Finale test

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Body and Supporting sentence Objective: To identify and write good body or supporting sentence. Paragraph body structure The body of the paragraph is the support for the thematic sentence. Supportive sentences are details or examples, or a combination of both, that reinforce, explain or discuss the writer's perspective on the subject. However, not all bodily prayers provide direct support for the controlling idea. Some sentences serve to outline or explain a foothold. Structure: A basic outline for an independent paragraph looks like this: Topic sentence A. Prayer of support Detail Detail B. Support prayer Detail Detail C. Support prayer Detail Detail (etc.) Final Prayer and Final Thought Example: In this scheme, sentences A, B and C provide support for thematic prayer. The details, listed in these support sentences, provide a more detailed explanation of the support points. The following sample paragraph adheres to this general structure: Although I didn't like the idea of being in New York City, I decided to attend graduate school there for several important reasons. First, Columbia University allowed for individualization in programming. Perhaps most 19

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