemmed before fermenting them in oak, except when they will be processed by Carbonic Maceration then they go directly to the fermentation tank. After this the paste that results from this (pulp, skins and nuggets), is poured into a fermentation tank after having added a small amount of sulfur dioxide, in order to prevent biological contamination. During the covering up of the must, the alcoholic fermentation is triggered at the same time as the maceration of the leaflets and the seeds, which can last between five and seven days. Then the maceration serves to give the wine its color and its preservation capacity. And frequently it pumps the must to the surface by spraying the entire layer of "skin" that the grapes form, ensuring the maximum possible color extraction. Then the remainder is pressed and then elaborate a mixture or "coupage" in different proportions with both and go to a state of aging before being bottled and matured. Then the red wines of superior quality, destined for long-term consumption, usually remain in relatively new oak barrels, this process can last between 18 months and two years, before being bottled. 41

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