Brussels Blog: Europe and Turkey

Page 19

CHP leader Kilicdaroglu wants a party volunteer for each street in Turkey Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 10 /11/10 Tag s : akp , c hp , c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, c hp e u re p re s e ntative , c hp me mb e r, e uro p e , kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, p o litic s , re c e p tayyip e rd o g an, turke y

CHP chairman Kemal Kilicdaro glu spo ke to NTV, o ne o f Turkey’s premier private news channels. Kilicdaro glu anno unced that in Wednesday’s party caucus meeting he’ll be co nsulting members

o n the make-up o f the Central

Administrative Co mmittee, CHP’s to p decisio n making bo dy. Kilicdaro glu was also asked his reply to PM Erdo gan’s co mments that “He’ll get used to po litics”. [...] Re ad full artic le

No Co mme nts »

Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Slo ve nian, Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

The Speech of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu – European Policy Center, 16 September 2010 Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 1/10 /10 Tag s : ac c e s s io n, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, d e mo c ratis atio n, e p c , e u p o lic ie s , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, s p e e c h, turke y

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Guests, As the leader o f the Republican Peo ple’s Party, I undertake my first jo urney to Brussels, the centre o f the Euro pean Unio n. This has a special meaning fo r me and my party. This decisio n is a so lid pro o f o f o ur co mmitment to co ntinue the accessio n pro cess to the Euro pean Unio n, [...] Re ad full artic le

No Co mme nts »

Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

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