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Index SYMBOLS AND NUMBERS { } (curly braces) for value binding mechanism (#{ and }), 190 . (dot), value binding for dot-separated substrings, 190 # (pound sign) for value binding mechanism (#{ and }), 190 zero (0) for HTML row index, 243

A AbstractComponent interface, 28, 29 Account Summary page (iBank), 335–336 Account Summary screen specification (iBank), 322–323 AccountBean class accessing an InvoiceBean, 195 accessing ModifyInvoicePage’s labels Map, 195 getTotal() method, 209 source code, 191–192 value binding with InvoiceBean, 190–197 ViewInvoicesPage class and, 210 AccountSummary.jsp, 336 Action events. See also actions; event listeners (JSF) adding listener method to backing bean, 261 binding listener methods directly, 261 listener interface for, 74

listener type for, 261 queuing, 261 UICommand component and, 74 uses for, 44 action handlers BlogEditForm class, 423–426 converting Struts application to JSF, 421–428 LogonForm class, 421–423 overview, 22 Struts Action objects versus, 22 Action objects (Struts), 13, 14–15, 22 ActionForm classes (Struts), 16–18, 23, 395–398, 405–408 ActionListener interface, 204 Apply Request Values phase and, 224 custom listeners, 224 as default listener, 224 implementing methods, 261, 262–264 implementing the interface, 45, 203, 262, 265–268 Invoke Application phase and, 224 overview, 74 processAction() method for invoking, 204, 262 actions. See also Action events application actions defined, 227 defined, 179 implementing application actions, 227–229


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