June 21, 1968

Page 5

Friday, June 21, 1068

P:ice Five


By Mickey Gerclick On this p;\;;e is an c-xiict re- and trouble to wi ite to our f \< dproduction of a full page adver- eil officials in W.is!iihj;t<ni ,i(i tisement which appeared in the vising them of our views? June l.'l, lSClt issue of the New How many of us tnki the tune York Times. It was an impor- and trouble to learn Hie vi< ivs tant advertisement for a num- of our representatives in Con ber of reasons. jjress before we elect them'-' 1. In a very few words, ConI reK"et that in spite of his gressman Hesnick summed up honesty and courage, Congress tlio perilous position of the State man Resnitk lost his bid for the of Israel. Senatorial nomiiuition in the 2, As an elected official, Con- New York primaries -but tint {jrtjssinan Resniek made his too is n basic pait ol Aineiicjii position known to his constitu- government. ents. As a political candidate, Con;i, It served us an important gressman Kcsnick fulfilled his reminder that frei> speech is responsibility 1:1 in a!: 1 n g h:s still a basic part of the Ameri- views known. A<; an American can way of life—that it is not citizen be used his right of fiee "un-American' 'to question, to speech to protest picsent govvoice opposite points of view ernment policies. As a Jew, as or even to "protest" in an order- well as an American political ly way the actions of the Presi- candidate, he openly reaffirmed dent of the United States. his commitment to Israel's, right to live in peace. Senator lU'.snick's New York All of us can learn much from Times advertisement was ob- this New York Times advertiseviously part of his political cam- ment. paign for the Senatorial nomination in the New York Democratic Primary race. But it has a message for us as well. Are we as informed as we should be- — as • Congressman Hesnick apparently -is—of the present perilous position of Israel? If we oppose—as he does— present State Department policies in this area, have we made our views known? How many of us take the time

5 YKA1SS AGO .John Zysmun was elected gav"rnor <J! ('oriilwsker IJ o v s M.ilf




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IIIMI' d In:, I5.tr Mit/vah C.rb.u.t Chudac-oll was inst.ilkd .is pj cident of JIf vr.ih IJltr 10 v i : \ i t s A(;o S.iiidi ,1 I i-lier and M.min K.ohll .'innoiincec1 their engage iiieiit , . . Mr and Mrs. Marlon SiiinbiTg .umounced the IJIIHI ot a daughter, Jane Di bra Gary Cloldst in was .nv.udcd the" $ 1.200 Iidwaid I..mgley Sc-iiol a r.'i h i p for Archilei tin al I'l'iirlnalc studies 13 VKAItS A<iO C.'iiol Zenip ,ky and H I.ee C miller v/ere married . . !).: vida Krutniau hi came the brido of Richard Winlroub . . . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Katelnian announced the birth of a d.mglitcr, Deborah Ellen .'!() YHAICS AGO Mirriam I.ieb and M.irold Cooperimin were married . . . Lillian FriedUmder and Harold Stern announced their engagement.

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We have just received the June 14 issue of the Jewish Press. To say the least, my husband and I were quite disturbed by the lead article, "Arab Fa-n:\tielsm Blamed in Kennedy Murder." The title and the first paragraph seem to promote the very thing that the rest of the article says is to be avoided. Your news service is the only one to mention "Arab Fanaticism" out of the many articles I have read. Surel". Eeveral million Arabs are not guilty of the irrational act of one man; and no rightthinking American is going to subscribe to this idea. I fail to see any merit whatsoever in the entire article—but object most to the biased title. I regret you saw fit to publish it. Mrs. Jerry KiupinsUy TV PROGRAM NOTE Sunday, June 23, 12:30 p.m. KMTV Channel 3 The Eternal Li«iit: "A Conversation With James Michener with NBC News correspondent, Edwin Newman.

Did You Know? The Roman emperor HADRIAN wanted to convert Jerusa lem into a Roman capital and rename it after himself, but the Jews rebelled under Bar Kochba in a three-year war. which historians say was the most difficult of Hadrian's reign, •


I protest the American airlift of jet planw, tanks, ammunition and arms to the Arab wor!A

If we make the Arab world strong enough, they will again attack Israel as they have done thrca tfcaca bsfore. This tsrns, it cuy well bring a confrontation with Ru«ia and trigger a third World War.

I protest thw trtatmtnt of Iarael-the only dance racy and our only friend in the Middle Eaat.

Israel is in peril; launched war against her three times in the past twenty years. • Facing across her borders the mounting supply of (sophisticated Ruuian missiles, jet planes and tanks, • Threatened nightly by Arab terrorist*, who are Infiltrating from Jordan on a campaign of pil' lagc and murder of civilians, • Living hour by hour with the certain knowledge that the balance of terror is rising against her from

Mr, President, you have proven your friendship for Israel a hundred times in the past. Plea«, prove it again now, Prove it immediately by tending lorjel the Phantom jet3 ehc needs to maintain the balance of power and peace in the Middle East. Prove it by backing Israel's just demands that «he be given freedom of every international waterway. Prove it by supporting Israel in her earnest and constant efforts to negotiate a lasting peace W e must not let Israel stand alone. She asb only

What are we doing about it, Mr. President? Axe we sending Israel the fifty Phantom jet fighters the desperately needa against growing Arab air


JEWS first came to China from Persia in the year 1000 A.D., settling in Kai Fen Fu. They assimilated, however, and had virtually disappeared by the end of the 10th century. •

Why? So they can How up more busload* of innocent Israeli echoolchildren?

ESHKOL is not just the name of Israels .prime minister. It was the name of a Jewish publishing house founded in Berlin in 1923 and is the name of a citrus fruit grown in Israel. *

I protest the renewed shipment of American areas to Jordan,

The FIRST BORN, according to H e b r e w tradition, receives epeclal privileges and a double snare of the father's inheritance. But modern Israeli law does not recognize special privileges for the 1 first-born.

Are we sending modern missiles? ' The answer is no! Instead we're «ehding m o w to the Arab world. More plane*. More ahelfo Mow g t m Marc bulleO. 3 t o » tatea.

Congressman Joseph Y. Hesnick House of Representativei Vuihfrigten.D.C.

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