Turn It Off And On Again - Digital Version

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The game is set in the 1950’s and the developers captured this era perfectly due to the attention to detail being spot on. From the music and clothing choices, to the style of cars which including everything from the way they drove to the interior and exterior aesthetic. This game set the standard for any other game in the market to reach.

L.A Noire was simply a visual masterpiece with one of the greatest story lines I have ever seen in a game. With new technology that allowed for the developers to produce photo realistic characters based on actual actors it made the game immediately more engaging. With fairly limited action in the game the emphasis was largely on the story line as you went through finding clues and solving crimes.

Out of all the games on this list, I would have put this game as number one for the detail, the visual effects and story line. The only thing that this game falls down on, which is just a small thing is the level of action involved. However, I think that this game gets past this due to the strength of all the other aspects of the game. This game just went to show that huge action sequences with explosions and gun fire isn’t always necessary. A strong story line can be all that is needed for a game to succeed as greatly as L.A Noire did.

What made this game one of my super eight is that I spent countless hours on it, purely on the main campaign and story line rather than any online gameplay. Playing the game really allowed you to appreciate the cinematography and writing skills of the producers and developers. I do feel as though L.A Noire is a, to pardon the pun, a game changer. If more developers were to take on board this technology then you could see how video games would become more and more visually appealing and could potentially hit a larger market which could include films.


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