Wingspan 2010

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green grass and trees. Our apartment had two bedrooms. My sister and I had our own room, my uncle slept downstairs. Me and my sister was so overwhelmed with being and living with our mom that we were about to burst. It was only a matter of time before things started to change. I would hear my mama and James arguing about money. Then mama would wake up sometimes really angry then we would see her later on and she would be nice again. As time progressed, I would learn that mama was angry because she hadn’t got her heroin and nice when she did. Little things that my sister and I did would just irk her and she would scream and curse at us. I remember my sister is left handed and that's the hand she used to eat with. At dinner time my mom would beat my sister's left hand until she picked up the right and start using it. There was another time, I didn't have any clean clothes to put on, but ironically I wore the same size as my mom. She told me to get something out of her closet to wear and I did a blouse and a jean skirt. I guess she forgot because she came in the room screaming and cursing "Who told you to put on my mother fucking clothes?" I was so nervous that I made a mistake and didn't answer quickly enough, and she slapped me and told me to "Take her shit off." This kind of behavior went on for quite awhile. One day mama and James told us that they were going out of town and they would return in about a week. Well, they left Pee in charge of my Trice and I, and I almost shitted on me because I would be alone in this house with my uncle. Anyway, they left that day and they left enough food that would last us for about a week. That first week they were gone, I don't think I slept a wink, because I thought Pee would try to touch me again. When I realize that he wasn't. I was able to let my guard down and have fun. My sister and I went swimming everyday and would run around with the kids we had met there. At the end of our first week alone, I noticed that we were running out of food, it was okay though because my mama said that they should be back around this time. After the first week Pee took the twenty-five they left for him and bought us food but that soon ran out. I would run over to the seveneleven and steal bologna and hotdogs. So we would have some food. Then when that ran out, I would get a screw driver and Toni Shealey

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