T-Kit 8.

Page 95

T-Kit on Social Inclusion

THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY ! Someone jumps in front of you in a queue.

You lose your house keys.

You are made late by someone delaying you.

Somebody is rude about your family.

You overhear someone criticising your work.

The phone keeps ringing but when you answer no one is there.

You are stuck in a traffic jam and you need to get home.

A group of teenagers block your path in town.

You are short-changed in a shop.

A friend keeps borrowing money and never returning it.

You see someone being unkind to an animal in the street.

You accidentally bump into someone in a crowded room, apologise, and they swear at you.

You express your opinion and someone laughs and tells you not to be ridiculous.

You read a newspaper article about an assault on a young child.

The football team you support loses.

You are accused of something you have not done.

You get caught out telling a lie.

Something you buy is faulty, you return to the shop but they won’t give you your money back.

You do not win the lottery by one number !

You are asleep and are woken by loud music from next door.

Someone keeps asking you to do something you do not want to do.

You go to make a call and realise your mobile is out of credit.



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