Juiced #4

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Grow your own Why not have a go at planting some seeds or plants and looking after your own super veggies and fruits – track their progress over the summer and by the time you go back to school they should be ready to pick and use in a homemade juice or smoothie. Ask an adult to help you to find a sunny spot in the garden, or pick a container with holes at the bottom, add a layer of small stones and some soil. Here are our favourite easy garden growers...

BBB (Bugs Bunny’s bestie)

Wireless beets

Beetroot is a super juice ingredient and really good for you, so make some space for these purple plants in your veggie patch. Sow beetroot seeds or plants 1/2” deep and within six weeks you’ll see the tops of the beetroots emerging from the ground. Beets like nutrient-rich soil, so add some well-rotted compost to the earth before you plant them.

Make sure your soil is free of stones and weeds and sow three seeds per inch, 1/4” deep. It will take about two weeks before the tiny seedlings appear – then carefully remove a few to thin them out and keep mounding up soil around the roots as they grow. After six weeks you should have some sweet, tasty carrots to munch – or make a juice with oranges for a zingy energy drink.

Get squash-ed

One of the most fun fruits to grow is a squash, which comes in a ton of shapes and sizes. Choose mini varieties which will take up less room as they develop. Sow five or six seeds in a mound of earth and, as the seedlings appear, thin to the strongest plant. These will take longer to grow and will be ready to pick at harvest time, so keep watching and then use them in a tasty autumn recipe from Jason's Super fast Food cook book.


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