Summary Open the books on innovation Thesis Master of Marketing Strategy Academie voor Management, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Jan Willem van Eck, Juni 2010 Research question: Is Open Innovation really new and which factors are of importance for Open Innovation?
A method of innovation can in itself be innovate. This thesis researches whether Open Innovation is actually new and which factors of are of importance for Open Innovation. This thesis first defines Open Innovation and discusses generations of innovation management. According to Chesbrough, Open Innovation (OI) is a new paradigm which can be observed in many sectors. His definition of OI: “Open Innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the market for external use of innovation, respectively� (Chesbrough, 2006). Important (new) words in this definition are purposive and knowledge. There are different core processes in Open Innovation: inbound, outbound, coupled. These processes of Open Innovation serve to import and export knowledge, ideas and projects in/and/or out of the organization. The presence, news value and motives of Open Innovation are presented as well as a classification for factors, which play a role inside and outside an organization. Internal factors are related to processes, employees and their competences. Outside the organizations, users/customers, communities, alliances, networks, ecosystems and intermediaries can be of importance. Qualitative research was used to determine what is happening, within the boundaries of my population – large organizations, which apply geo-information technology in the Netherlands - , in relation to Open Innovation. Based on my observations I conclude that Open Innovation is really new. Next I conclude that the factors, which are of importance for Open Innovation, are mostly internal factors. There is hardly attention for factors, which are external to the organization. The named factors for Open Innovation fit in the defined classification. Open appears to play a factor in the intention to innovate, but it does not yet play a role in realized innovations. Hence: the intention to open the books on innovation is present, now the open book on innovation can follow.
Open the books on Innovation
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Open the books on Innovation