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Appendix XV: Power Point Presentation on Personification (2 pages)


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Personification is… Using human qualities or actions to describe an object or an animal.

The word “personification” actually contains the word “person,” and to personify an object means to describe it as if it were a person.



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The trees danced back and forth in the wind. Examples: It was time to go home, but the bell refused to ring.

The warm fireplace seemed to be calling my name.

The angry sky roared and threw lightning around.

The gentle wind softly kissed my cheeks as I walked.

The delicious smell of cookies pulled me to the kitchen.

That chocolate ice cream was tenting me.

I can see that news travel quickly.

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Let’s Practice! Which of the following is NOT an example of personification?

The sun peeked happily from behind the clouds.

The star I wished on winked at me.

The angry mirror showed every wrinkle on his face.

The sun was warm on the child's face.

Which of the following is an example of personification? 

The cookies smelled like a delicious cake.

The cookies smell delicious.

The delicious smell of cookies walked me to the kitchen.

The delicious cookies are a dream.

Which of the following sentences is an example of personification? 

The slimy eel slithered through the seaweed.

The stand of trees was a festival of color that fall.

The dandelions stood tall, proudly surveying the rest of the yard.

The snails crept along the sidewalk, moving as slowly as a glacier.

Which of the following is(are)an example(s) of PERSONIFICATION?

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