Jeffco Open Space 2013 Annual Report

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Care above goal below goal

How are we doing taking care of you, our customers, our visitors and our participants? Jeffco Open Space participated in a pilot County program to measure and improve customer service. Through responses to two questions, we established a baseline Net Promoter Score (NPS), a measurement used by many major private-sector firms. Most US businesses operate within a score range of five to ten percent more promoters than detractors. By the end of our analysis period, our NPS score was 85, demonstrating excellent customer loyalty and satisfaction. While we continue to keep score, our focus is on taking care. According to author and speaker John C. Maxwell, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Jeffco Open Space tracked its Net Promoter Score over 26 weeks in 2013 to gauge and build loyalty.


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