2024 Fall Program Guide

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We're inviting businesses, organizations, and residents to join the celebration by becoming sponsors for the return of the Kankakee River Valley Regatta over Labor Day Weekend! Sponsorship opportunities start at $150.00. Let your brand be seen at the races!

View the sponsorship brochure at: https://bit.ly/3WonNNX

Dear Community Members,

AsIpreparetostepdownasExecutiveDirector,Iwanttotakeamomentto reflectontheincrediblejourneywe'vesharedoverthepasteightyears It hasbeenanhonortoservethiscommunityandwitnesstheremarkable accomplishmentswe'veachievedtogether.

OnehighlightIamparticularlyexcitedaboutistherevivaloftheKankakee Regatta!Thisiconiceventpromisesthreedaysofexcitementandfun alongthebeautifulbanksoftheKankakeeRiver Iencourageeveryoneto comeout,listentotheroaroftheengines,andenjoyourgreatestnatural asset.TheRegatta’ssuccessisatestamenttoourcommunity’ssupport, thetirelesseffortsofourvolunteers,andthededicationofthecityand parkdistrictstaff.

Whilewebidfarewelltoanothermemorablesummer,Iurgeyouto continueembracingtheoutdoorsandparticipatinginouractivities. Excitingprojectsareunderway,suchastheimprovementsatBirdPark Youcanreadmoreabouttheseenhancementsandwhattoexpectonpage 9ofthisbrochure.TheBirdParkprojecthasbeenmadepossiblethrough thegenerousfundingfromOSLAD(IDNR)andSenatorSims

Thisfall,ourstaffhaslinedupanarrayofnewprogramsandactivities.We proudlysponsoredandhostedourfirst-everpickleballtournament,with allfundsraisedbenefitingtheAlzheimer'sFoundation.InAugust,wehave anotherdrive-inmovieplanned,andinSeptember,wewillhostour inauguralDiscGolfTournament!

WearealsothrilledtowelcomebacktheKankakeeYouthHockeyClub, KankakeeIrish,andONUHockeyClub Forthoseinterestedinhockey,we havepartneredwiththeChicagoBlackhawkstoofferopportunitiestotry thesport Thisyear,wewillalsohostourfirsthockeytournament Evenif you’renotdirectlyinvolved,Iencourageyoutostopbyandcheeronour teams.

Aswetransitionintowinter,wewillwrapupthefallwithourspecialTree ofHonor,aheartfelttraditionthatcelebratesourcommunityspirit

Thankyouforyourunwaveringsupportandparticipation.Ihopeyouhave enjoyedallthatwehaveaccomplishedtogether Ithasbeenaprivilegeto serveasyourExecutiveDirector


Dayna J. Heitz Executive Director dheitz@kvpd com

David Freeman Attorney, Robbins- Schwartz

Melissa Woodard Superintendent of Business mwoodard@kvpd com

Lisa Krenkel Superintendent of Recreation lkrenkel@kvpd.com

Angie Pace-Tousignant

Marketing Manager/ Director of Figure Skating atousignant@kvpd.com

Zach Mullady Facility Manager (Ice Valley and Splash Valley) Hockey Director zmullady@kvpd.com

Aaron Denton Athletic Manager adenton@kvpd com

Rick Collins Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds rdc@kvpd.com

Kevin Butler Building Maintenance Manager


Board Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:00 pm in the Bird Park Meeting Room, located at 893 W. Station St., Kankakee. Residents are invited to attend to make suggestions or comments to help us improve the programs and facilities we offer. Scheduled meetings are posted on our website at www.kvpd.com.

James Barkus Grounds Maintenance Manager

DaveSkelly President

Email: DetdSkelly@yahoo.com

Email: DPalmer@kvpdcom

JamesFrey Secretary

Email: JFrey@kvpd.com DonPamler VicePresident

MichaelMatthews Treasurer

Email: MMatthews@kvpdcom

RaymondEads Commissioner

Email: REads@kvpdcom

Administrative Office

Our office is located on the corner of Wall Street and Court Street at 893 W Station St , Kankakee Office hours are MondayFriday, 8:30 am–4:30 pm The office will be closed for the following holidays:



Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday, November 11, 2024

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Friday, November 29, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Park District Admin Office

Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena

KVPD Rec Center

Splash Valley Aquatic Park Park District Website

Park District Email

Park District Board

(815) 939-1311

(815) 939-1946


(815) 401-5977

www kvpd com

info@kvpd com

Board Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:00 pm in the Bird Park Meeting Room, located at 893 W Station St , Kankakee Residents are invited to attend to make suggestions or comments to help us improve the programs and facilities we offer A full schedule can be found at www kvpd com

Refund Policy

1 Full refunds will be issued for any program cancelled by the Park District

2 Filling out a refund request does not guarantee a refund

3 Participants may request refunds for programs up to three business days before the program's first meeting In athletic programs and leagues, the program is considered to begin with its first practice

4 Refunds will be issued via check within 10-14 business days once approved or by credit card if applicable

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Kankakee Valley Park District aims to provide inclusive and equal access for all residents to participate in parks, recreation facilities, programs and services; and is intent to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act The district will strive to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities The Kankakee Valley Park District is a member agency of the River Valley Special Recreation Association, that provides year round recreation, leisure and life skill activities

The Kankakee Valley Park District takes pictures at its parks, programs and special events for publicity purposes. Please be aware while visiting parks or attending KVPD programs, pictures of you and your family may be taken and used for publicity purposes without notification or compensation

Waivers of Liability

To participate in any Kankakee Valley Park District programs, you must sign a waiver releasing the Park District of any liability

Lost and Found

Items left at Park District programs or events will be kept at the Park District Administrative Office Items can be retrieved during regular business hours Items will be kept for 30 days and then donated


The Kankakee Valley Park District is expanding our educational and recreational programs If you have a particular skill, have an idea for a new program or are qualified to teach various recreational or educational programs, please call (815) 939-1311.


The Kankakee Valley Park District does not provide medical insurance coverage for individuals who participate in our programs or use our facilities To do so would make programs and user fees cost-prohibitive

NSF Checks & Convenience Fee

A $35 service charge will be assesed on all checks returned due to insufficient funds

Effective September 1, 2022, a 4% convenience fee will be assessed on all credit/debit card transactions All credit/debit transactions must be greater than $1 00

Notice of Possible Change in Guide Listing

The policies, procedures, requirements, programs, fees and facility availability contained in this Brochure Guide represent Park District program and policies at the time of publication Sometimes changes in the programs (including fees, locations, times, etc ) and policies are necessary after the Brochure Guide publication but prior to program commencement or facility operation While we try to have something for everyone, if you find an error consider it put there for a reason Someone is always looking for a mistake

Program/Class Deadlines

The Kankakee Valley Park District prohibits discrimination in all its programs, events and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status

Definition of Residency

Not all county residents are residents of the Kankakee Valley Park District Anyone living within the geographic boundaries of the Kankakee Valley Park District is considered a resident Kankakee Valley Park District residents, via property taxes, make financial contributions to the operation of the park system Non-residents are charged higher fees for some programs and events than residents to compensate for property tax disparity

Residents of Kankakee township and Aroma township are considered residents of the Kankakee Valley Park District We will check your tax bill for your township and look at the line items, of which one should say Kankakee Valley Park District If the Kankakee Valley Park District is listed as a line item, you are paying tax to the District and therefore a resident

Those who are not residents of the Kankakee Valley Park District and would like to be may receive all the privileges of belonging to the KVPD by paying the equivalent of Park District taxes annually This membership allows for priority registrations, pool passes, and any other services provided to our residents at the resident rate.

Please try to register early for classes to ensure the success of a program For most programs, a decision will be made 3 days before a class is scheduled to begin Registering at the last minute may mean that the program has already been cancelled If you miss a deadline, please call (815) 939-1311 to see if there has been an extension

River Run Dog Park Code of Conduct

Our FREE off-leash dog park has two separate enclosed areas so that large and small dogs can run and play independently with other breeds of a similar size and ability level A dog is considered “small” if they are under 35 pounds Important to note that not all dogs fall into the “small” or “large” category Large puppies, senior dogs or ones with disabilities may feel more secure in the smaller dog area Owners should be encouraged to make the decision based on not only their dog's weight, but by their socialization level and ability Please review our Code of Contact online at www kvpd com

Parent Code of Conduct

I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for players, coaches, and officials at every game and practice I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win

I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment

I will require that my child’s coach be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach

I will remember that the game is for youth – not adults

I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child

I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.

I agree with these rules and understand that the Kankakee Valley Park District, partners, clubs, affiliate sponsors, have adopted a Zero –Tolerance Policy and that not abiding by these rules may restrict me from attending future games and practices

Participant Code of Conduct

Participants are always expected to exhibit appropriate behavior. The following guidelines have been developed to assist in making Park District programs safe and enjoyable for all participants Additional rules may be developed for specific programs and athletic leagues as deemed necessary by staff Participants shall:

1 Show respect to all participants and staff, while taking direction from staff

2 Refrain from using abusive or foul language

3 Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants or staff

4 Show respect for equipment, supplies and facilities

A positive approach will be used regarding discipline

Staff will periodically review rules with participants during the program session If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt resolution will be sought, specific to each individual situation. The Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant whose behavior endangers the safety of himself/herself or others

Register HOW TO


You may register in person at any of our locations during business hours. Please check out website for each facilities hours.


Call us at one of our locations to register over the phone for programs and events All phone registrations require payment at the time of registering See page 6 for a list of facility phone numbers


Prior to registering online, you must set up a household account. Visit www.kvpd.com, click "Register Online" and click "Log In/Create Account". Once your account is created, you may search the online catalogue for programming and events. Click the program you want to register for and follow the directions. All online registrations require payment at the time of registering.







KVPD Facilities

Bird Park Administrative Office

Located at 893 W Station St in Kankakee

The Administrative Offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Bird Park includes a meeting room, two pavilions, a playground, the Don Palzer Bandshell, Bird Park Quarry Building and a boat launch The office is closed on major holidays

In the heart of downtown Kankakee, the KVPD Rec Center is the premier gymnasium space in Kankakee Located at 150 N Indiana Ave. in Kankakee, the KVPD Rec Center features a gym with seating for 600, classrooms and the Charlton Room, an exquisite space for your next party

Imagine a sunny afternoon filled with standup comedians making you laugh out loud or a night out in the soft air of the evening surrounded by music The KVPD's Don Palzer Bandshell can make these and more possibilities a reality! Located on the north side of Bird Park (893 W Station St in Kankakee) For more details and rental information, please call (815) 939-1311

Valley Centre Ice Arena

Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena is the "coolest" place in Kankakee County! Located at 1601 River Rd in Kankakee, the arena features an NHL regulation sized rink, four meeting rooms and the Breakaway Cafe The arena is host to various events throughout the year, including youth and college hockey games,figure skating competitions, ice shows, camps, clinics, special events and more! LiveBarn is available for a subscription fee. For more information, visit www icevalleycentre com

The KVPD's 2 acre dog park provides our canine companions a safe area to exercise and play off-leash Additionally it gives dog lovers an opportunity to socialize while their dogs interact A new parking lot was installed in 2022 The park includes a divided fenced area for small and large dogs, parking close to the site, shade trees, and trash cans Dog Park is located at River Road Park; turn at the River Road Softball Complex and follow along to the River. The River Run Dog Park is on the left

Softball leagues bloom in the spring and carry on through the fall in three sessions at River Road Softball Complex Located at 1895 River Rd in Kankakee, these fields are available for private rentals, corporate outings, family reunions, and birthday parties The Sports Complex features a concession stand, score box, playground and bathrooms and is conveniently located by the campground, dog park, ice rink and water park LiveBarn is available for a subscription fee

This campground is conveniently located adjacent to Kankakee River, boat launch, Pirate Ship Playground, walking trail, Dog Park, and River Road Sports Complex in Kankakee 12 tent sites and 12 RV sites available along with two new showers and dump station located by the community water spickets (to connect the water hose, just remove the hose once the RV/ trailer reserve of water is full) Open May-October each year Make sure to check out our new playground on site!

Splash Valley Aquatic Park is your destination for summer fun in Kankakee County! Located at 1850 River Rd in Kankakee, the park features one closed body slide, one open body slide and one open tube slides, our famous children's Froggy slide, water troughs, children's play features in zero depth water, two sand volleyball courts, fully stocked concessions stand and large pool with lap lanes Visit our website at www splashvalley com for all the latest news

$250depositrequiredonallpavilionrentals. Norentalsonmajorholidays. NobouncehousesallowedonKVPDproperty. Noalcoholpermittedwithinourparks. Noparkingonthegrass. RentalsareavailableApril-October. Pavilionrentalsareavailablefromdawnto dusk.

Amenities Key

G = Grill P = Porta Potty E = Electricity

Bird Park 1 Bird Park 2

Goselin Park

Legion Park

McBroom Park

Old Fair Park

Pioneer Park

Potawatomi Park


Railroad Bridge Park

1605 Cobb Blvd Kankakee Capacity: 90

Rental Fee: Res: $200 Non-Res: $240

Fee: $450

Bird Park Meeting Room Bird Park Meeting Room

893 W Station St Kankakee

Capacity: 60 (No Kitchen)

Rental Fee: Res: $150 Non-Res: $180

Fee: $450

Charlton Room Charlton Room

150 N Indiana Ave Kankakee Capacity: 120

Rental Fee: Call for details!

Fee: $500

803 S 8th Ave Kankakee (No air cond ) Capacity: 300

Rental Fee: Res: $500 (Sun-Thurs), $600 (Fri-Sat)

Goselin Park Goselin Park

300 Bridge St Aroma Park Capacity: 60

Rental Fee: Res: $200 Non-Res: $240

Fee: $450 Civic Auditorium Civic Auditorium

Jeffers Park Jeffers Park

221 W Water St Kankakee Capacity: 30

Rental Fee: Res: $150 Non-Res: $180

Fee: $450

Pioneer Park Pioneer Park

750 N Hobbie Ave Kankakee Capacity: 120

Rental Fee: Res: $250 Non-Res: $300

Fee: $450

150 N Indiana Ave Kankakee Capacity: Call for details! Rental Fee: Call for details!

Fee: Call for details!



Wehave12tentsitesand12RVsiteswith5ofthembeingpullthrough RVsites comewitha30-ampelectrichookup Amenitiesincludeplayground,firepits,picnic tables,port-o-lets,acommondumpstationandcommunitywatersupply connection (Hosemustberemovedoncethereserveisfull)Petsarewelcomedbut muststayonleash ThiscampgroundisconvenientlylocatedadjacenttoKankakee River,boatlaunch,PiratePlayground,walkingtrail,DogPark,andRiverRoadSports Complex SplashValley(seasonalhours)andIceValleyIceArenaareashort distanceaway.

Minimalcampsuppliesavailableonsiteforpurchase.Furthersuppliesonlyashort driveaway(Wal-MartandDollarTree).Check-insbeginat2:00pmwithacheckout timeof12:00pm.Overthephone&onlinereservationswillrequireacreditcardOnsitehostsonlyacceptCASH.

DuetocurrentCOVID-19restrictions, onlythe followingbuildingsareavailableforrentalsat thistime:

-BirdParkMeetingRoom -JeffersPark -GoselinPark

803 S 8th Ave

N 6th Ave & N 5th Ave

807 W Vanmeter St

Fair St & N Harrison Ave

S 6th Ave & W Merchant St

Cobb Blvd & S Osborn

N Schuyler Ave & E Mullberry St

Pirates Park

River Rd & S 1500 E Rd

248 N 4000 E Rd

N Hobbie Ave & E Oak St

Water St & S 8th Ave

Webster Circle & Laurel St

N Entrance Ave & W Chestnut St


The Kankakee Valley Park District is home to 33 parks in Kankakee, Sun River Terrace and Aroma Park. All parks operated by the Kankakee Valley Park District are open 365 days a year from dawn to dusk. Whether you enjoy biking, walking, playing, or running, our parks have fun for everyone! Amenities include playgrounds, pavilions, restrooms (seasonally), boat access and more! No parking on the grass at the parks please Alcohol is prohibited Please pick up after your pets Parks are open from dawn to dusk

Mayor RJ Bailey Park N WIllow Pike & E Main Pike

American Sign Language Mom/Dad and Me!

Interested in learning the basics of American Sign Language or communicating with your young child through signing? Join us from the the comfort and convenience of your living room as you learn to sign in a fun, interactive and lively environment. Each session covers new material. Taught live on the Zoom platform. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class For ages 3-7 with Adult *No class on November 27.

Sept 11-Oct 16

Oct 23 -Dec 4

Learn to Sign

Interested in learning the basics of American Sign Language or communicating with your young child through signing? Join us from the the comfort and convenience of your living room as you learn to sign in a fun, interactive and lively environment Each session covers new material. Taught live on the Zoom platform. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. For ages 7-12 *No class on November 27.

I Speak Italian

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Italian language via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class *No class on November 27.

Ages 7-11

Sept 11-Oct 16 Oct 23-Dec 4

Ages 13+

I-Speak Spanish

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Spanish language via the interactive Zoom platform! Younger children will learn conversational Spanish through fun and interactive activities and music while older children will also learn some Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in Spanish Each session covers new material Taught live by a Language in Action,Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class *No class on October 31 and November 28.

I-Speak Italian, Jr.

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Italian languages via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material Taught live by a Language in Action,Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before their first class. For ages 3-6. *No class on November 27.

Sep t 11-Oct 16

Oct 23-Dec 4

Sept 7-Oct 12

Sept 12-Oct 17

Sept 16-Oct 21

Oct 19-Nov 23

Oct. 24-Dec. 12

Oct 28-Dec 2

Dec 7-Jan 11

Dec 9-Jan 13

8:30-9:15 am 5:00-5:45 pm 5:00-5:45 pm 8:30-9:15 am 5:00-5:45 pm 5:00-5:45 pm 8:30-9:15 am 5:00-5:45 pm

Vamonos Youth Spanish

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Spanish lan- guage via the interactive Zoom platform! Younger children will learn conversational Span- ish through fun and interactive activities and music while older children will also learn some Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in Spanish Each session covers new material Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class For ages 7-11 *No class on Oct. 31 and Nov. 28.

Sept. 7-Oct. 12

Sept 12-Oct 17

Sept. 16-Oct. 21

Oct 19-Nov 23

Oct 24-Dec 12

Oct. 28-Dec. 2

Dec 7-Jan 11

Dec. 9-Jan. 13

Middle School Spanish

9:30-10:15 am

6:15-7:00 pm

5:30-6:15 pm

9:30-10:15 am 6:15-7:00 pm

5:30-6:15 pm 9:30-10:15 am 5:30-6:15 pm

Sept. 4

I Speak French

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the French language via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. For ages 7-11.

Sept. 16-Oct. 21 Oct 28-Dec 2 5:00-5:45 pm 5:00-5:45 pm

I-Speak Japanese

Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Japanese lan- guage via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new and exciting material! Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc instructor Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. For ages 7-11. Sept 10-Oct 15 Oct 22-Nov 26

Tiny Tigers

This high energy class covers coordination skills, focus, safety, and self respect in a fun, safe atmosphere For age 4-6! Classes are held at Lemners Soo Bahk Do 485 W. Broadway in Bradley and taught by certified Soo Bahk Do instructors.


Kid Confidence

This high energy class covers coordination skills, focus, basic martial arts skills, safety, and self respect in a fun, safe atmosphere

For ages 7-12. Classes held at Lemners Soo Bahk Do 485 W. Broadway in Bradley


This class is a great supplement to middle school or junior high Spanish classes or may also be taken by students not currently enrolled in a school Spanish class Students will learn Spanish grammar and communication skills that will give them a strong foundation for high school Spanish. Classes are taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class For grades 6th-8th

Sept. 10-Oct.

Vintage Crafts

Join for a few hours of fun as we do some DIY projects and hands on crafts Each month, we will create a new project with our Recreation staff Release your inner creativity and makes new friends at our Vintage Crafts sessions!

For ages 40+ All classes meet at the Bird Park Quarry Building, located at Bird Park (893 W. Station St. in Kankakee). Pre-registration is required. No walk ins please!

Aug 7

Sept 4

Oct. 2

Nov 6

Dec 4

10:00 am-12:00 pm

10:00 am-12:00 pm

10:00 am-12:00 pm

10:00 am-12:00 pm

10:00 am-12:00 pm

Active Adults Bingo

Happiness is yelling BINGO! If your 40+ and enjoy Bingo, then you will want to mark your calendars! Come join us for a morning of fun games and conversation. We're playing dime bingo games that include a few special prize games Coffee will be provided Participants may bring snacks

Bingo meets on the 4th Wednesday each month at the Bird Park Quarry Building, located at Bird Park (801 W Station St in Kankakee) Walk ins welcomed! Sponsored by Berkots *Please note: this week is changed due to the holidays

Aug 28

Sept 25

Oct 23

Nov 20*

Dec. 18* 10:00 am-12:00 pm 10:00 am-12:00 pm 10:00

Young at Heart Card Club

Got a soft spot for a rousing game of canasta, rummy or pinochle? Whether you're a card shark or just getting started, swing by our cozy Young at Heart Card Club for a delightful afternoon of cards, banter, and good vibes. All ages are welcome to join the fun at the KVPD Rec Center (150 N Indiana Ave in Kankakee) *Please note: this week is changed due to the holidays.

Aug 21

Sept 18

Oct 16

Nov. 13*

Dec 11*

am-12:00 pm

Learn A Language

Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language, but never had the opportunity? Now is the time! Stay connected and learn a new language from the safety and comfort of your own home via the interactive Zoom platform! Classes will be tailored to the needs of the students enrolled. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class


Sept. 7-Oct. 12

Sept 10-Oct 15

Sept 11-Oct 16

Oct 19-Nov 23

Oct 22-Nov 26

Oct. 23-Dec. 4

Dec 2-Jan 6

Dec 2-Jan 6 Dec 7-Jan 11



Sept 11-Oct 16 Oct 23-Dec 4


10-Oct. 15 Oct 22-Nov

POUND Fitness

Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements Using Ripstix , lightly weighted drumsticks engineered specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out

Designed for all fitness levels, POUND provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin' out! This workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals to rockstars of all ages and abilities

Taught by Veronica Featherstone Class will meet at the KVPD Rec Center (150 N Indiana Ave in Kankakee)

Come and enjoy the amazing colors of fall as we sojourn to Southeastern Wisconsin for a day of fun, apple picking, and shopping! Apple Holler is a working farm renowned for its fresh produce that you can pick and taste as you walk the 76-acre property. There will be plenty of time to wander, grab lunch at the restaurant, and even feed the goats! After lunch, we will visit the famous Mars Cheese Castle for more shopping and enjoyment. Transportation and an Orchard Pass with a bag for picking are included in the program fee. Please note that Apple Holler does not allow outside food onto their farm; bring cash or card to purchase snacks, lunch and souvenirs.

In partnership with the Bourbonnais Township Park District.

The trip departs and returns from/to the Bird Park Quarry Building, located at 893 W Station St in Kankakee or the Exploration Station at Perry Farm, located 1095 Perry St. in Bourbonnais. For all ages. Please note: Registration will open for this trip on August 12.

Miracle on 34th St.

Join us at Myers Dinner Theater for lunch and a show! We will be seeing the renowned classic Miracle on 34th St and enjoying a spectacular buffet-style lunch that offers salads, 2-3 entrée options, 4 sides, and dessert. There will be time to explore the theater (hint: check out the restrooms!) and enjoy some shopping in their gift shop Trip Fee includes transportation, show ticket, lunch, gratuity and taxes

In partnership with the Bourbonnais Township Park District

The trip departs and returns from/to the Bird Park Quarry Building, located at 893 W Station St in Kankakee or the Exploration Station at Perry Farm, located 1095 Perry St. in Bourbonnais. For all ages. Please note: Registration will open for this trip on August 12.

Come with us as we take you to a day full of fun to Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo, Michigan! With over 3,000 of your favorite slot machines, FWC is a guaranteed great time. Get lucky with poker, slots and table games Transportation is provided!

The trip departs and returns from/to the Bird Park Quarry Building, located at 893 W. Station St. in Kankakee. For ages 21+. Your fees include transportation, $15 instant slot credit and $10 food credit

Apple Holler & Mars Cheese Castle
Four Winds Casino

Little Mermaid at Drury Lane

The Little Mermaid is a classic musical tale pitting the forces of good versus evil and will be performed live at the incomparable Drury Lane Theater in Oak Brook Terrace, IL Before the show, we will enjoy an extravagant three-course meal featuring several scrumptious options, coffee, tea, water, and a tasty dessert Make sure to register early, this one is sure to sell out quickly! Trip fee includes transportation, lunch, dessert, all taxes, gratuity, and show ticket. A cash bar is available for alcoholic drinks and soda.

In partnership with the Bourbonnais Township Park District

The trip departs and returns from/to the Bird Park Quarry Building, located at 893 W. Station St. in Kankakee or the Exploration Station at Perry Farm, located 1095 Perry St in Bourbonnais For all ages Please note: Registration will open for this trip on August 12.

A Dickens Christmas Carol

Dickens’ Christmas Carol Dinner Show is a fast-paced 70-minute salute to A Christmas Carol Join us for a fun day out at the Theatre at the Center stage in Munster, Indiana!

The trip departs and returns from/to the Bird Park Quarry Building, located at 893 W Station St in Kankakee For all ages Your trip fees include transportation, lunch and performance ticket


Did you know that participating in sports and joining leagues as an adult can have a multitude of benefits? Engaging in sports and leagues helps you stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's a fun way to get your heart pumping, build strength, and improve your overall fitness. Joining a sports league as an adult opens up opportunities to meet new people and make lasting friendships. You'll be part of a team, supporting and encouraging each other both on and off the field. Let's not forget the sheer enjoyment and excitement that sports and leagues bring! They provide a break from the daily grind, allowing you to have fun, be competitive, and unleash your inner athlete.

So, why wait? Lace up those sneakers, grab your gear, and join a sports league today! Experience the incredible benefits of sports as an adult and embrace a healthier, happier, and more connected lifestyle.

Fall Adult Softball Leagues

The change in the weather means it's time for Fall Slow Pitch Softball at the River Road Sports Complex! Teams will play 8 regular season games followed by a double elimination tournament. Each team will play a double header each night

Outdoor Recreational Pickleball League

Brace yourselves for a pickleball showdown at Beckman Park! We're turning up the heat on our indoor pickleball open play and transforming it into a thrilling league event where dynamic duos will battle it out in an electrifying atmosphere Get ready for 8 heart-pounding games across 4 weeks, leading up to a nail-biting single elimination tournament!

Grab your partner because this league is all about doubles actionwhether you're an all-ladies team or a mixed-gender duo, everyone's welcome to join the fun! Oh, and did we mention? Each player gets their hands on a snazzy KVPD Pickleball Shirt So, if you're all about the recreational pickleball life, this league is your jam!

League will take place at the Beckman Park Pickleball Courts, located at Cobb Blvd and S Osborn in Kankakee

4 vs. 4 Sand Volleyball League

Get ready to bring the heat! Grab your buddies and dive into the action with our Coed 4 vs 4 Sand Volleyball League! Enjoy four weeks of intense matches and a thrilling single elimination tournament. Each team will compete in two games per evening showdown

All the action will go down at the Splash Valley Aquatic Park Sand Volleyball Courts, right at 1850 River Rd. in Kankakee.

Sand Spikeball

Spike ball is a team sport played by two teams of two players Opposing teams’ line up across from each other with the Spike ball net in the center Once the ball is served, players can move anywhere they want The object of the game is to hit the ball into the net so that the opposing team cannot return it! 4 weeks of regular season play followed by a single elimination tournament. All teams will play a double header each night

All the action will go down at the Splash Valley Aquatic Park Sand Volleyball Courts, right at 1850 River Rd. in Kankakee.

23-Sept 20

Indoor Coed Volleyball

Bump, set, spike! Gather your friends and join us for our Fall and Winter Coed Volleyball League! Competitive and Recreational Co-Ed Volleyball leagues! Fall League features five weeks of regular season play followed by a single elimination tournament Teams will play two games per night Winter League features nine weeks of regular season play followed by a single elimination tournament. Teams will play two games per night.

Games will be played at the KVPD Rec Center, located at 150 N Indiana Ave. in Kankakee. *No games on November 27-28.


OpenGym Pickleball Leagues RentalSpace

Located at 150 N Indiana Ave, in downtown Kankakee, the Rec Center offers a full gymnasium with open gym for youth, teens, adults and family time The Charlton Room seats 128 people banquet style or 200 people theater style and offers a full use kitchen This multipurpose room can be used for meetings, baby showers, wedding receptions, retirement parties, corporate events, seminars and so much more! The Rec Center hosts many rentals throughout the year, including soccer and basketball practices, acupuncture, fundraisers and more.



Classroom comes with tables and chairs with a capacity of 32 people. Great for small meetings or gathering events


harlton Banquet Room can ccommodate up to 120 uests with tables and chairs, /C, full kitchen and small age Great for small edding receptions, bridal nd baby showers, birthday arties, graduations and amily reunions.


KVPD Rec Center has a ull athletic gym set up or basketball and olleyball activities with he availability to split he gym with a divider for dual playing The gym can ccommodate 600 people n bleacher style seats

Get in from the cold and complete your daily steps during our free Indoor Walking times!

Monday - Friday 9:00-11:00 am

Strollers welcomed! Begins October 15.

Ping Pong Open Play

Table tennis is an Olympic and world championship sport utilizing a ball and paddle, played on a flat table divided into two equal courts by a net fixed across its width at the middle The lightweight hollow ball is volleyed back and forth across the net by small paddles held by the players It can be played as a singles or doubles game Beginners and advanced players of all ages are welcome! *No Open Play on November 5, December 24 and December 31.

Pickleball Open Gym

Grab a paddle: We've got the hottest new game for you to add to your list of winter activities It's called pickleball And in case you missed it, it's everywhere these days! This fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, all wrapped up in one fun game! Saturday Open Gym is for all ages. Senior Open Gym is for ages 55+ Adult Open Gym is for ages 18+ Limited paddles available Walk ins welcomed! *No Open Play on November 5, December 24 and December 31.

Homeschool Open Gym

Try your hand at floor hockey, floor scooters basketball, volleyball and pickleball during our Homeschool Open Gym. This exclusive time is available for all homeschool families Toys will be available for our younger tots to play with as well! *No Homeschool Gym on November 29.

First Responders Open Gym

A special time for our First Responders! Get your morning started on Fridays with a pickup basketball game. For ages 18+. All gym sessions are open to 40 players with a minimum of 10. Walk ins welcomed! *No Open Gym on November 29.

Family Open Gym

Bring the family together at one of our open gym sessions! This pickup basketball game time is open to ages 13 and up All gym sessions are open to 40 players with a minimum of 10 Walk ins welcomed!

OpenSwim SwimLessons BirthdayParties

Closing for the season August 18.

Newly reopened in 2021, Splash Valley Aquatic Park is your destination for summer fun in Kankakee County! Featuring one closed body slide, two open tube slides, our famous children's Froggy slide, water troughs, children's play features in zero depth water, two sand volleyball courts, fully stocked concessions stand and large pool with lap lanes Be on the lookout for a jam packed schedule of special events and daily activities Visit our website at www splashvalley com for all the up-to-date information for your splash-tastic summer at Splash Valley Aquatic Park!

Weekendsonly 12:00-5:00pm August5-9 4:00-8:00pm POST SEASON HOURS August10-11,17-18

Mondays and Wednesdays only from 6:00-8:00 pm 48"andunder Over48"


Proper swim wear must be worn! No cut-offs or gym shorts of any type will be permitted. Swim trunks must have a lining. Street Clothing will not be allowed in the water. Failure to wear proper swimwear will result in expulsion from the park without a refund.

Highly trained and certified staff are on duty for your safety. Lifeguards are responsible for enforcing safety rules and for responding to emergencies.

Children ages 11 and under will not be allowed into the Aquatic Park without a parent/guardian 16 years or older

All children who are not toilet trained must wear tight fitting swim trunks over swim diapers.

No inflatable toys, water wings, kickboards or fins are allowed in the facility. All flotation devices must be U.S. Coast Guard approved.

No outside food, drink or coolers are allowed. One seal bottle of water per person only. Guests may enjoy outside food outside of the park in our designated picnic area.

Food and drink may be purchased at the Lily Pad Cafe and are permitted in the outdoor corral deck area only.

No smoking or vaping inside the park.

Splash Valley Aquatic Park reserves the right to close the entire Aquatic Park, or portions thereof, under the following conditions:

There is a threat of violent weather or lightning is sighted.

The air temperature is below 69 degrees. There is a low attendance

There is a mechanical breakdown

The chemistry for the water is not up to acceptable health standards

There’s any situation that would jeopardize the health or safety of the Aquatic Park patrons.

Management reserves the right to close the facility whenever it is deemed in the best interest of Splash Valley.


A day at Splash Valley Aquatic Park is a camper's dream come true! Dive into fun and beat the heat during our special camp sessions.

Camp reservations are available on Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. A minimum of 25 campers is required. $8 per camper, pre-registration is required.




Rainchecks will ONLY be provided to those paying a daily rate. If lightning is spotted or inclement weather occurs, the pool will be cleared but will remain open 30 minutes to determine if the weather will improve. If additional lightning sightings occur, we must wait 30 minutes from the last sighting before opening again. A rain check will be offered to paying customers if the pool remains closed after 1 hour. A rain check will only be issued to person(s) who have paid the daily admission fee. The rain check must be used by the end of the season. Rain checks will not be offered if inclement weather happens after 4 pm on regular scheduled days or after 3 pm on holiday hours. Patrons should report to the admission area for a rain check and further details



Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena is a family fun zone as well as a competitive ice arena, featuring an NHL rink, Breakaway Cafe, and four private party/meeting rooms. The arena offers programming for advanced and beginner skaters alike, including; Learn to Skate USA dult hockey classes, sessions The arena r and offers birthday opportunities, Boy nd more!

An exclusive time for our Homeschool Families! Homeschool Skates run from September through May each year on the first Friday of each month. $8 per person (includes skates!) Skate walkers are available for a fee of $5

Freestyle Ice is a practice session for figure skaters. The jump harness may be used during this time by one of our trained on staff coaches All 30 minute slots are sold on the half hour at $10 per half hour. Max 20 skaters per session. Please visit our website at www icevalleycentre com for each month’s schedule.

lass can be so “cool” with a d trip to Ice Valley Centre!

skating fun with customized add ons ns, hockey themed field trips, food and preschools, day cares, camps, home ary through high school classes, your basic skills of skating during this fun package includes a safety lesson with lified instructors Package A includes ental for each skater, as well as a hot per person. Package B includes skate per person as well as a chip and drink C includes skate rental and admission per person.

All Ages

Mon , Wed , Fri 9:30 am - 11:30 am 1:00-2:30 pm


Ice Valley Centre is proud to offer Learn to Skate USA classes for the beginner skater and the advancing skater alike! Learning to skate is easy and fun! It requires a little determination, a lot of practice and no fear of falling. Before you know it, your skater will be gliding around, forward and backwards, able to show off to your family and friends what they can do Whether their goal is to learn to go backwards, land a Salchow, spin really fast, do a graceful arabesque or even land a triple axel, we’ve got just the place for them to start!

Our coaching staff are professional members of Learn to Skate USA and strive to make our skater's experiences in skating memorable ones! With experience in Group Lessons, Freestyle, Skating Skills (Moves in the Field) Pairs and more, our well rounded staff have your skating needs covered.

Proud Member of Learn to Skate USA

Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena has been a proud member of Learn to USA since 2005. The Learn to Skate USA program is endorsed by U.S. Figure Skating, USA Hockey and US Speedskating. All skaters in the Learn to Skate USA program are required to purchase a Learn to Skate USA membership once per season. This membership, valid July 1 - June 30 each skating season, may be purchased at www.learntoskateusa.com. Please assign your skater to Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena when asked which program you are joining. Memberships must be valid by the first day of class

Ice Explorers

Explore the wonderful world of ice skating in this introductory class for our youngest skaters ages 2-4! Spend 30 minutes with our instructors playing on and off the ice, singing songs and getting comfortable in skates! This class is perfect for those hesitant new skaters. Please note: the first day of class will be strictly off ice.

All weekly classes are 30 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included A helmet and 2024-2025 Learn to Skate USA Membership is required. *No classes November 26 and 30.

Sept 10-Oct 22

Sept 14-Oct 26

Oct 29-Dec 17

Nov. 2-Dec. 21

Jan 7-Feb 18

Jan 11-Feb 22

Little Blades 1-4

am 5:45-6:15 pm 10:00-10:30 am 5:45-6:15 pm 10:00-10:30 am

This unique and fun-filled class teaches the fundamentals of skating to children ages 3-5 Each week, skaters will learn basic balance and skating skills in a themed environment. While incorporating age appropriate on ice activities, skaters will develop the coordination and strength necessary to maneuver on the ice independently

All weekly classes are 45 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included A helmet and Learn to Skate USA Membership are required *No classes November 26 and 30.

Sept. 10-Oct. 22

Sept 14-Oct 26

Oct 29-Dec 17

Nov. 2-Dec.

Basic 1

For the beginner skater! No skating experience required Skills taught include Basic skating skills such as falling down, standing up, gliding, snowplow stops and swizzles will be introduced. Prerequisite class for Hockey Academy.

For ages 6-12 All weekly classes are 45 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included. A helmet is highly recommended. A Learn to Skate USA Membership is required. *No classes November 26 and 30.

Sept 10-Oct 22

Sept 14-Oct 26

Oct. 29-Dec. 17 Nov 2-Dec 21 Jan 7-Feb 18

Jan. 11-Feb. 22

Basic 2

5:45-6:30 pm 10:00-10:45 am 5:45-6:30 pm 10:00-10:45 am

For skaters who have successfully passed Basic 1 Skaters will continue to learn the basics of ice skating while beginning basic backward skating skills.

For ages 6-12 All weekly classes are 45 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included A helmet is highly recommended A Learn to Skate USA Membership is required. *No classes November 26 and 30.

Sept 10-Oct 22

Sept 14-Oct 26

Oct. 29-Dec. 17 Nov 2-Dec 21

Jan 7-Feb 18

Jan. 11-Feb. 22

10:45-11:30 am 5:45-6:30 pm 10:45-11:30 am


AGES 2-5 AGES 6-12 AGES 13+


Basic 3 + 4

For skaters who have successfully passed Basic 2 In this combined class, skaters will learn in this level beginning stroking, half swizzle pumps, backward one foot glides and backward snowplow stops.

For ages 6-12 All weekly classes are 45 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included A Learn to Skate USA Membership is required. Skaters who have successfully passed Basic 3 will be eligible to join The Academy, a two day a week skating program for the advancing skater *No classes November 26 and 30.

Sept 10-Oct 22

Sept. 14-Oct. 26

Oct 29-Dec 17

Nov 2-Dec 21

Jan. 7-Feb. 18 Jan 11-Feb 22

Basic 5-6

5:45-6:30 pm 10:45-11:30 am 5:45-6:30 pm 10:45-11:30 am 5:45-6:30 pm 10:45-11:30 am

In this combined class, skaters will be introduced to advanced backward skating including backward edges and backward crossovers as well as new turns, jumps and spins Skaters who successfully pass Basic 6 will move on to the Kankakee Figure Skating Academy or Advanced Freeskate class.

All weekly classes are 45 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included A helmet and Learn to Skate USA Membership is required. *No classes November 26 and 30.

Sept 10-Oct 22

Sept 14-Oct 26

Oct. 29-Dec. 17

Nov 2-Dec 21

Jan 7-Feb 18

Jan 11-Feb 22

Adults 1-6

This program introduces the beginner adult skater to the basics of skating As skaters advance, new and exciting skills such as jumps, spins, footwork and artistic elements will be introduced. This class also promotes physical fitness and improves balance and coordination while learning proper skating techniques Divided into six levels, adult skaters will progress at an individual rate while being challenged and motivated.

For ages 13+ All weekly classes are 45 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included A Learn to Skate USA Membership is required. *No classes November 30.

Sept. 14-Oct. 26

Nov 2-Dec 21

Jan 11-Feb 22

For skaters who have successfully passed Basic 5 and 6 Begin your journey with the Freeskate curriculum during our Advanced Freeskate class! Skaters will work at their own pace to progress through the levels, beginning with Pre-Freeskate. For skaters ages 6-17 years old

All weekly classes are 45 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included. A helmet and Learn to Skate USA Membership are required *No classes November 30.

Sept 14-Oct 26

Nov. 2-Dec. 21

Jan 11-Feb 22

Th K k k Fi ure Skating Academy

my is designed to teach skating skills at ace in a small group environment. This k training program will provide with a variety of on ice skating ion as well as the opportunity to evelop further mastery of their skills y working in a semi-private or small oup This class is perfect for anyone g to perform in ice shows, compete, w disciplines in figure skating or wanting e through the levels quicker

Jumpin’ with Jamie Off Ice Conditioning

Off ice workouts can benefit your on ice skating! Join Jamie Payne for an express cardio session before your classes! Gym shoes required *No classes November 30.

Sept 14-Oct 26

Nov. 2-Dec. 21

Jan 11-Feb 22


9:00-9:30 am 9:00-9:30 am 9:00-9:30 am

For ages 6+ and skaters in Basic 5 and beyond! For more information, email Angie at atousignant@kvpd.com.

Supplement your skating classes with our specialty classes! These classes are a great way to get some extra time and instruction to master your skating skills

AIM with Aspire! Jumps + Spins

In this Aspire class, skaters will begin learning how to combine basic turns in to step sequences. Perfect for anyone competing in the new ASPIRE levels! For skaters in Freeskate 1-6

Excel and Beyond: Jumps + Spins

In this class, skaters will be introduced to advanced jump entrances and combinations, spin variations and flying spins For skaters in Pre-Preliminary and up.


AIM with Aspire! Artistry in Motion

In this Aspire class, skaters will begin learning how to combine basic turns in to step sequences Perfect for anyone competing in the new ASPIRE levels! For skaters in Freeskate 1-6 and ages 6+. *No classes on October 31 and November 28.

Excel and Beyond: Artistry in Motion

In this class, skaters will be introduced to advanced jump entrances and combinations, spin variations and flying spins. For skaters in Pre-Preliminary and up. *No classes on November 30.

AprilKelly FigureSkatingInstructor

AIM with Aspire! Edges & Turns

This supplementary class for figure skaters that would like to develop stronger edges, extension, and presentation. Focus will be on beginner turns such as three turns, edge work, crossovers and stroking For skaters in Freeskate 1-6

Excel and Beyond: Edges & Turns

Edges & Turns are the foundation to all skating success. Learn to engage in innovative and unique exercise, turns, and quality edge development For skaters in Pre-Preliminary and up



BrittanyWietting LearntoSkateInstructor




Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena is proud to offer learn to play classes for beginners as well as classes for our more advanced players. Whether you're just starting out or you've been playing for 10 years, we have a class for you!

Here at Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena, we strive to grow your skill on the ice all while having fun. With our coaching staff's background in youth, high school and college hockey, we will be able to develop you no matter what skill level you are.

Daddy and Me

Parents, join in on the fun of the development of your young hockey players. This class will be working on simple basics of skating and moving puck around. Players will need a helmet, shin guards, elbow pads, gloves and a stick Parents must be 18+

All weekly classes are 60 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included. A helmet and 2024-2025 Learn to Skate USA Membership is required *No classes November 30.

Icee’s Rookies Hockey

Icee's Rookies basic hockey class builds skills of our beginner skaters. Skills covered in this 30-minute class include basic skating, stops, turns, backward skating and crossovers, push and glides A hockey stick is introduced in this level Full equipment required Pre-requisite of Icee's Adventurers Hockey required

A Learn to Skate USA Membership is required. *No classes November 27 and 30.

Sept 11-Oct 23

Sept. 14-Oct. 26

Oct 30-Dec 18

Nov 2-Dec 21

Icee’s Adventurers

Join Icee on an adventure to learn the basics skills of skating In this introductory hockey class is meant for our youngest players ages 3-5! Spend 30 minutes with our hockey instructors playing on and off the ice, getting comfortable in skates and helmet while learning the beginning skating skills. This class is designed for first time nervous skaters. All weekly classes are 30 minutes of instructional time and skate rental is included A helmet is required for this class No Pre-requisite Required

A Learn to Skate USA Membership are required. *No classes November 27.

5:30-6:00 pm 9:15-9:45 am 5:30-6:00 pm 9:15-9:45 am

Icee’s Intermediate Hockey

Icee's Intermediate is the next level in progression after a successful evaluation from our Icee's Rookies class This 30-minute class will cover intermediate skating and playing skills of the game of hockey Hockey puck usage will be introduced while students work on stick and puck handling, passing and shooting

Full equipment required. Prerequisite of Icee's Adventurers Hockey and Icee's Rookies Hockey Required A Learn to Skate USA Membership is required *No classes November 27 and 30.

Sept 11-Oct 23

Sept. 14-Oct. 26

Oct 30-Dec 18

Nov 2-Dec 21

9:15-9:45 am 5:30-6:00 pm 9:15-9:45 am

(ages2-4) (ages2-4)

Icee’s Hockey Academy

Previously named Learn to Play, Hockey Academy is the beginning of learning the basic skills of the game of hockey This class will meet twice a week. Students will begin with skating technique and then transition into learning shooting and passing. The required equipment for this class includes skates, stick, hockey gloves, shin guards, elbow pads, shoulder pads, hockey pants and a helmet

This class has a prerequisite of Icee’s Adventurers, Rookies and Intermediate A Learn to Skate USA Memerbship is required *No classes November 27 and 30.

Sept 11-Oct 26 Oct. 30-Dec. 21

Ages 6-14

Sept. 11-Oct. 26 Oct 30-Dec 21

Adult Learn to Play

This class is perfect for skaters ages 15 and up who are interested in playing hockey This class meets on Tuesdays from 9:15-10:15 pm and is taught by Ice Valley Instructors. Players will learn all the skills they need to play in a game Full equipment is required Whether you're just starting out or want extra ice time, this is a great class for adult looking to play hockey. *No classes November 26.

Sept 10-Oct 22 Oct 29-Dec 17

Skating Clinic

Get ready for the 2024-25 hockey season by joining us for a four week skating clinic. Join us in this power skating class to work on edgework, forward/backwards transitions, body, skate, and stick positioning and much more

For ages 5-17. Hockey expereince required. Class meets for 60 minutes once a week Full equipment is required

aching OUR

talented teams in three exciting round-robin matches.

Single Elimination Tournament Bracket: The competition heats up as teams battle it out in a thrilling single elimination tournament bracket Who will emerge as the ultimate champion?

ADM Team Fees: $375 per team

Registration ends September 13! For tournament questions and to register, email Zach at zmullady@kvpd com

Kankakee Youth Hockey Club

The Kankakee Coyotes House League Hockey (Tier III/House B) is a developmental/recreational hockey grogram for boys and girls. They are part of the Northwest Hockey League and play other House B teams throughout the area The emphasis of a House B program is on individual player development. There are no tryouts or cuts; however, it is recommended that the player have some prior skating classes/training prior to joining a team Any player from anywhere can play! For more information, like & follow their Facebook page (@kankakeecoyotes) or browse their website: http://www kankakeehockey com

The Kankakee Irish is the Kankakee Youth Hockey Club's High School level This is a competitive High School program made up of players from several area high schools. For more information, like & follow their Facebook page (@kankakeeirish) or browse their website: http://www.kankakeehockey.com.


ZachMullady HockeyDirector


BrodyLongtin HockeyandLearntoSkate Instructor

AydenAnderson HockeyInstructor

ChadUlaskas HockeyInstructor

StevenRasinskis HockeyInstructor

Learn to Curl

Curling Schools On Ice

Interested in learning to curl but short on time? Give our two week Learn to Curl class a try! During the first week of class, learn the basics of curling with instructors Scott and Debbie Buchanan. During the second week of class, prepare for and play a curling match

For ages 15+. All curlers must have clean shoes with a grip. Dress warm!

Aug. 18, 25 Sept 22, 29

Ice Valley Curling League

ntion all ice enthusiasts! Get ready to e, sweep, and socialize in our epic Ice ey Curling League this autumn! ther you're a pro or a newbie, come ver for a chilly blast of fun on the ice. m a fab four-some team or let us chmake you with fellow ice wizards

s 15 and up are welcome, just make your shoes are clean and grippy dle up, and let the games begin!

Want a totally unique field trip for your students? Give our Curling Schools on Ice a try this summer! With three packages available, your field trip will be customized to fit your needs For high school students Call us at (815) 939-1946 for availability and times.

Package A includes a curling lesson and game play per student, as well as a hot dog, chip and drink per person for $12 per person Package B includes a curling lesson and game play per student as well as a chip and drink at $9 per person. Package C includes a curling lesson and game play per student at $7 per person

Curling Rentals and Groups

Looking for a unique team building activity for your group of employees? Look no further than curling with Ice Valley Curling! Our private curling rentals are perfect for your next party of team building experience We offer on-ice curling fun for a party or corporate teambuilding experience, our private events offer on-ice curling fun with plenty of off-ice social space to suit your next event

Call us today for more information at (815) 939-1946

Admissiontothepark(includestwoadultadmisisons),onehouroutdoorpartyarea,icecreamtreatperguest. $185/10guests $17pereachadditonalguest

Admissiontothepark(includestwoadultadmisisons),onehouroutdoorpartyarea,softpretzelw/cheese anddrinkperperguest $225/10guests $18pereachadditonalguest

Admissiontothepark(includestwoadultadmisisons),onehouroutdoorpartyarea,Hotdog/chips/drinkperguest $250/10guests $20pereachadditonalguest

Publicskateadmissionandskaterental,onehourprivatepartyroom,Hotdog/chips/drink/icecreamperguest $200/10guests $350/20guests $15pereachadditonalguest

Publicskateadmissionandskaterental,onehourprivatepartyroom,softpretzelw/cheese/drinkperguest $175/10guests $300/20guests $14pereachadditonalguest

Publicskateadmissionandskaterental(roomrentalNOTincluded) $225/20guests $9pereachadditonalguest

2hoursofgymtimewithyourchoiceofsportsequipment(basketball,volleyballorsoccer),onehourprivate partyroom,Hotdog/chips/drinkperguest $250/20guests $12pereachadditonalguest

2hoursofgymtimewithyourchoiceofsportsequipment(basketball,volleyballorsoccer),onehourprivate partyroom,softpretzelw/cheeseanddrinkperperguest

$225/20guests $11pereachadditonalguest

2hoursofgymtimewithyourchoiceofsportsequipment(basketball,volleyballorsoccer),onehourprivate partyroom,chipsanddrinkperperguest

$185/20guests $9pereachadditonalguest

HAPPINESS HAPPINESS iisadayatthedogpark sadayatthedogpark

With two fenced-in acres, dividing small and large dogs, our dog park provides your With two fenced-in acres, dividing small and large dogs, our dog park provides your canine companions a safe area to exercise and play off-leash. Socialize with other dog canine companions a safe area to exercise and play off-leash. Socialize with other dog lovers while your dogs interact. lovers while your dogs interact. Parking lot is located close to the site. Shady trees Parking lot is located close to the site. Shady trees provide comfort with trash cans and doggie bags available on site for your provide comfort with trash cans and doggie bags available on site for your convenience. convenience. FREE FREE ADMISSION! ADMISSION!

The Kankakee Valley Park District relies on many different kinds of volunteers throughout the year to make its various programs and events successful. Volunteering is a great way to meet and socialize with others, share your expertise, help fellow community members - and have fun!

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