Marketing Demystified

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INDeX Lifetime value, loyalty strategies, 256–257 List building, loyalty strategies, 263–265 Listening, networking, 179 Literature (see Print media) Logos, creative designs, 136–137 Logotype, branding, 24 Loss leaders, as pricing option, 112 Loyalty strategies, 253–269 BOLD branding, 27–29 brand monitor, 268 cost-effective campaigns, 265–266 direct mail, 262–265 drip marketing to nurture, 257–259 e-mail, 262–265 liability reduction, 266–267 lifetime value, 256–257 list building, 263–265 quiz, 268–269 response marketing, 261–262 strategies, 259–261 ten steps to strong relationships, 254–256


Management: contractor relationships, 286 by customer expectations, expectation management, 297–298 by leadership expectations, 295–296 of marketing campaign, 190–192 styles of, 274–276 of teams (see Marketing team management) by values and for value, 309 Market capabilities, sorting, placement strategies, 97–99 Market entry, postpone/validate, market research, 72–73 Market fit, market research, 70–72 Market potential assessment, market research, 69–70 Market research, 61–75 buying patterns as predictive, 68 demography, 62–63, 71–72 evaluating research information, 73 formal, 66–67 informal, 63–64 information gathering, 64–66 integration, placement strategies, 95–96

375 market entry, postpone/validate, 72–73 market fit, 70–72 market potential assessment, 69–70 market segmentation, 67–72 New Economy impacts, 68 quiz, 73–75 research resources, 73 research strategies, 64 styles of, 63 SWOT analysis, 67 target audiences, 69 Twitter, 171 Market segmentation: market research, 67–72 opportunity assessment, 98 worksheet, 71–72 Market variables and comparisons, pricing and profitability, 115 Marketing, sustained: budget, developing marketing, 323–335 ethics, morality, and social responsibility integration, 305–321 expectation management, 291–303 marketing team management, 273–290 performance evaluation, 337–347 Marketing audits, performance evaluation, 340 Marketing budget (see Budget, developing marketing) Marketing campaign planning, 189–202 campaign management, 190–192 creativity, 196–198 defining objectives, 190 launch, 195–196 marketing channel choices, 192 opportunities, 192–193 publicity and promotional advertising, 195 quiz, 201–202 results measurement, 199–200 2 × 2 × 2 strategy, 194–195 value and utility, 195 Web presence, 193–194 Marketing campaign strategies: advertising and media planning, 203–221 loyalty strategies for customer retention, 253–269 planning, 189–202 public relations effort, 223–251 Marketing claims, supporting, 292

Marketing communication, 131–185 Internet marketing, 155–173 networking, 175–185 promoting products and services, 133–154 Marketing integrity, 315–317, 318–319 Marketing mix, 6–17, 211–212 Marketing plan: elements of strategic, 43–60 best-practice planning, 45–46 budget and financial projections, 57 building, 43–44 competitive intelligence, 49–50 evaluation and control, 57–58 executive summary, 47–48 expectation management, 293 getting started, 44 goals and objectives, 45, 52 industry analysis, 49 PDCA (plan, do, check, act), 46–47 planning pyramid, 44 predictors of success, 45 primary result areas, 58–59 quiz, 59–60 situational analysis, 48–49 SMART grid, 53 SWOT analysis, 50–52 table of contents, 47 tactics, 52–57 user-friendly, 46 market research, 61–75 people and culture incorporation, 119–130 placement strategies, 91–102 positioning brands, products, and services, 77–89 pricing and profitability, 103–118 Marketing principles: branding, 23–40 integrated marketing, 3–22 Marketing spend, planning for, 331 Marketing strategies (see Positioning; Pricing and pricing strategies) Marketing team management, 273–291 assembling team, 281 communication styles, 277–281 contractor relationships, 286–288 management styles, 274–276 marketing team’s relationship to others, 282–285

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