5 martha rebuking mary

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Guido Cagnacci

h=50 Tempo rubato

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Each staff with it's own distinct character.



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Joseph Pereira

. œ # œ Always sharp interruptive attacks, #œ U (8va) even at softer dynamics. ∑ ∑ ‰ ‰ JŒ Ó œœ œœœ b˙˙˙˙ ™™™™ œœ # ˙- ™


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U r ≈Œ Ó ∑ # œ rumbles similar to a ## œ-œ Low low tam tam effect.

Always lurking, but indistinct and (8va basso) with no one pitch dominating.




Accidentals do not transfer to the octave and do carry through bar. They're often given again for clarity.



5. Martha Rebuking Mary for Her Vanity (after 1660)


° sempre, ad lib to connect all chords, and allowing lowest pitches to resonant. ^ œ. 7 ‹ bœœ. # œ ∑ Ó Œ ≈ ‰ ∑ & œ ˙ ™ & <#><#>œœœœœœ n˙˙˙˙ ™™™™ b ˙- ™ ? ∑ ‹


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