STRATEGIC PLAN 2013 – 2018
Business Plan 2013
TE HAUORA O NGATI HAUAStrategic Plan 2013 – 2018 & Business Plan 2013. Overview: Our Strategic Plan for 2013 – 2015 articulates Te Hauora o Ngati Haua Trusts direction and focus for the next three years. In reviewing our activities, achievements and challenges over the past thirteen years we have prioritised our key actions moving forward cognisant of our environment and resources over the next three years. Introduction: Te Hauora o Ngati Haua was established as a Charitable Trust in December 1999 and commenced its services in January 2000. Ngati Haua comprises of three hapu; Ngati Te Oro, Ngati Werewere & Ngati Wanganui and Five Marae; Te Iti o Haua, Waimakariri, Raungaiti, Rukumoana and Kaiatemata. These five marae are situated across Matamata, Te Aroha, Morrinsville, Cambridge and Hamilton. 2018 whanau members who live within the current tribal boundaries are registered on the Te Hauora o Ngati Haua database. Te Hauora o Ngati Haua estimates that there is approximately a total of 3,000 - 4,000 whanau living within the tribal area. There are significant whanau numbers living in Auckland, Invercargil, Palmerston and Wellington as well as Australia including; Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide. Ngati Haua Census in 2000: told us that;
67% of Ngati Haua (registered) are under the age of 18 years. Less than half of Ngati Haua are in full-time employment 58% of whanau over the age of 18 years earn less than $18,000 per year. 18% of Ngati Haua whanau own their homes and many whanau lived in substandard conditions. Educational achievements were low at all levels including tertiary qualifications. Only 12 % of our whanau were fluent in Te Reo with the majority being under the age of 25 years. 3 % of our population where over the age of 65 years The most common health issues were chronic diseases namely diabetes, coronary, asthma.
Environmental Scan in 2000 There were only 3 autonomous entities operating in Ngati Haua in 2000.
Te Kohikohinga Trust: comprised of Ngati Haua, Ngati Wairere and Tangata Marae. By 2000 the Trust was only operating a very small training contract.
Ngati Haua Tribal Trust: Managed collective Ngati Haua lands on behalf of the Iwi Ngati Haua Treaty Unit: Which was barely operational with very irregular meetings if any per year.
Ngati Haua had four Kohanga spread across the tribe at Tauwhare, Rukumoana, Raungaiti and Kai-ate-mata, a rongoa clinic (Nga Wairere o Te Ora) at Kai-a-te-mata and a 1 day doctors clinic at Raungaiti. There were three key sports bodies at Raungaiti, Tauwhare and Morenawhiri which draw large gatherings at the time and still has interest today although the volume of games had decreased considerably. In 2000, Te Kura o Ngati Haua had gone total immersion, Te Kura o Waharoa had begun to deliver its curriculum in Te Reo and Te Rau Aroha was being established as Total immersion language school. The National Census information recognised only 389 people of Ngati Haua descent with rates and risks with Ngati Haua women around smoking and alcohol abuse. Marae hui, Hui-a-iwi and word of mouth were the most common forms of communication across the tribe. There was a small spread of population focused groups operating within certain marae and community areas such as rangatahi groups. Until the establishment of Te Hauora o Ngati Haua there was no formal infrastructure or entity to formally address the wider social, economic and political needs of Ngati Haua as an Iwi. These included; employment, education, health, housing and justice. 2000 - 2013 Over the past 13 years Te Hauora o Ngati Haua have lead a number of key projects across Ngati Haua including:
Establishing a Ngati Haua database and Census of more than 2000 whanau living within the current tribal boundaries of Haua Regional Economic Strategy 2000 Employment Report 2001 Housing Report 2002 Substandard Housing Report and Rural housing assistance across Ngati Haua Homeownership workshops Sanitary Works for Rukumoana Ave, Rukumoana marae and Kai-a-te-mata marae Housing Retrofit and fire safety Governance Training Leadership workshops Rangatahi Strategy. Ngati Haua inter-agency Te Reo Programmes, Education Scholarships Iwi infrastructure funding 3|Page
A range of Iwi /whanau /social support services Womens Day, Childrens Day and White Ribbon Day and Arts events Domestic Violence conferences and Musical Production etc.
Over the past years, Te Hauora o Ngati Haua has contributed to many national policies including; social entrepreneur, domestic violence, housing strategy, community and voluntary sectors, Public Health, Sexual Health, Diabetes, Educational strategy and Whanau Ora. Te Hauora o Ngati was first established and funded for the first two years by the Health Funding Agency and by a range of government funding thereafter. We have amassed a broad range of strategic allies and the respect and credibility of a highly professional and respected organisation. Our Achievements To Date: We are proud to say that over the past thirteen years we have
Reduced substandard housing Increased awareness and responsiveness to domestic violence Increased homeownership Increased tertiary educational engagement and success including post graduate qualifications including a PHD. Increased government and community responsiveness and accountability to Ngati Haua Improved Iwi collaboration and responsibility Established quality standards and baseline data for Ngati Haua. Improved home safety & comfort. Increased whanau access to a range of relevant support services and resources Advocated locally, regionally and internationally and with integrity the needs and aspirations of Ngati Haua for the wellbeing of all whanau Provided a professional and caring service for our people. Increased the knowledge, skill and capacity of Ngati Haua including leadership and governance Social Environment:
PEST Analysis 2013 Political Environment:
Economic Recession Unstable Future of Maori Party and such policies like Whanau Ora Changes in government policy around RMA, state housing, local government act, water rights etc reducing Maori voice
Reduced funding in community ,health and education sectors Lack of influence of opposition party
Lack of social responsibility and funding from government Increased social cost on all families across all areas increasing Maori whanau vulnerability Less funding to education and higher criteria for state housing as the only affordable housing option other than subsidies Increased unemployment and competition for work especially at the labouring level Cost of education for primary and secondary school students High demand on health services 4|Page Less resources to support whanau
Economic Environment:
More financial instability and cost on vulnerable whanau More competition for limited funding and resources Higher levels of financial accountability Greater operational costs to provide quality services Less opportunity to increase investment 3 year contracts improve sustainability Treaty settlement funds
Technological Environment:
High level computer and internet technology as possible for our location Latest printing and audio visual equipment Most vehicles are relatively modern and will be 100% updated this year Latest database system and service Latest mobile phone service although PABX system outdated.
Critical Issues Moving Forward; 1. Pressure on Whanau will increase demand on our services with a lot less resources to support whanau needs and aspirations 2. Contestable funding will increase competition for limited funds and require more evidence on effective service delivery, management and collaboration 3. Effective political advocacy will need to be strengthened by strategic alliances ‘ a lone voice is just alone’ 4. Need to advocate and transfer whanau resourcing to future Treaty proposals 5. Establish effective measuring and reporting tools to evidence effective investment in our organisation. 6. Need to moderate expectations and clarify realistic outputs and outcomes. Key Stakeholders: We have three major stakeholder groups associated with Te Hauora o Ngati Haua. 1. Our Funders: 90 % of our revenue is generated through government contracts for services. These funders includes; Ministry of Health, Te Puni Kokiri, Waikato District Health Board and Ministry of Health. The remaining 10 % of our funding is sourced through community fundings such as Trust Waikato and Te Ope Koiora the whanau ora collective (where the money is also government sourced). 2. Whanau, Hapu and Iwi of Ngati Haua and other service Users: Our funding is provided to service our own population group. These are our primary ‘customers’ 3. Other Relevant Professional Bodies: National Nursing Association, National Network of Stopping Violence Services, Whanau Ora, Public Health Association. 4. Waikato-Tainui - Whanau Ora Collective. Through agreement of the Koiora Kawenata.
Strategic Overview: Our Mission aims; “To promote a quality of life which values our identity and ensures health and wellbeing within the Communities and People of Ngati Haua. Te Hauora o Ngati Haua aims to achieve its mission through;
Strategic partnerships and relationships Provision of quality services and resources Leadership and advocacy Research and monitoring Building Iwi capability Targeting resources Funding and Contracts.
Our Vision aims : Ngati Haua/Whanau exercise ‘rangatiratanga’ over their lives, environments and circumstances and are nurtured within their communities to meet their needs and aspirations. Te Hauora o Ngati Haua understands that people are most likely to realise their full ‘rangatiratanga’ and autonomy when they are secure in their identity, live in safe and supportive communities, healthy environments, with adequate incomes and housing, and with meaningful roles in life. Our Strategic Outcomes are that:
Whanau are nurtured within their whanau and communities. Whanau are connected to relevant services, tools and resources Whanau are empowered to meet needs and aspirations. Whanau are flourishing
Key Indicators of success includes: ( Adopted from FSNAC- Moemoea) Strong Whanau
Whanau are confident in their identity/ whakapapa and have the ability to shape their own futures. Whanau are confident in Te Reo and tikanga if they desire it Wairua and spiritual aspects are central to their lives Whanau are comfortable in their own skins
Secure Whanau
Whanau value and respect all who belong to them Whanau are aware of and active within their community Whanau realise their roles, functions and responsibilities Whanau are able to collectively meet community and family responsibilities Whanau are able to participate actively in all aspects of their life
Resilient Whanau
Whanau have access to services and resources to meet their needs and aspirations Whanau have their own home and provide a safe, supportive environment Whanau are able to make decisions about their own lives
Adaptable Whanau Whanau are adaptable, entrepreneur ial and well educated Whanau are visionary and have a sense of future possibilities
Key Challenges for Te Hauora o Ngati Haua:
Being Competitive and Visible- Our competitors are any and all other health or social service provider(s) that may tender for contracts in our region or sector of work. Increase competitive advantage, increase collaboration rather than competition and establish clear agreements with mutual benefit. Our competitive advantage- is our relationships, frameworks, our innovation, our clarity, our values, our track record, our data collection (reports, evaluations), our connections. Taking Ownership of Outcomes: Our inability at times to be clear about what changes we have contributed to. (direct and indirect). We have baseline data however continued collection would tell us that the overall position hasn’t changed. Long term depression creates the problem. Take ownership for what we have done. Clear about Expectations: We take responsibility for things that are not ours alone as an organisation. The welfare of Ngati Haua belongs to everyone. Do not take ownership for everything.
Our Strategic Goals for 2013 – 2015: & Business Plan Priorities 2013. 1. Effective Leadership and Advocacy
Strategic Alliances and collaboration Regional, local, national & international Social Policy reform- Health, Housing, Employment, Income, Education, Justice Influence social practice- Whanau Ora, Kaitoko, Taskforce, Integrated Contracting.
2. Provision of Quality services and resources
Dedicated, Committed & Skilled workforce- Professional Dev, Internal Training Whanau Centred Service Delivery Model- E Tu Model, Te Ope Koiora Integrated case management systems- Penelope Systems, Multi-disciplinary Approach
3. Public Awareness and Education Change in behaviour and attitudes- E Tu Whanau Increased accountability and responsibility E Tu Whanau Improved responsiveness- Primary Health, Secondary Health, Justice. Increased capacity and capability - ISO Assessment & Accreditation
4. Organisational growth and sustainability
Level of financial autonomy: Efficient use, acquisition and targeting of resources Robust quality management systems Stakeholder satisfaction- Whanau Advisory Panel Evidence Based Research EvaluationIntegrated information systems Penelope Long Term funding Agreements. Longer term contract sustainability 7|Page
Te Hauora o Ngati Haua STRATEGIC OVERVIEW: Our Mission
Our Vision
‘To promote a quality of life which values cultural identity and wellbeing within the communities and people of Ngati Haua’
‘Ngati Haua whanau exercise ‘Rangatiratanga’ over their lives and circumstances’
Our Strategic Goals Effective Leadership & Advocacy
Provision of Quality Services and Resources
Our Whanau Outcomes Public Awareness and Education
Organisational growth and sustainability
Responsive Whanau Centred Services
Increased knowledge and Skill
Financial Sustainability
Committed, Dedicated & Skilled Staff
Increased Action & Access
Quality Systems
Change in Attitudes
Quality Resources
Whanau are Nurtured
Whanau are Connected
Whanau are Empowered
Whanau are Flourishing
Our Indicators Influence Policy Reform Influence Social practice Increased participation at all levels.
Integrated case and information Monitoring & Evaluation
Increased capacity & capability
Our Priorities 2013 – 2014: 1. Dedicated, Committed and Skilled Workforce (integrated services, case management, whanauora approach) 2. Whanau Centred Service Delivery Model and Programme 3. Leadership & Advocacy – locally, regionally, nationally and inter-nationally. (policy reform and public awareness)Strategic partnerships and Alliances 4. Efficient use, acquisition and targeting of Resources 5. Robust & efficient quality management systems 6. Sustainable long-term funding 7. Integrated Information Systems 8. Increased Visibility an d Profile.
Business Activity Plan 2013: Key Actions for 2013: Key Action: 1. Dedicated, Committed and Skilled Workforce
Key Results: Review Professional Development Strategy + processes
2. Establish HauaTainui Whanau Centred Service Delivery Model
3. Leadership and AdvocacyRegionally, Nationally, Internationally.
Date: October 2013
Who GM
January 2013
November 2013
December 2013
June 2013
All Staff
July 2013
October 2013
March 2013
March 2013
Ongoing Report.
Ongoing Report
Engage Results Based Accountability Training Engage Whanau ora training Workforce Development Plans in place Undertake Whanau Evaluation of Services. Establish Whanau Advisory Panel Review all existing Services for improvement in conjunction with E Tu Whanau framework. Document and implement E Tu Workshops across Haua region. Effective Leadership of Te Ope Koiora Whanau Ora Collective Effective national relationships and Advocacy with Key Government Agencies; TPK, MOH, MSD, CYPFS, WDHB. Effective leadership with Iwi leaders- Waikato, Tainui, Iwi Chairs forum. International leadership through South Pacific Committee, Te Maori
4. Effective use, acquisition and targeting of results.
5. Increase capacity to ensure robust organisational structure and systems.
6. Sustainable Long-term funding.
7. Integrated Information Systems and Communication.
8. Increased Visibility and Profile.
Exhibition 2, Review Strategic Relationships Inventory of all resources, assess condition and needs and facilitate five year asset management plan. Review monitoring of staff hours and implementation Establish central, electronic monitoring systems linked to clear results and outcomes. Review efficacy of Financial Management systems & Reports. ISO Quality Management Audit and Accreditation Capability Review Review monitoring and reporting mechanisms, templates and outputs. Governance Training on Key Compliance areas. Extend TPK Kaitoko Contract in to 2014 Add MOH contract to integrated contract. Roll over and add WDHB Mobile Nursing contract in to integrated contract Process 3 year application for SKIP Evaluate and negotiate multi year funding contract with Trust Waikato Integrated Database system installed. Training and Demographic Profiles loaded Data files uploaded Scope of data/eval configuration Implement full data input and system implementation E Tu Whanau Day Website online. Review Newsletter 500 Organisation Pamphlets printed and distributed
December 2013 February 2013
Admin + CEO
October 2013
December 2013
March 2013
GM + Atawhai.
November 2013
October 2013 December 2013-09-04
September 2013
June 2013
October 2013
December 2013-09-04
July 2013-09-04
November 2013
March 2013
June 2013 September 2013
All Staff GM
December 2013
All Staff
March 2013 July 2013 June 2013 March 2013
CEO Lance All Staff GM
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