February Edition - Northeast Florida Jewish Life Magazine

Page 26

Securing tomorrow for Jewish Northeast Florida By Kellie Smith, MS/MA, Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida


Letter from Foundation Director

ave you ever thought “What will they say about me when I’m gone?” Being remembered is something we all want when we are no longer here. As Jews I believe we give with intention. It is taught throughout our lives and is a reflection of our values. It’s something we sit down and think about. Throughout this month’s issue we will look back at inspired giving in our Foundation’s infancy and to today as it tells a story of each individual and their family’s legacy in our Jewish community. Everyone who has ever partnered with the Jewish Federation & Foundation is part of a larger legacy of giving, for which we should all be proud. Every gift of time, talent and treasure is a gift that ensures the betterment of our Jewish community. These efforts are what legacies are built upon, they spark hope and

set tzedakah in motion. We are embarking upon a multi-phase endowment campaign to create permanent financial stability for the greater Northeast Florida Jewish community with short, mid and longterm measurable goals. This community-wide project will engage every Jewish organization and every Jewish community member. The time is now to secure our Jewish future. Philanthropy is critically important to Jewish communities everywhere. The first lesson I’d like to share is that philanthropy comes in all shapes and sizes. But there’s another lesson that’s just as important – and it speaks to the stark reality facing many of our organizations today. There are those organizations that have done careful financial projections and planning, and therefore have the wherewithal to ride out the current COVID storm; and then there are those who have not. The biggest difference comes down to a single word: Endowment. The pandemic has ripped the thin financial veneer from Jewish groups all over America and across the globe – and revealed who was ready, and who was living, too often, from one dues or donation to the next. Organizations that

have subsisted from one donation to the next are now struggling with an existential crisis. Those that have developed endowments and cash reserves, those with visionary boards and professional expertise, will keep themselves afloat in the present maelstrom, and will continue to provide

“Since our merger in 2018, the Jewish Foundation has grown to over $34 million in assets under management and has disbursed over $4.3 million to nonprofits through family Legacy Funds, Donor Advised Funds, B’nai Tzedek programming and Jewish Grant Making.”

their vital services to the Jewish community. Long-term, sustainable and permanent funding is a critical part of the need. With a community-wide endowment, we can ensure funds are available to preserve Jewish life in Northeast Florida. Led by our Jewish values, our philanthropy inspires action, change, and a greater sense of community. We remain committed to helping perpetuate a living legacy of caring that will last long beyond one’s lifetime and continue to inspire from generation to generation. It is because of your extraordinary generosity and long-term

commitment that we can make Jewish Northeast Florida stronger and more sustainable. We have an impressive capacity to grow, to care, to teach and to serve. I am in awe of each of our inspiring nonprofit agencies, first-rate schools and a warm family of synagogues that are doing this valuable work. People want to leave a legacy because they want to feel that their life mattered. Once you know what you want your legacy to be, you can start building it. You can start living in the way you want to be remembered. It will allow you to start doing what matters, now. Philanthropy much like creating legacy isn’t just for the rich. Even if you can’t write a check with lots of zeroes, you can still be a philanthropist and create a legacy that tells your story. This is an exciting time for our Jewish community. Join us to create a lasting legacy. I look forward to working with you as we continue to build upon our commitment to ensure excellence for future generations. With our collective power, what we envision for our Jewish community is within reach. Start the conversation today by contacting me at KellieK@JewishJacksonville.org or 904.513.3796.

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