2023 JLTASA Newsletter
2023年の学年へようこそ。このニュースレターはバイリンガルで読めて、日本語の挨拶は後ろで読んで下さい。 Welcome to the 2023 school year! This newsletter can be read bilingually - please read the Japanese welcome at the back.
Welcome to our new committee
2023: Events Calendar
Annual Conference
Hub Groups and Grants
Resources and General Notices
President’s Welcome 会長の挨拶
What a fitting theme for our conference and indeed our year as JLTASA celebrates its 50-year anniversary in 2023! The long-awaited return to faceto-face activities last year, such as our annual conference, brought muchneeded rejuvenation to 2022. In such a truly collaborative profession, we certainly could not continue much longer without in-person interaction to share pedagogies and stories (and laughs!).
In 2023 there will be several (more) trials as we continue to refine our member offerings this year following feedback from the ‘Great Student Event Survey’. Our annual conference is set to be bigger than ever, and I once again invite you to present and share your ideas (EOIs close 26th Feb).
We are aiming for our big “50” birthday party celebration to coincide with our annual conference in May, and have commenced work on some very exciting proficiency-based professional learning, which we hope to be able to formally launch in 2024.
Behind-the-scenes work on a partnership with Palace Nova to create a local Ghibli film festival for school screenings continues, and we have a couple of new incursions/activities for schools to add to their teaching programs this year – if we can’t get the 1000s of students studying Japanese all out to events, we will continue to look for ways to help facilitate exciting culture and/or language opportunities in the classroom.
See you at the conference on May 20th!
Tom is an early career teacher entering his sixth year of teaching in 2023. He teaches from Year 7-12 Japanese at Gleeson College in Golden Grove, along with other subjects such as Business and Innovation. His love of Japan and Japanese began from the early age, studying Japanese from Reception through to Stage 2, before studying at UniSA and Kansai Gaidai in Hirakata, Kansai for six months.
南オーストラリア州日本語教師会 2023 JLTASA Newsletter jltasa.asn.au
50周年 Now and Then Contact: president@jltasa.asn.au
Tom Dawson トム・ドーソン 2023 JLTASA President
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Welcome to our new 2023 Committee
2023年の委員会メンバー 紹介
Our committee is made up of a wide range of teachers from all three education sectors in SA, with experience ranging from 1-2, to 20+ years. While we love what we do, please remember we serve JLTASA in a volunteer capacity, which means contact can be intermittent during busy periods of the school year.
President 会長
Tom Dawson, Gleeson College
Treasurer 会計
Ilana Nicolle, Henley HS
Committee Member 委員
Alex Zhang, Open Access College
Committee Member 委員
Rachel Francis, Immanuel College
Vice President 副会長
Megan Lock, Nazareth Catholic Community
Committee Member 委員
Keiko Sanders, Sacred Heart College
Committee Member 委員
Catherine Emmerson, St John’s Grammar
Committee Member 委員
Cindy Pitkin, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Secretary 秘書
Mel Watt, Warradale PS
Committee Member 委員
Graeme Watkins, Unity College
Committee Member 委員
Yuki Akita, Immanuel College
Committee Member 委員
Candice Ferguson, Para Hills HS
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JLTASA 2023 Events
Student Events
*date/time estimation only
Student events are free but open to members only (either the teacher or school may be a member). Events fill quickly, with registration opening approximately a month before the event. Keep an eye on your emails and/or Facebook for the event to open. We recommend pre-arranging your risk assessment and excursion paperwork at the beginning of the year, as many events keep the same format, location and/or timing as with previous years. Don’t forget, you may be eligible for a student event travel grant if you are in a regional or low-socioeconomic area.
Teacher Professional Learning
TERM 1 新年会 / NETWORKING DRINKS - 23rd Feb 5.00-6.30PM, The Astor (no RSVP needed)
^Immersion PLs
Immersive stand-alone sessions conducted in Japanese (with bilingual support materials) with the dual aim of giving teachers a chance to practise their Japanese while also modelling an activity that they can do in language with their students. Teachers are encouraged to engage to their level and all levels of Japanese proficiency are welcome. There will be a small charge for each session to cover the cost of materials.
Interstate Japanese Conferences
JLTAV Annual Conference - 31 March - 1 April - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
MLTAQ Japanese Network Conference - 6-7 May - Griffith Uni, Southbank
2023 AFMLTA Conference
7-9 July, Edith Cowan University, Perth. Info: https://afmlta.asn.au/2023-conference-page/ (also see page 17)
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Submit by end of each term Online
Competition Terms 1-3 Online
10 Movie Making Day Term 2 Wed 10th May *North:
7/8 Recital Term 2 Mon 5th June evening In Person, EDC and online option Middle School Escape Room Incursion late Term 2 Online
6 Quiz Day Term 2 Thurs 26th June In Person, EDC
9 Quiz Day Term 3 Fri 18th August In Person, EDC
Hiragana Mnemonic Competition
Roma Mitchell Secondary
St John’s Grammar Year
12 Kaiwa
Hi Thurs 12th October (Holidays) EDC (TBC)
5/6 Statewide Hiragana Competition Term 4 Tues 31st October EDC
7/8 Statewide Hiragana Competition Term 4 Tues 31st October EDC New & Returning Teachers’ Workshop Term 1, Thurs 23rd Feb In person, The Astor JLTASA Annual Conference Term 2, Sat 20th May Immanuel College
Term 3/4
Teacher PL^
Events - Calendar and Updates Access the Google Calendar Here
Events are loaded onto our website throughout the year (https://jltasa. asn.au/events), as well as advertised through our mailing list. Some member-only events are advertised exclusively via our email list, so please do not rely solely on our Facebook page for information and updates.
Thank you to our members who completed the ‘Great Student Event Survey’. A summary of findings and what changes we are implementing for 2023 were emailed to members late Term 4. You can view the correspondence on the links at right.
Major changes for 2023 are highlighted in the graphic below.
Events - Calendar and Updates
A new activity focusing on both culture and language, which can easily be run as part of your teaching and learning program across various year levels and abilities. Check out the flyer on page 14 for more info.
Returns to weeknight format, in Term 2, for 2023
Entry categories refined to allow for the huge range of different ways schools timetable languages Check the new scripts and categories on our website.
A new hub to support Years 7-9
A “Middle School Escape Room Incursion” will provide teachers an exciting activity to complete with any/all classes, right in the comfort of their classroom.
Refined entry criteria and format
Finalists enter directly via Humanitix
Separate competition available for High School A lite, online version available for regional schools
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Term 2-3
Manga Anthology Year 7/8 Recital Middle School Hub + Incursion State Hiragana Comp
Feedback from 2022 Summary
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Annual Conference 2023年5月20日 Call for presenters closes 26th
JLTASA Mnemonic Set v1 Out Now!
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How to access the 旅行日本 [Travel Japan] JLTASA ゲーム
1. Ensure you or your school has renewed their JLTASA membership for 2023
2. Complete the registration link at jltasa.asn.au/jltasa-game-ryokou-japan/
3. Once approved, the email address you nominated when registering will be given access to a folder to download the game file, teacher resources, and install instructions
jltasa.asn.au/jltasa-game-ryokou-japan/ ゲームのウェッブサイト (incl free graphics sets) mysteryinjapan.com/
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Membership Renewal
• Membership renews on 1st February each year
• Payable by end of Term 1 (access to events contingent on active, paid membership)
• Managed through EdSA Gateway
• DOUBLE CHECK your email address and ensure all teachers at your site are included as a member
• New pricing applies from 2023
• NT teachers are welcome to join under the NT category (read more on our website)
• A letter of support/advocacy for your site line manager or leader is available on our website
• Write down your membership number when renewing so you can enter it when registering for events
All links, FAQs and supporting documentation is available at https://jltasa.asn.au/membership/
We thank you in advance for your prompt payment and organisation of your membership to support the volunteer nature of our committee roles.
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Have you joined your local ハブグループ?
Local Hub Groups assist in supporting the general operations of JLTASA (eg through organising local hiragana competitions which lead to the ‘state finals’), but more broadly our aims are to support and advocate. Hub Group details can be found below. Every effort has been made to ensure details are correct at time of publication. New email address for Hub Group matters: hubs@jltasa.asn.au
Barossa and Light Hub Group
Jessica Nimmo
Meets 2-3 times a term around Weeks 4/9, rotating between schools.
Southern Hub Group
Alysha Larcombe
Meets Mondays Weeks 3 and 7 at Hallett Cove South Primary School.
North East Hub Group
Amanda Mlynowskyj and Jenny Liivamagi
Amanda.Mlynowskyj593@ and Jenny. liivamagi808@schools.sa.edu.au
Meets Wed or Thurs Week 4 each term, rotating between schools.
Western Hub Group
Natasha Gilbert
Meets Tues or Thurs Weeks 3 and 8, rotating between schools.
Megan first learnt (and fell in love with) Japanese at her rural primary school in the Limestone Coast region. This year she will be focusing on supporting our country members and facilitating greater access to JLTASA PL and student events. If you are teaching in rural or regional SA and want to know more, or have ideas for how JLTASA can better support our country members, please email Megan on: vp@jltasa.asn.au
Vice President, and Regional Liaison Fmr President, and Hub Group Liaison
You can’t spell JLTASA Inc without a C! Cindy has been instrumental in the organisation and management of JLTASA for many, many years. This year Cindy will be liaising with Hub Groups, as well as looking to expand our support to SACE schools in the NT via our Senior Teachers Hub Group. Look out for info about how/ when the Senior Hub Group will meet.
Hub Group Grant Reports
Western Southern
It was with great excitement that the Western Primary Schools’ Hiragana Contest was held after a 2-year hiatus at Kidman Park Primary School. Year 5/6 students from Flinders Park PS, Kidman Park PS, North Haven PS, West Beach PS and Westport PS participated in a heated round robin competition to determine the Western Suburbs champion school. Read more...
Our Southern Area Hub Group’s Annual Hiragana Reading Competition was held for the 18th year on Wednesday September 14th. This year we had 22 teams of 4 entered which is a total of 88 students! We started by dividing into 2 groups in a round robin playoff. Teams played off, competing in 4 rounds each. This round had students reading the single 46 hiragana characters. Read more...
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Megan Lock
Cindy Pitkin
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Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of SA Inc
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School or faculty strapped for ¥ ? Apply for a JLTASA 補助金(ほじょきん)
Grants are available to help support both teachers in their professional learning, but also the advocacy and visibility of Japanese in your school community. For more details and information on how to apply head to jltasa.asn.au/jltasa-grants/
Check out how 2022’s grants were used to promote Japanese culture and language, or teacher professional development
Intensive Seminar for Teachers, Japan Foundation Sep 2022
Alice Goodall, Reynella East College
In September, 2022, I was fortunate enough to attend the Intensive Seminar for Teachers, held at the Japan Foundation, Sydney. The seminar ran over four amazing and inspiring days and I can’t recommend it highly enough to you all!
I was so excited to be at the seminar and to have the immersive experience but I was also quite nervous about it. The seminar began on the Monday with some fun icebreaker activities and I quickly found that I didn’t need to be nervous at all. The staff at the Japan Foundation are the most supportive and lovely people. They are incredibly passionate about Japanese education in Australia and being in the Sydney office felt like we had entered a little slice of Japan.
There were 16 participants in the seminar, from all over Australia, and it was so valuable to compare Japanese education in the different states and gain so many different perspectives. The seminar was broken in to different sections, including intensive language sessions, cultural activities and resource sharing. All sessions were delivered in Japanese and the presenters did a fantastic job of making it comprehensible for all participants. The sessions focussed on new trends, old traditions, and effective ways to incorporate the new curriculum in to our teaching and learning programs. A particularly valuable and enjoyable session was a “speed dating” style activity where we worked with a partner and had extended, natural conversations with a variety of native Japanese speakers.
We also had regular times for networking, the opportunity to explore the extensive Japan Foundation library and the chance to attend a tadoku session one evening.
I have brought home so many new ideas to trial in my classroom and have extended my network of passionate language teachers. The seminar is held twice each year (January and September) focusing on primary, middle or secondary school. I would highly recommend all teachers explore the possibility of attending this amazing professional learning opportunity when it next comes available.
Professional Learning Grants for the NSJLE
Read the full grant reports here .
Mel Watt
On the back of a wonderful SA Conference I was excited to attend my first NSJLE. Gathering together with other language teachers is always inspiring to me and this conference took it up about 10 notches...
Simon Carey
I decided to attend the 2022 NSJLE because I needed some ideas and inspiration for teaching year 7s, and because I felt like I was losing motivation for my Japanese teaching practice, relying on old tasks and resources to get me through...
Ilana Nicole
I was indeed inspired and I’m looking forward to paying it forward with my team, students and the wider Japanese Language community. For me there were three big themes to my learning from the symposium. These included: connecting to purpose, student motivation and the importance of speaking in Japanese, all of which are interconnected...
Kate Satomura
I feel extremely honoured to be one of the recipients of the JLTASA grants to attend the NSJLE in Melbourne, November 4 & 5, 2022. The title of the conference was “Be inspired, be inspiring” and I can honestly say I came away from the two days filled with energy, ideas and yes, inspiration, to bring back to my classroom, my school and the wider Japanese teaching community in SA...
Monique Seymour
The 2022 NSJLE was like a すし of delectable plates of different flavours and sushi experiences. Adam Voigt’s keynote speech on the Friday morning was the お, which delivered engaging storytelling, much hearty laughter, but also poignant emotion. A number of presenters offered their own creative and delicious き – beautifully presented units of work for different year levels and contexts, showcasing different strategies, tools and resources, all beautifully wrapped in their passion for their work...
Rose Park PS (in progress)
In order to build the profile of Japanese language learning at Rose Park Primary School, I would like to install a mural on the exterior wall of my classroom. Currently, the building I am in is run down. A mural would brighten the area and encourage children to use the ajoining courtyard and Japanese garden area. A mural will help to celebrate our shared learning of Japanese, not only inside the Japanese classroom, but throughout the school and our community.
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Make sure you’re signed up to receive updates from jpf.org.au
The Japan Foundation, based in Sydney, is THE go-to for all things Japan and Japan-Australia. We encourage members to visit their website and subscribe to their J-studies e-newsletter. With new resources frequently published (most recently, hiragana readers and a new e-textbook), and numerous professional learning offered each year, check them out today!
Student competitions, eg ‘Video Matsuri’
Speech Contest
Frequent news and current affairs updates
JLPT information
Teacher intensives and PL workshops
Free e-textbooks and textbook resources, including listening exercises
Film Festival
DfE-developed Units of Work and SA Scope and Sequence
Access available to all sectors via plink.sa.edu.au
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Monash Centre for Japanese Language Education
Advocacy Videos from MCJLE ‘Learn Japanese and a New World Opens’
“The Monash Japanese Language Education Centre is committed to supporting Japanese language education at all levels in a variety of ways including Advocacy. Our latest endeavour to encourage students to take up and /or continue their Japanese language studies is the ‘Learn Japanese and a new world opens’ project. This project will showcase a number of easily accessible short videos of people who have used or are using Japanese language as part of their career, job, life or experiences. We aim to showcase a diverse group of people who have interacted with Japanese language in a range of ways.”
2023 AFMLTA International Languages Conference
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Where do you find...?
Other Resources
JLTASA Kaurna Acknowledgement
Tips to Increase your profieiency and confidence
• Join JAFA for events - the Japan Australia Friendship Association
• Attend J-Kai - 4th Wed of every month @ Metro Hotel, Grote St.
• Check out AJA of SA events and kaiwa
• Give yourself a goal and do the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
• Other language courses: Japan Foundation, PCE Adelaide, WEA
• Watch J-Drama /films/ music - on SBS/ Netflix/ Crunchyroll/ etc.Film Festival
Japanese Teaching Ideas Website - for PPTs, activities, work booklets, task ideas
Kids Web Japan - for stories, games, background information, exploration
Japan Foundation, Sydney - for resources, professional development, grants
Nihongodaisuki.com - for content, information
News Web Easy - for Japanese articles at Stage 1/2 reading level, or to support learning
Irasutoya.com , irasuton.com, fumira.jp - for images to use in PPTs, worksheets, etc.
‘Japanese Teachers of Australia’ Facebook Page; The Language Nerds; Twitter (search #mfltwitterati)
Meguro Language Centre - loads of vocab lists and short 1-slide grammar explanations/graphics
Highlighting Japan (monthly e-magazine by Japanese Govt)
Hiragana Times
Tsunagu Japan - like a Buzzfeed site all about Japan (‘top 10 temples’)
Tadoku Readers
Genki Japan (grammar) Puni Puni (grammar) Jisho.org (dictionary/ strokes)
Songs (search via Youtube)
Te asobi hajimaruyo, Kira kira boshi, Oni no pantsu, Hiragana rap, Rajio taiso, Super Simple Japanese channel, Baby Bus channel
Studio Ghibli series, Little Travellers series, Treasury of Folktales by Yuri Yasada, ‘Life Where I’m From’ webseries
Quizlet Blooket Kahoot Wordwall Quizziz Flipgrid
Gimkit Bookwidget Edpuzzle Classkick Education Perfect (paid only)
Books and Other Resources
Intext Book Company
Asia Bookroom
Madden Education Teachers Pay Teachers
Language Teaching Aids Nihongo Shop Levelled Readers Supplies for sensei
Japan-esque Locales
Himeji Gardens Daiso (Marion, Rundle Mall, Hollywood Plaza)
Little Tokyo (central markets) ShinTokyo (Rundle Mall)
Uniqlo (Rundle Mall) minskiplusplus (North Adelaide)
Annual Adelaide Events
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Kodomo no Hi Festival First Sunday in May AnimeGO! Late October OzAsia Festival October-November
資料(しりょう)と お知らせ
New Anime Release
AU Release 4月13日 すずめの戸締り
Art Gallery of South Australia
AGSA provides numerous ways to engage students in Japanese culture
• Browse the entire collection online
• AGSA-developed education resources including visible thinking-style questioning and other activities, for a range of age groups
• Publications for feature exhibits, eg ceramics
• Excursions (free)
**Keep an eye out for a film study and excursion program with Palace Nova**
Upcoming Exhibit
• Cross-curricular ties
Examples of Resources
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2023 JLTASA Newsletter
Welcome to the 2023 school year! This newsletter can be read bilingually - please read the English welcome at the front. 会長の挨拶
南オーストラリア州日本語教師会 2023 JLTASA Newsletter jltasa.asn.au
資料とお知らせ INSIDE NEWSLETTER : 一 二 三 四 五
2023年の年次会議 ハブグループや補助金