11-07-18: 17 July (World Justice Day) vs. 18 July (Mandela Day)

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our language. It is, I believe, a primary source of what Sigmund Freud referred to as civilization‘s discontents. I have come up with another way to put this underlying basis for male insecurity. I had made up the name for the disorder before I realized that Alice Cooper had stated it succinctly in 1975. Although he didn‘t mean quite the same thing, the fundamental problem from which many men suffer is well stated as ―Only women bleed‖. I have named the psychological problem that this fact causes in many men NMS: ―the Non-Menstrual Syndrome.‖ A clear example of this envy of female powers is the common practice among huntergatherer and horticultural peoples of male circumcision at puberty, which mimics menstruation by inducing male genital bleeding at the same age it occurs naturally in females. Because they cannot compete with women‘s capabilities in the crucial realms of reproduction and nourishing offspring, men generally seek to avoid a single standard of human behavior and achievement. The unstated fear of inferiority that many men have leads them to tend to exaggerate the difference between the sexes. Men have often been, not gender-benders, but gender-extenders. This process greatly magnifies and intensifies the small genuine differences between the sexes, often to the point where it transforms small divergences of degree into huge disparities of kind, causing us to think in the very misleading terms of ―opposite sexes.‖ So, while making the claim that women are ―by nature‖ inferior, many men have actually harbored a fear that women are, in certain respects, by nature superior. Such men seek to make women ―by culture‖ inferior and exclude them from certain roles. In order to compensate for what men cannot do, they tell women that they may not do other things. Pregnancy, birthing and nursing have always constituted a ―no-man‘s land.‖ Accordingly, insecure men throughout history and across cultures have set up ―nowoman‘s lands‖: war, politics, clergy, business, men‘s clubs, and so forth. [..] When men eventually took up the ―woman‘s work‖ of farming and began to use the plow, an irresistible metaphor arose—one that seems so obvious that it appears to have developed independently wherever plow agriculture was practiced. This metaphor has been a major basis for male power and domination throughout recorded history. The belief that a seed planted in the furrowed soil is analogous to a man planting a seed in the furrowed vulva of a woman totally reversed the view of which sex has procreative power. [..] Sexually insecure men often seek validation of their manhood by pursuing power. This is one of the reasons that the notawoman definition of manhood has had such an impact throughout history. All men do not suffer from such sexual insecurity, but those who do have frequently made their way into positions of power and so have had a disproportionate influence on the shaping of cultures and institutions. The real importance of insecure masculinity, again, is that those men who suffer from it are most apt to seek power in order to compensate for their self doubts. Sexually linked motivations have been evident in men engaging in war since the earliest times.


South Africa‘s Galileo, Meshack Mabogoane believes that the ANC is sponsoring SA‘s moral holocaust by means of its – population production control of its women‘s wombs reproduction - ―abnormal government sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration‖:



How the ANC is sponsoring SA’s Moral Holocaust117, All Africa, 10-02-2010:


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