8th Annual Trusts & Foundations Guide

Page 176



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离岸问答 Q&A

纳闽 Labuan

Q1 在隐私和资产保护方面,贵辖区对中国高净值 人士和家族向下一代传承财富方面有什么重要优 势?

Q1 What are the key advantages of your jurisdiction in terms of privacy & asset protection for a Chinese HNWI or Family (etc.) looking to succeed their assets to the next generation?

纳闽国际商业金融中心提供极为丰富的创富和财 富保留架构, 这些架构从普通法信托到民法基金会, 从传统金融到伊斯兰金融等应有尽有。

Labuan IBFC offers a plethora of wealth creation and preservation structures, ranging from common law trusts to civil law foundations, in conventional and Islamic forms.

事实上,纳闽国际商业金融中心是亚洲唯一的提供 基金会作为财富管理工具的司法辖区,和地区内的 其它司法辖区不同,不仅限于以慈善为目的。因此 纳闽岛的基金会被用于财富管理的工具。

In fact, Labuan IBFC is the only jurisdiction in Asia that offers foundations as a wealth management tool, which, unlike other regional jurisdiction is not limited to charitable purposes. As such Foundations in Labuan is used as a wealth management vehicle.

举例来说:纳闽岛特殊信托是财富传承规划的理想 工具。它能建立公司股份的信托,股份可以无限期 保留,而公司的管理可以由公司的董事进行,不会 受到受托人的干预。

For example: The Labuan Special Trust is ideal for succession planning. It enables a trust of company shares to be established where the shares can be retained indefinitely and the management of the company can be carried out by its directors without any intervention by the trustee.

选择纳闽国际商业金融中心作为首选的财富管理 司法辖区的主要考虑因素如下: • 强健的法定基金会——完整的司法系统,比如 说,法律提供合法性保护的高效性,伊斯兰律法法 规的清晰性和一个监管良好的司法框架。


| 8th Annual

The key considerations for choosing Labuan IBFC as the jurisdiction of choice for wealth management include: • A strong legal foundation - comprehensive legal system, i.e. sufficiency of law to render legal protection, clarity of Shariah rulings

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