Men's Lax Test

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loose in the crease and the goalkeeper gains possession, the play-on has ended. A.R. 1. The ball is loose outside the crease when an attack player falls in the crease. RULING: Play-on. If the defense does not recover the ball, the ball is awarded to the

defensive team (1) outside the defensive area if the ball is inside the area or (2) where the ball is when the whistle blows if the ball is outside the defensive area.

A.R. 2. A1 has the ball in his attack area. B2 checks A2 illegally, causing A2 to enter the crease. Is this a slow whistle? RULING: No. Whistle is blown immediately when A2 is

in the crease. Foul by B2 and B2 serves the penalty time.

A.R. 3. B1 has possession of the ball outside the crease and starts to attempt to clear the ball. Attack player A1 runs through the crease while chasing B1. RULING: Flag-down, slow whistle, technical foul. This cannot be a play-on since ball is not loose. The flagdown allows the clearing team to complete a fast break. A.R. 4. A1 interferes with goalkeeper B1, who has possession of the ball in the crease. Is this a slow whistle or a play-on? RULING: Play-on. See Rules 7-10 and 7-11. A.R. 5. A1 slashes goalkeeper B1, who has possession of the ball. RULING: Slow


A.R. 6. During a slow whistle with the goalkeeper in possession of the ball in the crease, the outlet pass is not complete and the goalkeeper maligns the official. Where is the ball put in play? RULING: The goalkeeper serves a one-minute nonreleasable penalty and the ball is put in play at the spot where it was when the whistle was blown, unless that spot is less than 20 yards from the goal. A.R. 7. While ball is loose in the crease, A1 interferes with goalkeeper B1. RULING:

Play-on. If B1 fails to gain possession of the ball, ball is awarded to Team B, 20 yards laterally from the goal.

A.R. 8. While the goalkeeper is in the crease and is in possession of the ball, A1 interferes with goalkeeper B1. RULING: Play-on. If B1 fails to run the ball out of the crease or successfully complete an outlet pass, ball is awarded to Team B at center. A.R. 9. Goalkeeper B1, who is in his crease with possession, throws an outlet pass while attack player A1 stands in front of the crease in a covering position. B1 releases the ball, and then after the ball is out of his crosse, the natural follow-through carries B1’s crosse into A1’s. RULING: Goalkeeper interference by A1. Play-on, and award the ball to Team B at center if the pass is not completed.

Holding SECTION 4. A player shall not impede the movement of an opponent or his crosse. a. A player may not: 1. Hold an opponent with his crosse.

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