Catálogo Dica Kitchen Jorge Fernández 2016

Page 17

A G R A D A B L E S A L TA C T O Y D U R A D E R O S PLEASING TO THE TOUCH AND DURABLE La selecci贸n y fabricaci贸n de materiales de primera calidad es algo que distingue a las cocinas dica. Materiales duraderos con combinaciones de colores y texturas agradables al tacto son la base de un dise帽o puro y funcional enfocado al confort diario. La durabilidad de nuestros productos son tambi茅n parte importante del respeto hacia el medio ambiente. / The fact that we select and manufacture materials of the highest quality is something that sets dica kitchens apart. Durable materials with combinations of colours and textures that are pleasing to the touch are the basis of a pure and functional design focused on everyday comfort. The durability of our products is also an important part in respecting the environment.


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