We Have Unlimited Power

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PHOBIA CURE EXERCISE Go back to a time when you felt totally empowered and alive. Go back to that state, and feel those strong, confident feelings. Now see yourself as protected by a radiant, protective bubble. Once you have that protection, go to your favorite mental movie theater. Sit down in a comfortable seat with a good view of the screen. Next, feel yourself float out of your body, up into the projection booth, all the time feeling your protective bubble around you. Look down and see yourself sitting in the audience looking up at the empty screen. After you've done that, look up at the screen and see a still frame, black-and-white image of the phobia or some terrible experience that really used to bother you. You're looking down on yourself in the audience and watching yourself observe what's happening on the screen you're doubly disassociated from it. In that state, run the black-and-white image backward at an extremely fast pace so you see the thing that's been haunting you appear like a cheap home movie or an old slapstick comedy. Notice your funny reactions to it as you watch yourself in the audience watching this movie on the screen. Let's take it a step further. I want the part of you that's really resourceful, the part that's up in the booth, to float back down into where your body has been sitting, and then get up and walk to the front of the screen. You should be able to do that in a very strong, confident state. Then tell your earlier self that you've been watching over him or her and have come up with two or three ways that can help change that experience, two or three reframes of the meaning or the content that will help him or her to handle it differently, now and in the future-ways that the younger you could handle with your present-day, more mature perceptions. You don't need to have all that pain and fear. You're more resourceful now than when you were younger, and that old experience is just history, nothing more. Help your younger self cope with something (s)he couldn't handle earlier, then stride back to the seat and watch the movie change. Play the same scene in your head, but this time watch as your younger self handles the same situation with utter confidence. When you've done that, you should walk back to the screen and congratulate your younger self, give him or her a hug for breaking free of the phobia or trauma or fear. Then pull Copyright Š 1991 by Robbins Research International. AM rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express written convent of Robbins Research International is prohibited.


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