FROM JUPITER TO MARSSix months ago, aircraft values were on a solid trajectory for Jupiter. Yes, it’s a planet and it’s way out there. Surprisingly, some sellers and Platinum Card members of ‘Brokerville’ did make landings on this planet during this crazy sellers’ market. However, values are now tracking back down to Mars—just down the street from Mother Earth—hovering in what normal folks would term as a strong sellers’ market. If the actual transactional data remains consistent, we’re going to stay less astronomical with values and asking prices for the near future. In addition, it’s our belief here at JetSwiss that as long as the OEMs have a 2-to-3-year backlog for new aircraft, the preowned values are going to remain relatively firm. We may never see Jupiter again!
Ah yes, Jupiter. That magical planet where the values of used aircraft are 128% of their new retail sticker price. Where people are sitting around for six months (or longer) waiting to receive their asking price. Today on Jupiter people are standing around looking at each other (like deer in headlights) holding on to the greedy dream of a home-run sale.
To further our solar system analogies, we can probably equate the current market to Mars. Things are much different on this planet. We’ve seen a few airplanes come online that were priced correctly and they sold rather quickly (we would term this a normal market price/demand sale). This activity tells us that there are buyers out there for the right priced aircraft. In fact, we just brought a 2013 to the market and it sold almost immediately for approximately
108% of its new sticker price. So, still a very strong price, but certainly not Jupiter pricing! Caution: Do your homework Sellers, don’t get sucked into ‘what you want to hear’ by bad brokers.
Looking into 2023, we sense a lot of curiosity about what is going to transpire in the next quarter and the next year in general. Even with some new aircraft entering the market we’re still at sub 3% of the fleet for sale—which is still, by definition, a sellers’ market. We recently visited with an industry colleague and his perspective was that the vast majority of this year’s buyers already purchased their aircraft in the third quarter. Based on activity levels and the numbers, we agree. Somewhat to this point, we believe there’s a lot of people that are willing and able to buy that are sitting on the sidelines. They think that if they wait, they’re going to get a better deal. Unlike the real estate industry, which is no doubt being affected by interest rates and the economy, the companies and individuals who are doing well still have an appetite for private aviation and usually a business justification to do so. They simply seek a good aircraft at a market fair price, and they will purchase.
Lastly, OEM supply chain issues and factory new delays has placed an interesting dynamic to the end of this year: a new Pilatus that would have been delivered in November or December is now delivering in February or March. Existing owners are not sure they can sell their old aircraft in 2022, because they are replacing it with the new aircraft in 2023! From a tax standpoint this creates a challenge.
• The market is stagnant. Sellers want too much for their aircraft and are not adjusting their prices (much). However, we’ve seen some price adjustments from ‘crazy’ down to ‘extra high’.
• Available aircraft is down 10% from our November Pulse print month (46 to 41).
• There have been 99 pre-owned sales through the end of November, versus 120 last year this time.
• The “red wave” election did not occur. November was very quiet in the industry, phone inquiries very low.
• Numbers compared to last month:
• Average ask price of /45 variant increased by $77,000
• Average ask price of NG variant increased by $64,000
• NGX variant average pricing decreased by $130,000
• /47 variant stayed the same!

This chart reflects the current market for Pilatus PC-12 aircraft that are on the retail market. Want to know how much your Pilatus dollars will buy? This is a great place to start. As you can see, the aircraft model year plays a key factor in pricing of the aircraft, and thus generates a commensurate trend curve. This data provides a baseline for our aircraft evaluations.

Similar to the Asking Price vs Model Year chart, this information helps our clients determine “the mileage on the car” for their specific budget. “Want to own a low time aircraft?” This chart will give you an indication on what you will spend. Note: aircraft under 1,000 hours total time historically yield much higher prices.

Despite a relatively quiet November, the end of 2022 is gearing up to be a busy one at JetSwiss. With a handful of aircraft in our inventory, year-end deliveries are fast approaching and we’re ready!
Our team continues to make updates to our market dashboard, allowing our clients and JetSwiss Insiders to stay up to date on fair and accurate PC-12 and PC24 sales and pricing. In addition, our Buyer’s Guide is a great tool we’ve created to help people looking to start their Pilatus search off right in 2023.
We now have a wheelchair lift at JetSwiss. Next year, we will begin providing free transport to wounded veterans and those in need. If you know an organization or individual that could use a lift, please reach out!
We’d like to thank you all for your readership and friendship this year. Our livelihood and families are built on Pilatus-lovers like you. May 2023 bring sunshine and smooth skies!
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