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through this chapter how many of the counters are very similar and just have to be adapted slightly for differing attacks.

Body evasion and rear punch This is an advanced technique which takes quite a bit of courage and intent. You use attack by drawing and lure your opponent in by offering a juicy target. Simply twist your hips and side step a little as you twist. Don’t do too much, as the intention is to be close enough so you can deliver your punch rapidly. Most people worry too much about the incoming kick, evade too much and it doesn’t work. Let it scrape by you. Do the math and see that the only part of his kick that’s dangerous is the point, where the foot is. Evade this and you’re hitting him with his own power and yours. Warning: be careful of follow-up punches or fake kicks as this technique will leave your head open. Be prepared to slip

Body evasion, rear punch

and counter-punch. This can be done without a supporting outside scooping parry or with it. Practise LW ZLWKRXW DW ÀUVW WKHQ DGG WKH parry if needed. Body evasion; enter and lead punch This is most effective against a lead kick, but if it’s used early enough it works against a front kick from either leg. Step in and twist so that you evade the kick. Foot placement and timing are important here. If you hedge your bets and side step too much then you will be too far away and the kick will get you. Step directly in. The preparatory part of his kick, when he lifts his knee, is the time to move. Step directly and then twist to evade the kick whilst punching. Support your counter-attack if needed with a low block which just deviates the kick. Don’t try to block it, but move it marginally off-line. This counter can be done against both kicks but is harder and requires better timing and more courage against the rear. However, timing and courage are good attributes to acquire!

Body evasion, lead punch


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