Jim Tiberius K. LOGBOOK 2011/12 (part 2)

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Reiner Hirsch and Marco Mauriello like this.

View all 24 comments Write a com m ent... Tonia Zam brano Wow very nice. Energyyyy. I see you geting better P.S keep up the w ork and many w ill follow . I'm a fan for Jam es T. Kirk shared Alltagsforschung's photo.

sure. 6 hours ago · Like ·


Lonnie Douglas I put the little ones around my house. Everyone

21 hours ago

So ist es.

made fun of me. They called them alien blasters. They stopped laughing w hen nothing in my yard died during the snow y w inter months. Ha. Jokes on them. Blessings. 3 hours ago · Like Write a com m ent...

Jam es T. Kirk shared Dimensionsw echsel's photo. Yesterday

Wir w erden im Universum nicht daran gemessen, w ieviele kluge Sprüche w ir gelesen haben. Wir w erden daran gemessen, w ieviele w ir davon umgesetzt haben. - Andi -

Like · Comment · Share Dieter Kirstein likes this. Write a com m ent...

Jam es T. Kirk shared I fucking love science's photo. Yesterday

fuckin' ey...The first words of Neil Armstrong where not what we believe...it was all staged...but not because they wern't on the moon, but because of bad language... I don't fuckin' believe it... After five decades of cover-ups, NASA has released the real footage of the moon landing. Because of the incredible nature of the moon landing, "Holy living fuck." Like · Comment · Share

w as all Neil Armstrong could manage w hen he stepped on the lunar surface.


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