Puigdemont VS Espanya: la denúncia del president davant l'ONU

Page 36

their democracy are more robust than that. The Spanish nation can surely tolerate, and make space for, discussion and dissent, even where this may involve a challenge to the more inchoate provisions of its Constitution. In view of all the above, the United Nations Human Rights Committee is requested, in the case Mr PUIGDEMONT, to make a declaration that Spain has violated, and is in continuing violation of: -

The right to participate in political life (Article 21 UDHR and Article 25 ICCPR);.


The right to freedom of association and assembly (Articles 21 and 22 ICCPR); and


The right to freedom of opinion and expression (Article 19 UDHR and Article 19 ICCPR).


Mr PUIGDEMONT’s treatment by the Spanish State constitutes a violation of international law for reasons of discrimination based on political opinion. In consequence, by way of remedy, the Committee is requested to call upon Spain to take all necessary measures to put an end to the violations found by the Committee.

Brussels, 1 March 2018 36

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