The Meaning of Non Meaning

Page 63

CHAPTER XI: THE MEANING OF LIFE There is a place very nearby in which the human is connected. My actions live in you my life lives in you, for life, death does not exist. There is a place very nearby in which everything is connected. We search for true truths, and we struggle like Don Quixote like computers and we reach the end. What happens to me, happens to you, joy is much more joyful, than sadness is sad, kindness is much more kind, than evil is evil, sweetness is much more sweet, than bitterness is bitter. What happens to you happens to me. Life is endless, it is not the path of the body, intense original light, comprehension of everything and the word Everything. Instant of present infinity, of splendorous white light, in this joyful joy, in this endless origin, you are there. The one I searched for, the one I loved, the one I grieved for.

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