Urban Farmscapes

Page 26

The High Tunnel Contact: Date: Status:

Joe Kovach, OARDC 2008 - 2011 Ac ve


A subset experiment within the Modular Ecological Design experiment at OARDC in Wooster, Ohio was the use of High Tunnels. High Tunnels are half circular frames built with bent metal tubing anchored in the ground covered with wind resistant plas c or visquine. Their height is determined to accommodate standing inside and plant types, including taller crops like fruit trees. The High Tunnels are simple and low tech, but serve to significantly extend the growing season for midwest climates. The OARDC was able to harvest produce grown in high tunnels weeks early demonstra ng the opportunity to be first to market. In the spring, doors are placed on the high tunnels which helps to keep the inside temperature warmer thus leading to the earlier harvest.


Typical pollinators, including birds, bees, bu erflies, and insects enter high tunnels when doors are opened daily for a couple hours. For gravity and wind pollinated crops like strawberries, a broom is used to brush the rows to kick up the necessary pollen exchange. Once into the growing season, the doors are removed.


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