currently, I guess I’m really into my job at the Orange County Arts Council, where we advocate for more art in the OC and connect artists and the community together as each has so much to offer the other. I’ve also been making these hand painted T-shirts since the spring and those have been super fun. They’re a great way for me to unwind as I make them and also allow me to collaborate with those who order as they are all made to order. Again, using my gifts while giving folks accessibility. I think that leaks into everything I do...including CelebrateWomxn845. VWG: What is CelebrateWomxn845?
In the Limelight: Jamie Sanin
JS: CelebrateWomxn845 is a project that aims to organize, recognize, and celebrate womxn (women/women-identifying) artists. It’s been extremely fun, humbling, educational, and inspiring so far. We had a 3-week long gallery series in January 2018 that included 55 visual and performing womxn artists and the amount of support was unreal. We also held an amazing all day benefit show “WOMXNFEST” to showcase performing artists and further support the mission. It was awesome giving womxn performers a day to come together, meet one another and showcase their talents, and it was extremely humbling to meet so many folks that were down to attend, help promote, volunteer and support womxn/a womxn-run project. It feels really good (again) to be able to use my organizational skills to put together events that provide opportunity to womxn artists, a population that is statistically underrepresented. It’s definitely been a lesson in “if you build it, they will come” and I’m super grateful for the network we have so far and for those who continue to join our fam. VWG: As you said “If you build it, they will come”. Is the Hudson Valley your ideal place to build these creative projects?
JS: Being from the Hudson Valley (Washingtonville), growing up I always wanted to leave it. I felt like there was nothing for me Interviews with Local Musicians and Artists of the to do as a kid and I wasn’t aware of any artists living there. Now, Hudson Valley I obviously know that the HV is FULL of living, working artists. I try and work with kids whenever I can through things like camps, Ami Madeleine workshops, after school programs, etc. to show them that there Van Wyck Gazette: Thanks for interviewing with us! So when ARE artists here - let alone “young cool ones”! I think what I value the most about the HV art scene is the community aspect. I’ve or where did your life as an artist begin? Jamie Sanin: I’m so happy to be interviewed. Thank you! I feel like I grew up surrounded by art and didn’t even know it. My preschool and school experiences were luckily full of craft time (a thing that unfortunately isn’t super true anymore in many schools). I spent many a weekend doing things like painting birdhouses or doing latch hook or making jewelry with my mom. I started taking dance classes at age 3 and never stopped, and there was always music on in our house, in my room, in the car... all of which I think directly contributed to me being a well-rounded and pretty happy person. I realized that having access to arts can make life really fruitful and enjoyable, so I try to use my skills and experiences to both share my own art and to create opportunities for folks to engage whenever I can. I got my degree in Visual Arts Education and learned so much about the importance of advocating for accessible arts, no matter how formal or recreational. VWG: It’s awesome you’re creating opportunities for others and making the arts more accessible! What are some projects you’re currently working on? JS: Current endeavors! Forever changing (hahaha). So Page 18
“Flash” - 22” x 20” - oil on canvas - 2013 - Jamie Sanin Van W yck Gazette - Autumn 2018 Issue