the IMPpress Issue No.2

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Issue No.2 – November 2011

Publisher IMPpress, Downstream, 55 Broadtown, Wiltshire, England, SN4 7RG website Editor Guest Poet-editor Proofing Guest Artist R&D + Design Delivery Printer John Richardson Jill Sharp Friends Tim Carroll the editor Issuu Magcloud

Acknowledgements The Editor gratefully acknowledges the help, support and encouragement of his BlueGate Poet friends and to the editor of the now defunct Ouroborus review which proved an inspiration for this e-zine.

Donations Your gifts of ones, tens or hundreds, in whatever currency, would be wonderful!

Subscriptions There are no paid subscriptions to the IMPress, it is a free online e-zine available from the website. You are also able to download the free a digital distribution copy for off-line reading. If you require a printed copy this may be obtained for a small fee via our printers, direct from their website.

Pamphlets & books We also publish poetry pamphlets and books. Visit our website for further information.

Contributions Your poems and art are always welcome, via email, please see our website for submission details.

Cover art Flood

and featured artwork all courtesy of Tim Carroll

Copyright Š reserved to the editor, the contributing poets and artists.

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