Projects from DTU

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Conceptualization of a device for less harmfull mortar handling Bachelorproject

This bachelor project was made in cooperation with the product development company Lolle & Nielsen. For a explanatory video of the final concept, follow this LINK. The full rapport is available upon request only, since all rights are reserved to the product development company Lolle & Nielsen. All research, analysis, development, drawings, building of models, implementation of methods and documenting were all done by my partner and me. I was responsible for 3d-models, my partner for other graphical design.

The project started with field studies of the end-users and their environment to identify the users needs, make sure the project have the correct focus and that the project will have a business potential. Users and actors from the industry is involved to ensure ca concept is created for their actual needs. Arbejdsblad 67 Skitserelem entform ,sam linger

Extensive field-work, brainstorming, user-involvement, problemsolving, analyzing, is all used in an iterative process to ensure the correct design decisions are made.



Arbejdsblad 36 Vurderingsskem a w orkshop

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