Volume 34 1964

Page 108

---Placebos------------------------------------------will prove, in time, to have intrinsic but not specific value.

Research, Inc., Croten on Hudson, N.Y.,

We realize that we have left much unsaid, but I fear to go further. Like Burton in his "Anatomy of Melancholy," "I shall urge these cavilling and contumelious thoughts no further, least some physician deny me physic when I'm ill." In other words, I am well persuaded by physic and when my time comes, I want either my tranquillizer or my stimulant, but I want it administered by a doctor wise in medical lore.

Editorial. JAMA. 159:780, 195 5.

1955 .

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16. Starr, ] ., The use and ab11se of mixt11res of active dr11gs. JAMA. 181 : 106 , 1962.

4. Conference on Therapy from Cornell ni versity Medical College and New York Hospitals. Use of placebos i11 therapy. N ew York ] . Med . 45 : 1718, 1946.

17. Walker, K., Patients and doctor . Penqui n Books Inc., Balt imore, Md., 1957 .

5. D avidson, A., CMAJ . 83: 1310, 1960.

18. W eis , E., English, O.S., Psychosomatic M edicine, W . B. aunders Co., Phi ladelphi a, 1943.

6. D ichter, E. A., A reuarch st11dy in pharmacelltical adverti!ing. Institute fo r Motivation


19. W olf,

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u.w.o. M EDICAL


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