The Cougar Crier - February 2022

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The Cougar Cr ier TheStudent NewsSourceof John F. Kennedy High School February 2022

Issue 3

Supply chain issues impact local businesses BY AIDAN FORD Staff writer The recent supply chain issues have caused many problems for Americans around the United States and in the Bellmore-Merrick area. Back in 2020, once the Coronavirus hit the world, many companies were hit with lockdowns which affected the rate at which they were able to produce goods. Many businesses and companies are currently struggling to maintain stock for customers and general consumption. This occurrence resulted from the lack of transportation available at ports and the ports not remaining open due to the virus spreading. This is negatively impacting

Americans across the U.S due to the fast-growing demand for certain products recently and the rise in prices of goods and services. The struggle continues as many business owners have trouble restocking the shelves as stores run low on inventory. The supply chain crisis can be seen by the hardships on the residents of our community. This crisis has resulted in almost interminable waits to find particular necessities. The Biden administration, and other state governments, implement new plans to help resolve the issue. The federal and state government?s primary goal is to aid in the recovery from the crisis and help get businesses back on their feet.

Biden has launched an executive order on supply chain resilience, prioritizing it. This will allow for more government intervention in businesses while providing resources to correct the shortages of computer chips and improve the automobile industry. In addition, the Biden administration had called for an increase in the manufacturing of products within the United States. The United States mustn?t rely on other countries to produce finished goods. Certain states have tried to help reduce the effects of the supply crisis. For example, California has created policies in which terminals are incentivized to MAXANDGINOSCLOTHING.COM

SUPPLY | Page 4

CyberPatriots continue to dominate the competition BY BRANDON LIN Staff writer This year, the JFK CyberPatriot club continues its reign as the number one team in New York in the Air Force Association?s CyberPatriot competition. After obtaining this achievement in the state round, Team Devs 4.0, consisting of seniors

Christopher Prainito, Param Nagpal, Brandon Lin, James LaSalle, and Kai Rodger, advanced to the semifinal round, where they were met with amplified challenges and additional tasks to complete, one of which was created by Boeing. This round is the last stepping stone before the national round, where only the top 12 teams in the

Platinum bracket throughout the nation are invited to compete in Bethesda, Maryland come March 17-21. Two other teams competed alongside Devs 4.0 this season and are composed of members from freshman to junior year: Merciless and C-Doom. In the words of Science Chairperson Robert Soel, ?Our CyberPatriot program in Kennedy High School is thriving. This is our fourth year as the New York State Champions, and I?m thrilled that this season, two of JFK?s CyberPatriot teams competed in the platinum tier, and the newest team placed second in the silver tier. I?m really proud of all the work the CyberPatriots have done. The program truly inspires kids to consider careers in computer science and cybersecurity while having a lot of fun with the online challenges.? CyberPatriot is a nationwide,


TheCyberPatriot team displaysits2021 statechampionship banner.

CYBER | Page 3

Max & Gino's, located in Woodbury, isa popular retail storefor designer clothesand uniquecollegeapparel.

The Cougar Cr ier | New s | February 2022 |

Kennedy student shines in holiday classic

Staff Sam Luck man Editor inchief Jessica Bl umber g Copy editor Ben Gr eco Newseditor Ben Hyman Featureseditor Nik ita Rodov Opinionseditor Kier a Matul ich Artseditor Samantha Schneider Sportseditor Al ana Vocina Managingeditor Al essandr a Bl angiar do Jozel yn Chen Antonina Ger unda Casey Mosk ow itz Staf f Photographer Kar l y Bur l ock Br ook e Cer ami Kathl een Cotton Jak e Fassenfel d Aidan For d Ryan Gar cia Dyl an Ger ing Sar ah Kl ein Kyl ie Matul ich Jessica Mehr Par am Nagpal Jett Rosen Natal ie Schidel heim Joshua Shel don Sophia St. Sur in Al ex Zavel son Staf f Mr . Br ad Seidman Dr . Dennis Ur ban Faculty advisors

The Cougar Cr ier ispublished by thestudentsat John F. Kennedy High School. Our mission istoserveasthevoicefor thestudent body by accurately representing thediverseviews and concernsof each of the students. The Cougar Cr ier welcomes all student and guest contributions, including articles, artwork, commentary, and letters. Thestaff reservestheright toreject or edit any submissions that discriminateon thebasisof ability, age, color, creed, gender, gender identity/ expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Correctionsshould beaddressed John F. Kennedy HS 3000 Bellmore Avenue Bellmore, NY 11710 (516) 992-1400 Mr. Gerard Owenburg Pr incipal Volume 55 No. 3 February 2022


Staff writer A staple of the holiday season is George Balanchine?s The Nutcracker. This show has captivated generations of audiences and left hundreds of families in awe. This show certainly demands a full-size production from Tchaikovsky's music, Balanchine's choreography, Karinska's costumes, and Rouben Ter-Arutunian sets. The production consists of a twelve-foot tall, one-ton Christmas tree, ninety dancers, forty stagehands, and more than 125 children and teenagers of two altering casts from the American School of Ballet. One of these dancers is Kennedy Freshman Maisie Leo, who is a part of the New York City Ballet for four years. Dancing with the New York City Ballet on top of being a new student at Kennedy High School amid the COVID-19 pandemic can be overwhelming, but Maisie doesn?t think of it this way. Instead, she sees the Nutcracker as a great experience, as she learns about herself as a student and dancer. During the rehearsal period, Maisie would go home immediately after school to put her hair in a bun and change into a leotard and tights. Her mom would then drive her to Lincoln Center where she would rehearse in the David H. Koch Theater. On the fifth

floor of the theater, she would rehearse the dances with seven other dancers. Maisie performed in the show every other day - about 3-4 performances a week. The show ran from November 26 to January 2. During the run, Maisie would have time after school to prepare for the evening performances. For the afternoon, she would leave school after fourth period to get ready for the 2:00 matinee.

cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic. Maisie talked about being remote last year, which was a significant change from the day-to-day routine of school for many students. Maisie remembers looking forward to dance classes where she could channel her ?energy and emotions into the art.? W hether it is a dance piece or artwork, it is clear that Kennedy Cougars, including

Maisie Leo, are using creativity not only to give back to the community but also to show their peers that finding a positive outlet for the stresses of this year is the most beneficial thing one can do. Maisie helped captivate audiences every night by sharing her gift with families who come from all different parts of the nation and sometimes even the world.

Maisie stressed the importance of establishing a routine to accomplish one?s full potential and have time for self-care. Maisie said, ?Always put your mental health first.?She recounted days when she was not feeling her best. Then, she would take a minute to breathe and get back into her headset and routine. Maisie believes that ?your mental health comes before anything,?so putting oneself first is the most important thing to do, no matter how pressing one?s commitments or how stressful one?s day-to-day life is. She believes this advice can help students who feel overwhelmed from their academics and extracurriculars. Throughout the pandemic, artists have used their mediums to express themselves and help them get through uncertainty. Maisie believes dance also helped her


MaisieLeoasa polichinellein GeorgeBalanchine's"TheNutcracker".

Six JFK students named Regeneron semifinalists BY KATHLEEN COTTON

Staff writer This year, six seniors in the Advanced Science Research program who submitted projects to the Regeneron Talent Search competition were selected as semifinalists. In recent years, the number of students advancing in the competition from this school has been steadily increasing compared to other schools. Historically, four to six students have advanced, which can be attributed to the program's success. This year, the semifinalists were Michelle Brown, Shannon Su, Desiree Rigaud, Chris Prainito, Brandon Lin, and Chris Luisi. In addition, two of these students, Desiree Rigaud and Chris Luisi, were recently announced as finalists.

The Regeneron competition allows students to submit research projects that they have worked extremely hard on over their high school careers to be recognized for their work. These projects were not simple student projects; they involved highly advanced research in confronting a real-world issue in any field of science. In addition, students reached out to adult mentors in the area they were interested in and utilized a lab to get practical experience in their research. After three years of research, seniors submitted their projects to the contest. The selected projects covered various topics and research methods. Nationally, only 40 students were named finalists. Semifinalists were all awarded $2000, and finalists $25,000 to use towards college. Chris Luisi used two

genetically engineered Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) models to investigate the effects of a low-protein high-carbohydrate dietary restriction on their athleticism, metabolic rate, and lifespan. His study was intended to show a reduction in illnesses that often occurred in tandem with obesity without causing malnutrition through excessive dieting. Results showed that the dietary restriction did in fact increase the lifespan metabolic rate and athleticism of fruit flies. Luisi?s research also earned him a spot as a finalist in the Regeneron competition. Luisi said, ?I honestly think that becoming a finalist is just icing on the cake. The real accomplishment is submitting my research and having such a strong support group behind me.?

Desiree Rigaud did her research in the field of psychology. She studied how the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in increased economic stress and the best methods of alleviating said financial stress, especially in the marital relationship. She distributed a questionnaire that inquired about married couples?functioning and finances. Her study determined that higher levels of financial stress led to decreased functioning in the relationship but could be improved through psychological therapy methods, including working to avoid focusing on financial burdens. Michelle Brown used fruit flies to discover if metformin, a medication generally used to treat diabetes, along with ASR | Page 4

The Cougar Cr ier | New s | February 2022 |

Omicron variant causes concerns as communities relax protocols BY JESSICA BLUMBERG

Copy editor On March 11, 2020, the W orld Health Organization declared the virus COVID-19 a global pandemic. First discovered in W uhan, China, in December 2019, COVID-19 quickly spread around the globe, infecting more than 300 million people worldwide. The burden of COVID-19 was immense, overwhelming hospitals, families, and workplaces. Essential workers such as first responders and health care personnel were at the forefront of the pandemic, risking exposure to the virus while being undervalued, underappreciated, and underpaid for their dedication and bravery. Mask-wearing became pervasive, with mask mandates issued in numerous countries, regions, and states. The pandemic even became politicized in the United States, with the two main political parties spreading contrasting messages about COVID-19. As a result, misinformation and polarization were rampant as COVID-19 continued to

spread and change all of our lives. Even with the approval of various vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (approved by the FDA on December 11, 2020) and the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (approved one week later by the FDA on December 18, 2020), the COVID-19 pandemic shows no signs of stopping. New variants have emerged from the original virus (most notably the Delta and Omicron variants), and people continue to be infected, quarantined, and hospitalized. However, people have become less willing to follow COVID-19 protocols and guidelines in the past year, even as the pandemic continues. Many US states have abandoned their mask mandates, and some people have even begun protesting in rallies against vaccines and masks. ?Unmask the kids?has become a common slogan as students return to school wearing masks. As the infection rate keeps rising and people become more

unwilling to follow guidelines, it is easy to worry whether the end of the pandemic will ever come in sight. Recently, a New York States Supreme Court judge struck down Governor Kathy Hochul?s mask mandate. W ith this in mind, it is important to stay updated about COVID-19 as the pandemic continues in order to keep yourself and others safe. The dominant variant in the United States is currently the Omicron variant (December 2021 and January 2022). W hile its symptoms are typically milder than the symptoms that characterize the Delta variant, it is still severely overwhelming hospitals. In addition, it is more contagious than any other COVID-19 variant, which increases hospitalizations. Its high infection rate can also take a toll on the economy and services available to the public, as many have to isolate themselves if they are suspected of having the virus or are confirmed to have it. Some of the Omicron variant symptoms that one may

School shootings have led to an increase in security BY JESSICA MEHR

Staff writer The United States has a history of school shootings and an epidemic of gun violence. Recently, a student at Oxford High School in Michigan brought a gun to school, killing three students and critically injuring others. This caused a significant reaction from many communities worldwide, including our community. Principal Owenburg noted that John F. Kennedy High School takes these tragedies seriously. After school shootings or other episodes of mass violence, Owenburg speaks with his cabinet members to reflect upon the incident and the safety precautions in place at Kennedy. Then following this, he follows up with Mr. Jones, the head of security at Kennedy and former NYPD sergeant, and takes any phone calls from concerned parents. These precautions helped keep our school safe, but our safety procedures were not always this way. According to Mr. Owenburg, our school security has changed

significantly following the Stoneman Douglas School shooting that occurred in 2018 in Florida. It was then that a 19-year-old killed seventeen people, including staff and students, and injured seventeen others. This is now considered the deadliest high school shooting in United States history and surpassed the Columbine High School massacre that killed thirteen people in 1999. Following this fatal shooting, security was increased at Kennedy. Around the school, there are alarms on doors, limited entrances and exits for students, and extensive security staff if any incident occurs. Other safety precautions include lockdown and lock-out drills if there is a threat to the building inside or close to our school. Additionally, our school is in close contact with the Nassau County Police Department to maintain safety. Some might find these precautions to be an annoyance, but Mr. Owenburg said, ?We are willing to inconvenience ourselves for safety.? W hen educating the youth on gun violence and school shootings, some people

experience include a runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing, and a sore throat. Albeit less common, other symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, and nausea. Symptoms are quite similar to those of the common cold or the flu. Even though symptoms are usually mild, people can still experience moderate to severe symptoms if they are elderly or have any underlying medical conditions. It has also been found that people are less likely to experience more severe symptoms if they are vaccinated and have received a booster shot. One should isolate for a minimum of ten days after experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 to prevent the spread of the virus to others. It is also recommended you stay isolated for an extra three days after symptoms end just in case. This is in correspondence with the guidelines issued by the W orld Health Organization to ensure the maximum safety of yourself and those around you.

CYBER from page 1

government-endorsed competition run by the Air emphasize the importance of Force Association that mental health services. It is revolves around the securing the belief within Kennedy that if the school environment of virtual images of popular operating systems including is like a family and students W indows and Linux and feel like their school loves specific Cisco challenges that them and their peers treat them well, this will reduce the involve a quiz and Packet Tracer. The virtual images are chance of any sort of gun a type of ?computer-ception,? violence. After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, where one operates an artificial computer system Donald Trump tweeted, ?So inside another computer using many signs that the Florida professional software called shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from VMW are. However, the virtual images have been school for bad and erratic altered to feature a behavior.? business-like setting with Others emphasize the need for users and files fitting themes greater gun control measures that have included the popular in the United States. This TV show The Office, and the term is broad and covers images are tampered with to restrictions on what kinds of create vulnerabilities. A firearms can be sold and disabled firewall, incorrect bought and who can possess settings for certain computer and sell them. It also covers policies, and weak safeguards where and how they can be for essential services such as stored and carried. Many Remote Desktop Connection people believe that this is the are common vulnerabilities. root of the problem and The Cisco quiz is a restrictions need to be multiple-choice exam increased. Although the topic consisting of 10 questions of gun violence continues to with topics ranging from be debated, it needs to be identifying types of addressed and prevented at all cyberattacks to the internet costs. framework. Packet Tracer is the software competitors use to design virtual networks,

The Omicron variant continues to skyrocket the number of cases worldwide. Taking these preventative measures and precautions against COVID-19 has the potential to protect you and everyone else. This also may help hospitals deal with the influx of people with COVID-19, since by staying safe, you can help decrease the spread of the virus and subsequently the number of people infected. On Long Island, if one wants to get tested for COVID-19, there are various options available to see one?s health status. First, one can visit the Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care Clinic located on 2640 Merrick Road for rapid and antibody testing or PCRs. One can also purchase rapid tests at a local pharmacy, although these can sometimes be falsely negative. In all, one must prioritize their health and the health of others. Unfortunately, the pandemic currently shows no signs of stopping, especially with the emergence of different variants and the relaxing of mask mandates. secure a server, and manage routers in a virtual environment based on criteria given in the challenge. W ithin a 6-hour time frame across a set weekend, competitors compete in teams to complete all images and challenges to the best of their abilities. The JFK CyberPatriot Club was founded in 2017-2018 by then-freshman Christopher Prainito and then-junior Jared Weinstein, and it originally started with just one team. Club president Christopher Prainito says, ?Although the composition of our team has changed over the years, the collaborative energy within the club has remained intact. Solving these cybersecurity challenges as a group is a valuable experience that has taught us a lot about teamwork.? In the age of information, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be stressed enough. A cyber attack happens every 39 seconds, according to a recent study at The University of Maryland. The CyberPatriot club is a golden opportunity for any student to familiarize themselves with the workings behind their everyday computers and networks as well as obtain a greater grasp on how best to secure their own and others?devices.

The Cougar Cr ier | New s | February 2022 |

SUPPLY from page 1 move trucks quicker and more efficiently from the ports. Also, they have enacted policies to extend operating hours at port terminals and implemented to make more space for existing cargo capacity at their ports. The federal and state governments are making efforts to help America recover from this supply chain crisis. However, Americans in our community are dealing with their own issues. In our community, businesses have been hit hard by the effects of the supply chain crisis. The clothing industry has had to overcome many challenges. Compensation for different levels of transportation is essential as it ensures that the products arrive on schedule to sell to customers. Mitch Fieg, the owner of Max & Gino's, stated, ?I used to rely on the Asia market for products that I use in my store; however, that is becoming more of a gamble nowadays.?In addition, he explained the importance of domestic transportation for many clothing retailers as, ?75%of

ASR from page 2 reduced protein and increased carbohydrates, would help to treat Parkinson?s disease. Unfortunately, her experiment showed that while these two ideas were effective treatments individually, they did not work together to improve the motor skills of flies with Parkinson?s. However, she says that, ?It all feels so surreal and I?m so proud of everyone for the hard work that they have put in over the past three years.? Shannon Su researched whether or not suppressing the production of a certain protein would benefit when combined with other medications in treating AML, a type of blood and bone marrow cancer. Her study found that this treatment method was quite effective in suppressing this type of cancer, encouraging future developments in the field. Brandon Lin studied how dietary restriction and exercise affected an aging fruit fly model. His research involved the use of custom-developed 3D-printed exercise equipment for the flies. He found that the

our goods now come from Mexico or Central American countries such as Honduras or Guatemala.?Mitch?s explanation for choosing to switch markets is expressed, ?I can?t rely on ports to supply me with products anymore, and it can severely hurt my business.?W hile business owners can find ways to move around the crisis, residents aren?t as fortunate. The higher prices of certain products and the rush to buy

certain goods have plagued the towns of Bellmore and Merrick. Mr. Graziosi, an AP macroeconomic teacher, states how ?we are finding it harder to buy certain products that we were used to having easily accessible; however, not all of them are necessary.?This statement needs to be considered as people need to buy necessities to live. Other products, typically purchased on holidays, may not be

purchased as inflation rises. Mr. Graziosi also states that ?people just need to change their expectations, and plan ahead.?People just need to know when to buy certain things because products are being stocked at low rates. This includes online shopping, in which people feel more obligated to order stuff online instead of going out to buy products due to being in a pandemic lifestyle. The global supply chain crisis

has been affecting Americans, and the rest of the world, for years now. However, as Mr.Graziosi stated, ?This isn?t going to be with us forever, but it will be with us for a little while.?In that time, the federal and state governments will help to ensure that we will get through this crisis. In time, Americans will shop without worrying about stock or price.

williamchois licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

PSA SingaporeTerminalsistheworld'sbusiest transshipment hub, handling about one-fifth of theworld'stotal container transshipment throughput, and 6%of global container throughput.

combination of restriction and exercise led to a decrease in the motor functions of the aging flies, but his equipment could be essential to future research involving the same species of fruit flies. Chris Prainito researched the development of a chemical paper biosensor to detect Covid-19 in saliva. This would be a method of testing that would not require any form of microscopic equipment as it would allow for naked-eye detection of the virus. In addition, his design was both inexpensive and user-friendly, which would enable it to be used in less developed regions of the world, therefore increasing access to COVID-19 testing. W hen talking about the Regeneron Science Talent Search, Chris said that, ?It?s more than just being a semifinalist in this competition. It?s more the satisfaction that what you did is recognized as being important and useful in the science community.? The opportunity to pursue experiments like this is not available through a traditional high school science curriculum, but through the Advanced Science Research program.

The small and dedicated class is beneficial because it allows the students to have a more narrow focus and more time to work with their teachers, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Afonso. In fact, Mrs.Frank even said, ?I am so proud of all the hard work and dedication of all 12 of my seniors!? Additionally, the students in the program have a close relationship with each other as the program has been responsible for developing

friendships. One of the student finalists, Desiree, says, ?I could not have done it on my own; the support and collaboration in ASR are necessary for success. The bonds that we have created and the time we?ve spent together were the most rewarding parts of the whole journey.? Kennedy High School tends to have one of the highest number of semifinalists in the Regeneron competition as the

program is highly intense, and the students are very committed. W hile the workload is heavy, first-year students are encouraged to apply to join the program if they intend to pursue a career in science. Exemplified by the semifinalists and finalists from the class, the work done pays off. Not only does it offer valuable experience and the potential to win a scholarship and recognition, but it also provides a beneficial addition to college applications.


Kennedy'ssix Regenron semi-finalists, along with theprogram instructors, upon learning of thenewsfromtheSociety for Science.


SUBMIT TO: Room 228/ Room 329 John F. Kennedy High School Bellmore, NY

Unsigned editorials and cartoons are the views of the staff; personal commentaries reflect the views of the writers. Submissions and letters are edited for accuracy, clarity, and fairness.

February 2022

Bl ak eman needs to get ser ious New county executivetakesbrazen approach towardsstatemask policy in schools BY NIKITA RODOV Opinion Editor On the morning of January 6th, County Executive Bruce Blakeman announced the signing of multiple executive orders that allowed schools and individuals to have the option of forfeiting a mask mandate. Although such an action may seem almost unbelievable, a number of teachers and administrators stand in solidarity with Blakeman on his decision. As County Executive, Blakeman assumes the role of creating legislation to ensure the benevolence of his county; with over 270,952 positive cases of COVID-19 only growing, the efficacy of Blakeman?s policies must come into question. Considering our own safety, a far-too-awaited return to normalcy, and who is to decide our well-being, we must ask ourselves: what now? The Nassau County Executive race between Republican Blakeman and incumbent Laura Curran in November was a close one, but the leadership of Nassau County?s 1.4 million residents was ultimately granted to the man requiring no proof of vaccination and no masks at his induction ceremony inside the Cradle of Aviation Museum amidst a dense crowd. Since his first day in office, it has become quite clear that Blakeman discounts the severity of COVID-19 as we surpass the infection rate observed during the first wave in March of 2020.

Blakeman has been noted to make comments that downplay the government?s need for strict influence, including how wearing a mask is a ?personal decision based on the information?and that ?we have seen the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we can no longer be afraid.?Of course, Blakeman needs not be afraid, for he has the luxury of believing that a lack of government presence will mitigate the adversities of COVID-19. However, this naive and brazen decision means a greater extension of fears and precautions despite too many educators, students, and administrators having suffered for so long.

W ith schools mandating attendance if a person is asymptomatic and vaccinated despite the seats next to us becoming empty more and more every day, students and staff must take the utmost preventative measures and promote a social need to continue wearing masks. Aside from this, it is important for us, as concerned inhabitants of Nassau County, to speak out against the convenient ignorance that Blakeman bases his policy on. Recognizing the tenderness of Blakeman?s reputation and status, Governor Kathy Hochul has viciously fought against the County

Executive?s efforts, asserting that his orders ultimately lack any backbone and that ?state laws will prevail? children in masks, that is safest for them.? W hile it is still unclear the sustainability of Blakeman?s efforts towards unmasking his constituents, it is clear that our officials and our county are losing sight of whose health they must constantly seek to protect throughout these times. W ith cancellations of examinations, live events, and more, if proper action is not taken and is replaced by a false sense of ease, we might be left to face the worst to come yet. However, regardless of our

officials and mandates, we must remember that we largely control our own fate. In fact, with the recent adoption of Blakeman's policy, there has been no less than an uproar of students, parents, and faculty regarding the blatant disregard of safety -- so much so that it has brought the coming of a state-wide lawsuit to overturn Blakeman's order. As the final decision stands pending, schools will continue to enforce the mask mandate, and -- whether in alliance with Blakeman or not -- will continue to act in the best interest of our friends, neighbors, and community.


Nassau County ExecutiveBruceBlakeman signsan executiveorder requiring school districtstovotein January on whether torequiremasksin classrooms.

The Cougar Cr ier | Opinions | February 2022 |

Do you feel safe in school? BY JETT ROSEN t?s a question that seems simple at first glance but is more profound than you?d think. W hat is the danger?How could it affect schools?How realistic is it to happen?All of these questions are included in the broad question, ?Do you feel safe at school??


So, what things could even cause unease?I didn't tell anyone what I meant by my question; I simply asked if they felt safe. Not surprisingly, every person I asked replied with an answer talking about COVID-19 or school shootings. However, what was surprising was what the most common first reaction was. During a time in which the one-day high for new cases in the USA just broke global records by exceeding a million, the

majority of students that I asked this question to replied with an answer relating to gun violence. Of the fifteen seniors I spoke with, nine of them started to talk about school shootings, four of them spoke about COVID, and the last two asked for clarification, for they were thinking of both.

they said that the government had done nothing to prevent more school shootings. Finally, some people flat out said they associate the word ?safe?with violence before illness.

aren?t a rarity but a reality. Yet no matter how many kids die needlessly, it seems that the government?s only reaction is to say, ?They?re in our hearts and prayers, and let's make sure a tragedy like this never happens again.? The students?reactions reveal And then nothing. I?m not a a deeply rooted problem in politician, but I?m pretty sure our country. We are in a laws aren?t created in press pandemic that has killed releases. The best solution My immediate follow-up to millions globally, yet when I possible must involve action, anyone who talked not just hoping about gun violence was to ask why "Nomatter what thestudent felt threatenedby, that school shootings cease and they are more therewasonething in common between every that schools can afraid of a school answer. Every singlestudent felt safe. " figure the issue out shooting than a themselves. COVID outbreak. asked students if they felt safe Because even if they could After all, COVID seems like a at school, they immediately sort it out themselves , is that much more present threat. A thought of gun violence. And really the best use of a school's few people said they feel like even worse is that when budget? Of course not. A the Omicron variant isn?t a directly asked, ?Have you ever school's budget should go threat to them as they are seriously contemplated a plan towards the students; young and vaccinated. Others of action in the case of an whether it be new sports said they fear school active shooter??every single equipment and facilities or shootings more because the student replied that they had. new textbooks and government is taking action And why is that?Because in smartboards. Schools should against coronavirus, while America, school shootings not have to pick between

Letter s to the editor Bathr oom pol icy Dear Editor, I am writing in response to Karly Bulock?s piece, ?Kennedy should revert to its pre-COVID bathroom policy.?I agree that all bathrooms should be unlocked all day. It?s inconvenient to find a bathroom, especially when teachers tell you to go to the bathroom in between periods, but then everyone is locked. W hen you have to find a bathroom it could take a very long time and you miss out on class time and new materials. The amount of people in each bathroom shouldn?t matter if they?re all wearing masks and the number of COVID cases has decreased dramatically so they should at least open two bathrooms per floor for the rest of the day. - Sophie Bleiwas Dear Editor, I couldn?t agree more with Karly Bulock's article. This had reminded me of how awful it is to have to go all the way around to the other side of the school to find a bathroom only to see there

are three people outside waiting for it. I also think that we should go back to non-COVID-like procedures for the bathrooms because a lot of the ideas aren?t executed very well. Kids miss out on classes just because of a desperate need to use the bathroom. The fact that they only let a certain number of people into the bathroom at once is flawed because the teachers don?t just wait for that one student to get back from the bathroom, they start the lesson immediately. The person who made this article could not have done a better job explaining why the current procedure we have to follow to get to the bathroom is terrible. If we had the pre-COVID rules they would be much easier to follow and would help the school function better. W hen the school had non-COVID rules there was almost no waiting for the bathroom but now we have to stand for several minutes just to get to the bathroom and miss out on part of the class or go back and wait until you can get to the bathroom without a wait but that could take all day. - Nicholas Pellegrino

Facebook r e-br anding Dear Editor, I am writing in reply to Jett Rosen?s column, which addressed Facebook?s re-branding. I don?t think Facebook will last too long after re-branding. Although it?ll distract the public from all its controversy and divert internet searches to the big news of their new concept, it is ultimately dying. There are less and less Facebook users with each successive generation. People will likely recognize that Facebook hasn?t made changes to their hate speech prevention. On one hand, re-branding has been successful for several products such as Aunt Jemima?s changing to Pearl Milling Company. On the other hand, the pancake and syrup brand wasn?t a dying product. Many people continue to buy from them because they know it's the same product with a different name. It?s possible this won?t happen for Facebook because it was already dying before the controversy. - Shannon Su

safety and education. Especially not in a country that spends over ten times more money on defense than it does on education. This isn't a problem for schools, or districts, or even states themselves. This needs to be addressed on a federal level or else more and more tragedies will pile up, and it seems the federal government has not realized this. But now, finally, back to the original question, do Kennedy students feel safe at school? No matter what the student felt threatened by, there was one thing in common between every answer. Every single student felt safe. W hether it was from COVID or gun violence, they believed that the policies that Kennedy has in place are strong and effective in making sure that every student is safe. Jett Rosen isan honorsstudent in theclassof 2022.

Featur es February 2022

The Cougar Cr ier | Featur es | February 2022 |

The Cougar Cr ier | Featur es | February 2022 |

The Cougar Cr ier | Featur e | February 2022 |

by Jacqueline Moskowitz

Ar ts February 2022

How Spider-Man: NoWay Home became 2021?s magnum opus BY SOPHIA ST. SURIN Staff writer In the turbulent fulfillment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?s Spider-Man trilogy, directed by Jon W atts, the story of Peter Parker?s identity revealed to the world continues. Marvel honors its only masked superhero through a film that fixes your heart and inspires all to appreciate their loved ones. Spider-Man: NoWay Home takes place in Queens, New York, reminding audiences of Peter Parker?s natural ability to adapt to differentiating challenges, even without

radioactive enhancements. Produced by Kevin Feige, infamous for not being highly intolerant of early spoilers, the long-awaited film of the year surpassed all audience?s expectations. The film takes viewers on Peter Parker?s new life as a global hero and menace, beginning with a clean take off from Far FromHome?s cliffhanger. The public unveiling interferes with Parker and his friends just trying to get through senior year and college applications. Tom Holland returns to the big screen, leaving viewers

engrossed with his adequate portrayal of Peter Parker. Zendaya and Jacob Batalon?s return as Parker?s confidants, with interpretations of Ned and MJ?s public exploitation that complimented the film?s naturally comical and emotive turns. Each scene through this spider trek was visually appealing, the build-up of each scene leaving audiences more and more at the edge of their seats. The performances of each actor and actress were never lackluster. Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina, and other infamous villains returning from across the Sony-Marvel universe especially captured

the hearts of many. Spider-Man: NoWay Homehas shown beyond doubt to be the most anticipated movie of the year, exceeding its budget in ten days by 800 million USD. The movie gained automatic support from the Marvel fandom eager for multiversal magic in the MCU?s next phase promised from Benedict Cumberbatch?s return as Doctor Strange. Theories of the return of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield through the multiverse? teased by the appearance of Doc Ock, Green Goblin, and other

infamous villains of the Sinister 6? spread like wildfire, giving hope to those who find nostalgia in the early Spider-Man films. This movie has also proven to be the most relatable in the box office to the rough past year. Both the film and current events reflect the complexity of seeking comfort in challenges. Peter Parker, an empathetic fictional persona, will never have the normal high school experience after being involuntarily granted ?great power.?In real-world circumstances, students and employees alike have been trying to return to a sense of normalcy after being hit with the unprecedented virus. It has been difficult to come to terms with the colossal fact that things will never be the same. In actuality, the greater our efforts are to turn back time instead of adapting, the further we set ourselves back from life as we once knew it. Overall, this movie has reset the bar for the Marvel Cinematic Universes?status quo. W ith the release of a film as internationally ground-breaking as NoWay Homeafter November?s lackluster Marvel film Eternals, which received much criticism for introducing the MCU?s newest characters in a rushed manner, fans will be intolerant of anything less for Phase Five.


Benedict Cumberbatch asDoctor Strangeand Tom Holland asSpider-Man/ Peter Parker in Spider-Man: NoWay Home.

The Cougar Cr ier | Ar ts | February 2022 |

Book r eview TheSeven Husbandsof EvelynHugo By Taylor Jenkins Reid Atria Books

It can be challenging to capture the old Hollywood glamour in literature. Author Taylor Jenkins Reid accomplishes this flawlessly in her stand-alone novel The Seven Husbandsof Evelyn Hugo. This novel centers around two groundbreaking main characters: Monique Grant, a journalist tasked with the opportunity of a lifetime, and the one and only Evelyn Hugo, an old Hollywood movie star. Monique is given the opportunity to write the life story of Evelyn Hugo. Her rise to fame and background are a complete mystery; audiences had been enchanted by her impressionable roles and the fact that she had been married seven times. But, much to Monique?s surprise,

she is requested exclusively by Hugo to write what she believes to be an article sponsored by the media company, The Variant. Still, once they meet, it appears that Evelyn has no intention of dealing with The Variant. Instead, she entrusts her story to Monique alone. One of the most interesting and compelling things is that the book switches perspectives; one chapter will be Monique?s point of view on Evelyn?s tale and a jump back in time in the next chapter, where Evelyn Hugo tells the story from her own perspective. This was one of the most important things to me. I think it was so crucial for Evelyn to tell her own story. Although I acknowledge multi-perspective books could get confusing, many authors struggle to find individuality or their own

voice to each of their characters. This novel never struggled with this. There is such an apparent change in voice between Monique and Evelyn and a connection between their young lives decades apart. TheSeven Husbandsof Evelyn Hugois more than a typical historical fiction or a romance novel; it is a turning point in literature. Monique faces a decision to let go of her failed marriage or stay connected to her ex-husband even though she had fallen out of love with him years before. Likewise, Evelyn faces a pivotal moment in her life, staying in the box she was put in by movie executives or following her heart. Reid ties together themes of loss, heartbreak, and acceptance of oneself in the stories of both these women. This novel has a great

representation of LGBTQ+ romance and minorities, making it a modern and necessary story that takes place a long time ago. This story makes you appreciate the old movie stars of the golden age of Hollywood when you see the struggles of Evelyn Hugo. She must stay in the public eye regardless of her desire for private life and fears that she will not be as relevant as many other young rising stars one day. The novel, affectionately known as just Evelyn Hugo by fans, is separated into parts by each husband Evelyn has. But it isn?t truly about her husbands at all; it is centered around Hugo?s rise to fame and the growth of scandal fueled by nosy tabloids and newspaper reporters. But the fact that the book is broken up into small, 100-page sections helps keep track of the

different timelines. This was the best book I read in 2021. The ending was heartbreaking but not melancholy; it left you with an appreciation for trailblazers like Evelyn Hugo, who follow their hearts and their own minds even when everything seems against them. Monique?s story wrapped up nicely; she began to understand why Hugo had chosen her for the story, and although there is a line drawn between the two women, she begins to see the parallels between her story and Evelyn?s. Finally, she makes a tough decision that leaves the reader with admiration for her. This story is powerful and fascinating.

Avatar: TheLast Airbender is a nostalgic classic BY DYLAN GERING Staff writer Avatar: TheLast Airbender is a show that, on February 21st, will be seventeen years old. This show, however, is a timeless classic and true testament to the greatness that can be contained in animated television.

broken out of the ice 100 years after the start of the war by a Southern W ater Tribe bender known as Katara and her non-bender brother Sokka. The Fire Nation is now ruled by Fire Lord Ozai, a man so relentless that he badly scared and banished his own son, Prince Zuko,

Right away, the premise for this show is incredibly intriguing, with bending being such a unique concept. Bending techniques in the show are based on real-world Chinese martial arts disciplines, such as tai chi or kung fu, which makes bending as much a form of art

making any viewer wish that they could use waterbending to make giant fortresses out of ice or earthbend potholes to make the roads smoother. W hile described in the show as less magical and more spiritual or sacred, bending is applied highly creatively. For example, Katara waterbent all

Avatar: TheLast Airbender takes place in a mid-1800s alternate version of Earth where the world is split between four major groups of people: the Air Nomads, the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom, and the Southern + Northern W ater Tribes. In each nation, some people are born with the power to manipulate and control their nation?s specific element; this is called ?bending.?Typically, benders can only bend one element, whether it be earth, water, fire, or air. However, there is one exception to this rule: the Avatar. The Avatar is supposed to be the protector of the world. He can bend all four elements and is tasked with keeping the four nations in harmony. One day, the Avatar, a 12-year-old Air Nomad boy named Aang, got encapsulated in a giant sphere of ice and disappeared. During Aang?s time trapped in the ice, the Fire Nation becomes a totalitarian regime bent on world domination, declaring war on all three of the other nations and wiping out the Air Nomads in an attempt to kill Aang. Aang is


Aang iswoken by hissiblingsafter a long hibernation tolearn he'san Avatar with air-bending powers.

declaring him unable to return unless he captures the Avatar, all because he spoke during a meeting of elite generals. Aang, Katara, and Sokka then journey throughout the other nations for Aang to master the three other elements, having already mastered air bending, to defeat Fire Lord Ozai.

as it is a means of combat. This is complemented perfectly by the Japanese animation-inspired art style that, while it is a bit dated nowadays, makes bending action sequences beautiful and intense scenes. We see throughout the show how bending is an integral part of society for the four nations,

the raindrops during a storm and transformed them into ice spikes. In addition, Hama (a secondary waterbender antagonist from season three) discovered she could bend the blood inside of people to control their movements. I remember being awestruck by bending and the many creative applications

throughout the show, always making me want to see it be used more often. The greatness of Avatar: The Last Airbender is seen in more aspects than just bending, specifically in the show?s characters. This show boasts one of the most lovable arrays of characters out of any television show you will ever see. No matter who you are or what you like in a character, there will be at least one that you just can?t get enough of. For me, this character took form in Zuko?s Uncle Iroh, brother to Fire Lord Ozai, who banished himself to protect and watch over Zuko during his own banishment. Iroh is calm, patient, and the voice of careful thought, all traits that one may not expect from a fire bender, but they all work so well when paired with Zuko?s extreme temperament, impulsive nature, and arrogance. And this is just one example of the show?s impeccable characters that truly make the show sentimental and one of many reasons why so many people, myself included, are attached to it. Avatar: TheLast Airbender has been remembered as one of the greatest shows in the 2000s. It is available to watch in its entirety on Netflix, and even if you're not usually into shows like this, I promise there is something in it to enjoy for everybody. It is a perfect show in practically every way.

The Cougar Cr ier | Ar ts | February 2022 |

The Cougar Cr ier | Spor ts | February 2022 |

TONICO from page 16 success and accolades are a result of the dedicated coaching staff at Kennedy. W hether for weight certifications, mental preparation, during a match, or just about life, they have given their insight and guidance to help me be the best version of myself.?

DeGaetano. This has been Chris's favorite year in his four years of wrestling. Tonico said that ?it?s truly beautiful to me to see teammates that I gradually got to know and appreciate become leaders, great wrestlers, and fantastic people.?He was in awe of the person he has become, what wrestling has done for him, who his teammates have become, and what it has done for them. ?Another thing

than individuality, and my role is to continue the theme of family.?As Chris Tonico moves on in his life and encounters new obstacles and adventures, Kennedy W restling will always be his foundation of learning and the start of his growth.

In the future, Tonico plans to major in music technology or music business, because he loves all different aspects of music, including music Chris?s coaches speak highly theory, music production, of the senior performance, or athlete. ?From the business. His love "AsChrisTonicomoveson in hislifeand for music has also moment Chris walked into the encountersnew obstaclesandadventures, been translated wrestling room, I during wrestling. . Kennedy Wrestlingwill alwaysbehis knew he was Tonico?s favorite foundation of learning..." different then all experience from of the other new Kennedy wrestling that is amazing about this guys. He already had what it was at the Freeport JV season is I got the takes to be a champion. Tournament his 9th-grade opportunity to meet new Everyday Chris comes to year. He said, ?During a break people like underclassmen or school with a smile on face of the tournament, the DJ people who just started to and gives everything he has was playing hyped songs, and wrestle. Ultimately, I love this I decided to start dancing. for himself, teammates, and year a lot, because it gives me coaches,?said Mr. Eventually, three wrestlers a chance to look back and DeGaetano, the varsity head from different schools joined forward at the same time. I?m coach. ?He is without in, and the four of us got the able to review my individual question one of my all time whole gym ecstatic. It was progress wrestling and best all-around student awesome.? maturity, new athletes. W hen I am tired or Chris Tonico has a very responsibilities, and life-long not in a great mood, I look bright future ahead of him. relationships I have created. over at Chris and see how He is a strong-minded Most importantly, this year hard he?s working and I say, student athlete and is showed me that I'm a part of ?let?s get to work?,?added guaranteed to prosper. a culture and legacy bigger

Immediate future of Major League Baseball remains uncertain BY RYAN GARCIA Staff writer Major League Baseball is currently in the middle of a lockout: a work stoppage ordered by the owners due to an inability for the MLB Players Association to reach an agreement to a new Competitive Balance Agreement before the season. The owners and players are in dispute, as both sides naturally act in their own interest, but COVID has exacerbated these issues. The most significant conflict lies in the competitive nature of owners and players, with players wanting organizations to spend more money and owners trying to maintain a particular profit margin. In 2018, a New York Yankees team looking to win a W orld Series would need to be on point for all 162 games to beat out the Boston Red Sox for the division. They had a young Gleyber Torres ready to take over the 2B position. Instead, the Yankees brought in Brandon Drury from the Arizona Diamondbacks to play over Torres. Let?s use ZiPS projections developed by Fangraphs?Dan Szymborski to compare how Gleyber Torres and Brandon Drury

stacked up for 2018: Gleyber Torres: .323 On-Base Percentage .444 Slugging Percentage .768 OPS 102 wRC+ Brandon Drury: .304 On-Base Percentage .416 Slugging Percentage .720 OPS 81 wRC+ On-Base Percentage measures how often a player gets on base, while slugging percentage is a player?s total bases divided by their at-bats. OPS combines OBP and SLG, thus giving it the name On-Base Plus Slugging. Lastly, wRC+ is known as Weighted Runs Created Plus. Using an index, 100 is average, and the greater it is above 100, the better the player is at producing offense. For example, a 105 wRC+ means a player is 5%better than average, while a 95 indicates a player is 5%worse than average. Gleyber Torres would go on to have a 121 wRC+ with a .820 OPS, while Brandon Drury struggled in 18 games and was later traded at the deadline. The Yankees acquired Drury not because he was better but because keeping Gleyber

Torres down for about three weeks to start the year allowed the Yankees to gain an extra year of control. AMAZINAVENUE.COM Gleyber Torres TheNew York Yankeeswaited threeweeksduring the2018 tocall second baseman Gleyber Torrestothemajor leagues. would under their rookie deals begin put in the financial hit Free Agency in seven to hit free agency, teams will investment necessary to years instead of six. It makes either trade or simply let go of deliver a championship when sense that the Yankees would players who project to make their teams can contend. This do that from a financial more money than the owner is beneficial for the sport and standpoint, but it actively is willing to spend. As a the players who won?t agree hurt the team?s chances of result, a team on the cusp of a with the owners without it. winning, and they would go championship could see their On January 22, the owners 11-10 without Gleyber while team blow up the roster, and submitted a proposal that the Red Sox went 17-3. The those who aren?t good enough addressed issues such as the Yankees would go on to lose or expensive enough to be arbitration system and service the division to Boston, and in traded are now stuck on a time manipulation. Key issues their matchup with the Red team starting a long including minimum salaries, Sox in October, they were rebuilding process, which revenue sharing and the crushed. This isn?t a small involves a lot of losing. luxury tax were not discussed market team; it?s the biggest Players are tired of being a in the proposal. market in baseball. W hile the part of that and will not agree Yankees haven?t tanked, they Pitchers and catchers are to end this lockout unless new certainly have prioritized scheduled to report to spring rules to prevent tanking and profit over winning. training as early as February make more teams spend and 15. Based on the state of act more competitively. This is where tanking negotiations, that start date becomes prevalent; as players Owners need to be willing to will be delayed.

Spor ts February 2022

For Tonico, w r estl ing has been about the l ife l essons BY SARAH KLEIN Staff writer Chris Tonico is a hard-working and dedicated senior at Kennedy High School who will complete his fourth year in the Kennedy wrestling program. Tonico has worked tirelessly day in and day out to perfect his wrestling skills and has a lot to be proud of in these last few years. Toncio expressed his admiration for his team and coaches as well as this current season. He said, ?I had a blast this season, thanks to the team chemistry and atmosphere. Although I had a few obstacles such as covid, I?ve been able to succeed and enjoy watching my teammates prosper as a result of their hard work and dedication.? Even out of season, Tonico works extremely hard just as if he was in season. During the offseason, Coach DeGaetano and the Kennedy

coaching staff arranged and put together a summer camp to provide wrestlers with technique, small details on positioning, and footwork. It spanned from the summer to the week before the wrestling season. At the end of the summer, the club went to the Summer Heat tournament at Hofstra. Although the pandemic has altered plans and training, Chris constantly practiced reps on technique, had wrestling experience, and got stronger. Tonico has been wrestling since 7th grade, but he didn't initially intend to wrestle. He started because he unfortunately got cut from the basketball team. His brother had been wrestling at the time and eventually convinced him to wrestle as well. ?W hen Grand W restling took a visit to Kennedy?s wrestling room, I was in awe of the size and the amount of history and stories it held,?Tonico said.


ChisTonicoduring a December 17 match against South SideHigh School in RockvilleCentre.

W hen asked if juggling school and wrestling all together is hard, Tonico said, ?Yes, but that?s part of being a student-athlete. My time management and being able to schedule extra help and makeups has improved over the years. Teachers are very understanding and I feel communication is key to

having balance.? According to Tonico, the essential components of any wrestling team are communication, and cooperation with your team and your coaches is a key aspect to a successful and prosperous wrestling team. Using this communication,

Tonico has learned some very valuable lessons from his team and coaches over the years. The most valuable lesson he learned is to have trust and belief in the coaching staff. ?During these last four years, all of my TONICO | Page 15

Varsity cheer team continues to impress BY SAM SCHNEIDER Staff writer The Kennedy Varsity Cheer team is often referred to as the ?Pride and Joy?of Kennedy High School. There?s no question that Kennedy?s events wouldn't be as exuberant without our cheerleaders hyping everyone up. It takes a lot of practice and dedication to be a successful cheer squad. It also takes an immense amount of trust in your teammates to hold you up in the air and not drop you during crazy stunts. That?s because there are no

safety nets in cheerleading. Once you?re out there performing, it?s only the mats and the trust of your teammates. The girls cheered at the home football games during the fall season, including the big homecoming game and the fall sports pep rally. They kept the energy high, cheering after every play and encouraging the football team to give it all they got. During the fall sports pep rally, held outside on the turf this year, they performed with the Kennedy Varsity Kickline

team. They practiced together for weeks to ensure their routine was flawless. After the football season ended, it was time for competition season. This season has been a lot different than last year. Most of the COVID-19 restrictions were lifted, allowing them to do a lot more than just cheer on the sidelines of sports games. Although they can compete against other cheer squads at competitions, they must continue wearing masks. Still, it?s a step up from last year when COVID-19 prevented

them from competing and going to nationals. Now, with the help of their coach, Ms. Leonardo, they work for hours on end after school until their routine is perfect.

competition. They gave it everything they had, nailing all of their stunts and yelling extra loud. The results truly reflected their hard work and perseverance.

Despite girls coming and going from COVID-19, they found success at their competition held in our very own gym. They won second place in the Division 1 Small Varsity category! This was a huge deal because the girls have worked tirelessly over the last few months, even having three-hour-long practices two days before the

At regionals, the girls found even more success. They won a bid to nationals, hosted at Disney W orld. After not being able to go last year, the girls are extra excited this year. They fly down in February. Until then, they?ll be in the gym perfecting their routines and honing their skills.


TheKennedy Varsity cheer team practicesin theauxiliary gymin preparation for their upcoming competitions.

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