Good intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials

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Good intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials


Aims to become part of established OU practice.



Type of content

Media rich resources made available via interactive OS VLE

institutional strategies and needs.

also donations

Institutional commitment from MIT to sustain

Expect continued public funding

community has sustained operations over the last seven years

Community buy-in continued grants?

Decentralised model dependent on CoP likely to help sustainability

As above

Continued public funding









OERs at varied levels of granularity.

lecture notes, problem sets, syllabi, reading lists, tools and simulations as well as video and audio lectures

Varied granularity but courseware rather than smaller elements

Primarily school and college level OERs but with pedagogic context added through comments of staff and students. Peer reviewed. Over 16000 OERs & 8000 contributions of teaching expertise

OERs – school and college level

Index to open resources that fit a strict evaluation criteria.

Courses, course modules, OERs, and tools which added complications to licensing

Globally open

Globally open to Globally open to Globally open for contribute and use contribute and use users but restricted contributors

90% of contributors chose BC commons – open within Canada Shareable Online Resources Repository

5400 resources by 2008 study units, subject themes and study skills.

1800 courses

Modules. Collections/course s. community reviews Tools of how used By 2004 – 1600 knowledge 20000 resources modules By 2007 – 4500 modules

7,762 OERs from range of disciplines. (6054 at UG and PG level)

Level of openness

Globally open

Globally open with Globally open parallel services containing more controlled licences

NZ primarily but licence makes it open to all

Level of content management

Learning space – structured and lab space unstructured

Service around content very important. National UK repository

highly centralised and tightly coordinated

National repository Peer review of content. Comments added about content and how used. Classified and indexed.

Web 2.0 features (tags, ratings, comments, reviews, and social networking) to create an online experience that engages educators in sharing their best teaching and learning practices.

Open repository (content commons) system is basis as much as the content.

High level of selection criteria and addition of metadata and subject classification

Encourages re-use Key aim of lab and re-purposing space area

Key aim

No a key focus

Key focus

Key focus

Key purpose

Release 1 in 2004 – Roadmap aims to encourage reuse

Not a specific goal Key focus


OERs with added

OCW institutional


OERs and CoP

Public model t&L

CoP model and


OERs structured

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OERS, CoP and

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