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Bob and weave

It’s important to use the rear foot to do all the work;

jab-catch drill featured below focus on this element

only bend your back in an emergency. Think of

and produce good fundamental skill.

\RXU EDFN DV DQ DLUEDJ à H[LQJ RQO\ LI \RX GR JHW hit. Don’t move your lead foot backwards as this will permanently change your distance: instead, PRYH WKH UHDU IRRW EDFN DERXW VL[ LQFKHV DQG à H[ the ankle without letting the heel touch the ground. Snapback can also be done without moving the back leg; moving the back foot gives you about a metre in distance but you can still instantly bounce back to your original distance. If you don’t move the back foot it’s about half a metre. Simple drills like the

9LWDOO\ LPSRUWDQW LQ ÀJKWLQJ DW DQ\ UDQJH WKH snapback is an essential part of your defensive DUPRXU\ ,I XVHG LQ DQ œattack by drawing’ format you can make your opponent think he’s falling short so that he over-extends. Then you can slip and counter easily, as he’s done most of the distance change for you. This makes your strikes stronger as your opponent charges onto them. Alternatively, if KLV VWULNHV GURS VKRUW WKH UHVXOWDQW œhang time’ leaves him open to counter-attack.

Snapback – jab catch drill


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