My 12 Secrets to Happiness

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~SECRET 8~ My 12 Secrets to Happiness

Happiness Comes From Forgiveness “It's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.� ~Maya Angelou To live life is to be let down. Disappointment just seems to come with the territory sometimes. Life gives us a few simple choices, carry around the anger of being hurt or to forgive and move on. Sometimes the actions are so painful that it seems impossible to forgive. It might feel like you will be letting the person that wronged you off the hook. That is the exact attitude that keeps you suffering and under the control of the person or event that hurt you for a long time. There are many benefits of forgiveness the will make your life a more enjoyable experience but most of all it will allow you to be happy .

Forgiveness Improves Your Health

Practicing forgiveness will improve your health and make you feel better physically. Letting go of the negative emotions surrounding any grudge holding or hurt is not debatable. They include lower blood pressure, a lower risk of depression, decreased anxiety, improved relationships, better heart health, and a stronger immune system.

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