Summer 2013 Southeast Province Newsletter

Page 23

Del t aRho( NOVASout heas t er nUni v) F eedi ngSout hF l or i da

Br ot her sF er nandoBl ancoandF ar enF r enchs or t i ngf ood.

F S Fi saf oodbankt hats or t st hr oughover3mi l l i on poundsoff oodeachmont h.L as tyearal one,t hey s or t edt hr oughover34mi l l i onpoundsoff ood.T hi sf ood i st hengi vent of ooddi s t r i but i oncent er st hr oughoutt he communi t yt ohel pf eedf ami l i est hatar ef ood i ns ecur e.Whi l emos tofuswentt oF S Ft hi nki ngt hat s or t i ngf oods eemedal i t t l es i l l y,It hi nkal l 14ofmy br ot her swhoat t endedt hi seventcameoutwi t hanew appr eci at i onf orwhatt hes ecent er spr ovi deand meant ot hecommuni t y.I naddi t i ont os or t i ngf ood, wewer epl eas ant l ys ur pr i s edwhenwecameacr os s t ubsofmedi cat i ons .Upons or t i ngt hes ei t ems ,my Br ot her sr eal i z edt hatmanyoft hemedi cat i onswer e ex pi r ed.Wewer eabl et oappl yourphar macyknowl edgeandhel pt oeducat et heF S For gani z at i onon

MyDel t aRhoBr ot her s andIpar t i ci pat edi nourf i r s t phi l ant hr opyeventoft he yearatF eedi ngS out hF l or i da. T hePhi l ant hr opyDi r ect orof ourchapt er ,Rachel Comi t o, hasbeenwor ki nghar dt o pr ovi deuswi t hevent st hat openoureyest ot hes t r uggl esoft hos ear oundus .T hi s eventwasnoex cept i on.At F eedi ngS out hF l or i da,anonpr of i tor gani z at i on,we wor kedwi t hot hervol unt eer s t os or tt hr ought ower i ng box esofdonat edf oodand hous ehol di t ems .F r om cannedveget abl est oPop t ar t s ,wewor kedt oget hert o cr eat eanas s embl yl i neand becameaKappaPs i s or t i ng machi ne.Al t hought hi sdoes nots eem l i ket hemos tdi f f i cul tj obt odo,i t ss i gni f i cance s houl dnotbeover s een.

Del t aRhoBr ot her satt hei rf i r s ts er vi cet ot hecommuni t yeventoft hes ummer

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