Material Thoughts

Page 140

In thinking about how something could be done it is important to know if it has already been achieved in some other capacity and to reflect on any previous experiences that might be considered to be analogous. It is not uncommon for things to have been encountered previously, but because it might be in an unfamiliar context it is not always possible to recall or appreciate. To question if something can be done requires the identification of a particular thought, something that can be prompted by a trigger at the start of a journey, or maybe something at the end of a previous encounter that reveals itself. Whatever the situation, arriving at the question, ‘can it be done?’ is, in itself, an innovative step. In an attempt to achieve an answer, literal and lateral approaches should be used to ensure things are viewed creatively. Further questions need to emerge and should be tackled with a similar understanding.


There are a wide variety of physical resources that are at the disposal of the product designer and many are well documented. International museums and galleries with exceptional reputations are obviously a source of significant inspiration and information, but accessibility can sometimes be a difficulty and alternative strategies are everywhere for those who care to look.

Instant acts > Can it be done?

Can it be done?

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