Views The Baur au Lac Magazine 2017

Page 56


«I had a simple idea«, Chicago-born, Los An-

with the marvelous opening of »A Year of

artists everywhere. The resultant neglect of

geles-based artist Kim Schoenstadt told me

Yes: Reimagining Feminism«. This time,

women’s contribution to the advance of art

when we met at my New York apartment to

Schoenstadt shared the work of organizing

history is a sad and painful loss to society,

talk about her project. The idea was »a gath-

the event with Shinique Smith. Following the

one that increasingly demands swift and

ering of women artists in a specific city, and

same format, the sequel was documented

effective remedies. However fraught the

these artists would have to breathe, live and

by the camera of Paola Kudacki and an army

prevailing circumstances may have been,

work in this particular chosen city«. Kim and

of smiling volunteers. I stood witness to

though, Schoenstadt's masterful orchestra-

her photographer would then take pictures of the group as a whole in all their diversity. Thus was launched her NOW BE HERE project, version one of which took place on August 28, 2016, at Hauser Wirth & Schimmel in Los Angeles. What made this location rather fitting was that, at the time, the gallery had an ongoing exhibition entitled »Revolution in the Making: Abstract Sculpture


by Women«. Schoenstadt's

this heady event; and although there

tion was joyfully successful, celebrating the

must have been 600 joyous, hugging

accomplishments and persistence of women

women artists, the whole thing was

artists both established and emerging.

very efficient and well regulated – like a kind of exuberant but well-drilled

An Aries like myself, Kim Schoenstadt was

flash mob.

born on April 11, 1973, in Illinois. Today she lives and works in Venice, California. After

After two successful gatherings,

graduating from Pitzer College in 1995 with

Kim Schoenstadt did a third take on

a bachelor's degree in the fine arts, she ap-

December 10, 2016, at the Pérez Art

prenticed with John Baldessari and subse-

Museum Miami (PAMM). Photograph

quently spent 15 years as his studio manager,

number three – poignantly taken by

until finally realizing that it was high time to

Gesi Schilling at a time when issues

do her own conceptual art – which she has

of gender equality and identity were

since been doing with the support of several

simmering as a hot topic of cultural


momentous gathering sought to examine

discourse in the United States – involved a

the underappreciated and often overlooked

broad and diverse spectrum of female con-

Kim, I eagerly await news of NOW BE HERE

role of female innovators in 20th-century art

temporary artists from South Florida.

#4! I am very curious indeed to see how, in

history. When the camera started snapping,

various cities, you and your team complete

Schoenstadt was not quite certain exactly

The New York art world differs unques-

the arduous task of tagging everyone from

how many women were actually there. Ulti-

tionably and considerably from that of Los

LA, New York City and Florida who took part

mately, though, 733 jubilant women artists

Angeles, or of South Florida for that matter.

in these spectacular projects. And I can't wait

proudly showed their faces in the sun-baked

That said, the presence of pernicious and

for the release of the official, fully captioned

courtyard for NOW BE HERE #1.

systematic gender imbalance in the mar-

version. Hope to see you again soon. How

Fast forward to October 2016, when NOW BE

ketplace, in curatorial and editorial archives,

about in Zurich?

HERE #2 was hosted by the highly acclaimed

and in the institutional canon transcends

Brooklyn Museum in New York to coincide

geographical boundaries and affects women



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