2012 GCWA Free GIFT Competition Winners Ebook

Page 49

Boxception: Lucid Dream By Ari Lin

My eyes are heavy and full of tears. I slowly pull myself and wipe the tears off my face. Tears? I look down at my palms, drenched with tears. “Why was I crying? My eyes no longer droop with tiredness. I look around. Boxes! As far as the eye can see. A small smirk appears at the corner of my lips. “Boxception!” I yell in acceptance to the madness, punching the air. The air slaps me in the face as I jump from box to box. Each floats in an endless realm of boxes. I look down. No ground just thousands of other boxes floating around. The sky and air around me are a colour of purple, getting much darker at the lower altitudes and lighter at the higher altitudes.

My knees are bent, ready to pounce. I jump and miss the box by inches, smash my face on it and fall onto a different box. I moan in pain, but I don’t feel any. Strange… This might be a

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