Subtle: a manual of typography

Page 13

Tschichold’s grid / symmetrical grid This example shows a grid where the proportions of the text areas are established from the shape of the page, i.e. the height of the next text area is the same as the width of the full page. Note that the text area will always remain the same.

Grids often need to be designed to give more flexibility than the single column of text per page. This is due to a change in our reading patterns. Although we still read consecutively, our attention is drawn to both magazines and coffee table books which are often larger in format and highly illustrated. The grid structures for these formats have to accommodate and greater variety of material such as photographs, illustrations, headings, captions, references, charts; they need to be more complicated than for a grid using only text and may utilize more modules. Therefore, the design of the grid has to be relevant to its purpose.



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