The Jambalaya News - 11/17/16, Vol. 8, No. 15

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November 17, 2016 • Volume 8 • Issue 15

715 Kirby St. Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-436-7800 Fax: 337-990-0262

On Cover: Joe Heinen, Owner and Operator of Honey-B Ham

COVER STORY 14 Honey-B Ham: Bring It Home for the Holidays!


REGULARS Publisher/Executive Editor Lauren Abate

Contributors Lisa Addison George Cline Dan Ellender Patricia Landry Mike McHugh Roger Miller Justin Morris Burn Rourk Terri Schlichenmeyer Sales


Dang Yankee


Tips from Tip


Adoption Corner


Huntin’ Tales


10 Trippin’ 11

This Functional Family

FEATURES 4 Little Pieces of Art: The Guitar Pick Collection of Tracy Mcginnis


Graphics Art/Production Director Burn Rourk

Business Office Manager Jeanie Rourk

THE SPICE OF SWLA 16 Holiday Event Guide 20 Family Fun Night at the Movies 21 Bookworm Sez… 22 Nightlife Guide


24 Justin Morris’s Lake Charles


29 We are SWLA! 30 Society Spice

Legal Disclaimer The views expressed by The Jambalaya News columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of The Jambalaya News, its editors or staff. The Jambalaya News is solely owned, published by Jambalaya Media, LLC, 715 Kirby Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 436-7800. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility of the standing of advertisers nor by the editorial contributions. The Jambalaya News cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Copyright 2014 The Jambalaya News all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited.

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There are a lot of things wrong in our world. It seems to be getting worse than ever. But since Thanksgiving is almost here, I thought I would think about all the things that I am thankful for. Maybe we all need to do this, not only at this time of year. I am thankful for my parents, for giving me a wonderful childhood and doing the very best they could for me. For my mother, who instilled in me her love of books and gourmet food, and my father, who instilled in me his love of art. For taking me on vacations at a very young age, to places as far flung as

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Rome and New York City and Montreal, so that I could become very much aware of the diversity of the world, and know how many treasures there are for us to find, if we only look for them. I am thankful for whatever possessed me to move to Lake Charles 13 years ago this month. Lucky 13. I never would have imagined such an impulsive move to such a different part of the country would turn out so well, but it did. I’m still here, and I’m still standing. And while we’re on the subject, I am thankful for your wonderful weather. It’s Nov. 15 and

the air conditioning came on today. I am thankful for all of the precious felines that I have rescued through the years. So many, too many to count. Some are still here, some came and went, some were with me for years and then passed on. It’s a privilege to care for them and love them and observe their quirky little personalities and interactions with one another. They never fail to keep me amused and they never fail to give me comfort. I am thankful for the most amazing, supportive friends that anyone could ask for. To say that I am lucky is an understatement. You all were here for me when I needed you the most, and I will never forget it. And you still are. I don’t know what I did to deserve all of you, but I never, ever take your friendship for granted. I love you all. I am thankful for being able to find myself after so many decades, and find the peace that has eluded me for so long. When you are on your own, and you get rid of the TV and spend a lot of

time in reflection, you slowly but surely discover who you are. Your energy changes. Mine has. And my needs are different now. Everything is different. And things will continue to change for me. And I am looking forward to it. Finally, I am thankful to be living in America. I have not lost faith in this great country of ours, and I hope and pray we can find our way out of the darkness. We must. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, remember why our forefathers left their homelands to come here and start over. Remember the freedoms that we all deserve. Remember your neighbor. Remember that love is the only answer. Happy Thanksgiving, dear readers!

Lauren Abate

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By Burn Rourk People who collect autographs feel a connection to the person who has signed their name to an item, whether it is a person they admire, past or present. Few things can match the thrill of holding in your hand a piece of paper once signed by one of your heroes, or a famous historical figure. If a signature on paper can create such a connection, just imagine what it’s like to hold a guitar pick in your hand that has actually been used in a concert by a musician you admire. That pick channeled their mojo for one awesome night. Songs you grew up on were played on stage, and that pick was the conduit. There’s power in there; a little spark of that show remains. Tracy Mcginnis has been collecting guitar picks for years. A musician himself, he accidentally started his pick collection while on tour with his band, CHOKE. “I would trade our custom picks with other bands,” he said. “After several years, I had quite a collection.” Mcginnis also manages to score some select picks while attending concerts. “I’ve always been a pick magnet. I usually catch one or two at every show.

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Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve always pushed my way up front and acquired picks.” Mcginnis won’t divulge his “trade secrets,” but it sounds like he obtains most of them right from the source: directly from the guitarist, or from guitar techs. Being a guitarist has helped place him in the position to acquire some really special collectibles. “I was talking with Rick Neilson (the guitarist for Cheap Trick) after one of their shows,” he remembers. “I asked him if I could have his pick. He handed me a brand new, unused pick with the Cheap Trick logo on it. I said, ‘Come on, man, I want the pick you played with tonight!’ He looked down, thought about it for a second, and handed me a used pick with a Beatles logo on it. Everybody’s got a hero.” “Reeves Gabrielles plays with The Cure and David Bowie, and he also tours solo. When he uses a pick on stage, he’ll mark it with a blue star if it was a band gig, or a black star if it was a solo gig. This pick has a blue and a black star on it,” he says. Mcginnis has a few thousand picks in his collection, sporting logos and even signatures from bands, guitar shops, record stores, and more. Some categories

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have grown into collections of their own right including Kings X (57 uniques), Cheap Trick (48 uniques), and KISS (71 uniques, with a focus on Paul Stanley). Other notables include Eddie Van Halen, Ghost, Jeff Buckley, Ted Nugent, Charlie Daniels, Steve Vai, Prince, Styx, Dead Kennedys, Motley Crüe, Ratt, Stryper, Metallica, The Cure, The Go-Gos, Joan Jett, Keith Urban, Brad Paisley, Def Leppard, Jake E. Lee, Robert Cray, King Crimson, Peter Frampton, and many more. He just recently obtained a rare Paul McCartney pick. He also has his own custom picks from his solo gigs, as well as his bands CHOKE, Thingfish, Looks That Kill, and The Floating Popes. He has also designed picks for other bands. Having his own unique picks has led to many trades with other musicians over the years. “I don’t buy or sell picks. I enjoy trading them. But I do accept donations!” he laughs. If any Jam readers have a pick collection, or just happen to have an old guitar pick lying around in a coin jar or sock drawer, you can contact Tracy Mcginnis on Facebook at www.facebook. com/tracy.mcginnis.33?fref=ts.

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Movin’ on Down

After being in our current house for over ten years, we finally decided it was time to sell. It wasn’t easy. It’s not so much that we’ve become attached to the place after so long as it is the idea of packing up and moving all the stuff that we’ve amassed over that time. I yearn for the old days when I was fresh out of college. Then, moving consisted of simply gathering my stuff into a couple of trash bags, tossing them into back seat of the car, and heading down the road. I could get it all done during halftime of a football game and not miss a single play. Today, I take one look around the house and realize that moving everything would be like Exxon Mobil relocating its corporate headquarters.

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So why do it? Why not just stay where we are until the day we die, leaving all of our stuff right where it is for our daughter to deal with once we’re gone? After all, it would be easier for her. She’d just look through the house and see that there isn’t anything here of particular value, as we don’t own an X-Box, nor do any two items of tableware match. Then she’d call in the bulldozers. One big reason for moving is that we’re at the point in our lives when it’s time to downsize. The children moved out long ago, leaving us with entire rooms that for years have been occupied only by spiders, which they have decorated to their own liking. It would be one thing if we could claim these spiders as dependents for tax

purposes, which seems only right since they are living under my roof. But my accountant pointed out there the IRS has this picky provision in the tax code that disallows arachnids. Imagine. There’s also the yard, which when I mow it seems to be the size of a national park. And that may not be an exaggeration, what with the Everglades shrinking like they say. At least, my budget to maintain the yard is comparable, what with everything you need here in Louisiana from keeping nature from turning it into a rainforest. I’ve got two mowers, a weed trimmer, chainsaw, ant poison, fungicide, insecticides, napalm, etc., and a huge shop I’ve had to build to store it all. Another reason we decided to move is location. Realtors are always emphasizing, “location, location, location!” Being a homeowner, I know what they mean. They’re talking about the proximity to Home Depot. I do a lot of projects around the house, and every one requires about a half-dozen trips per day to Home Depot. You know how it goes. Go to Home Depot to buy a new exterior door. Realize you need more shims for the door, back to Home De-

pot. Break a drill bit while installing the hinges, back to Home Depot, and so on. Since my house is located on the exact opposite side of town from the store, my projects are always behind schedule. Some I’ve had going on longer than we’ve had troops in Afghanistan. Actually, I believe the prime residential location in any town would be exactly midway between the Home Depot and the Bed, Bath, and Beyond. That’s because women are the same way with the Triple B as men are with Home Depot. My wife goes there to buy a new kitchen rug, gets home and decides it clashes with the curtains, buys new curtains; I put them up. She then sees some new wall hangings would go well with the decor. Eventually, the entire kitchen has been redecorated, down to the hand towels. Thus, we decided that a move was in order, despite the headaches involved. And after thinking things through, aided by not a few Lone Stars, I finally satisfied myself that the task would be manageable. Then we called in a realtor, after which I’m reconsidering the option of leaving everything to my daughter and her bulldozers. More on that next time. Vol. 8 • No. 15

pharmacy will do this for you as well, if you are not comfortable on the Internet. By doing this, I found a plan which will charge me $3 per month for that prescription and also for a lower premium than I was paying this year. The old plan premium was going up another $5.70 a month, as well as the huge increase in the medication co-pay. By simply checking what is available, I will save well over $600 this year alone on that drug and premium difference.

McNeese State University’s Banners program, Rouge et Blanc, has come and gone. It is a wonderment that the organizers make it so complicated to take part in this effort to support such a worthwhile endeavor. To purchase tickets, you either have to be an “Imbiber” (a previous participant that purchased $250 worth of wine through the previous year’s event) or you will have to wait until the prescribed date that allows the rest of us to attempt to obtain our tickets either online or in person. That is an ordeal in and of itself; ask anyone that has gone that route (I have gone all three, myself ). The organizers know how many Hang On to Your are going to be there, as there are only so many tickets (I believe it was Credit Cards 1,700 this year but am not 100 perJust about all of us use credit cards over cash, and sometimes, prob- cent sure); yet many vendors were out Open Enrollment of food and wine quite early, leaving lems can arise. I would suggest that It is that time of the year (October whenever you use your card, return it more than a few of us disappointed. A 15-December 7) where Medicare ento your wallet or wherever you store it month later, some of the wine orders rollees may switch their Part D (Drug immediately, before you do anything are left unfilled by the vendors (some Plans). This is the so-called Open else (even signing the receipt). If you of mine included). One would think Enrollment period. I have written of that the wines chosen for the event make it a habit to put it promptly this previously, but it is important would be ones that the purveyors away, chances are that you will not enough to mention this year as the leave it there or lose it. This happens could have in adequate stock or at the costs have changed dramatically in so more often than you think. By putvery least, readily available. many instances. Many of us that support McNeese ting it away, it will be there the next I had one medication--a generic I’ve time you need it. You will not have to State University and their Banners taken for years--change from $7 for panic and try to remember where you Cultural Program would like to see a month’s supply to $47 for the same last used it, who could have it and the Rouge et Blanc become more useramount next year if I stayed with my friendly and less restrictive to parrest of the unpleasantness that goes present plan. You can (as I did) go to along with all this. Just a “Tip” that I ticipate in and enjoy. There is no the Medicare website and take advan- want to share. question that the event is greatly aptage of their search feature. List your preciated, but I see no need to make it medications, and it will bring up a list Rouge Snafus such a hassle to contribute to a fundof plans for you to choose from. Your raiser. Don’t you agree? The very popular fundraiser for

Meet Diamond, a young Pit/Lab mix who was rescued by Good Samaritans. She was terribly malnourished and heartworm positive. Having been nursed back to health and fully vetted, she will soon begin heartworm treatment. But, her foster family is looking for a good home for this sweet girl now as their other two “children” have not been accepting of Diamond. She is described as being very loving and affectionate and is a “people-dog.” At PetsMart, she was a hit with the children who came to visit our pets. For more information, call or email us: (337) 244-4563; Vol. 8 • No. 15

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Photos by Chris Romero

Of Boudin, Jambalaya and Doves Dove season ‘tis the season of Greg Blanchard, local Country and Western troubadour of note. Maybe you’ve been on Jim Mistretta’s “Lady of the Lake” out of Loggerhead’s and had the honor of listening to Greg’s Next of Kin band perform. If it’s possible, he’s even a better host. Every year for the second split of dove season, Greg hosts a hunt at 24 Oaks, an old homestead south of Carlyss. The old Acadian home there is surrounded by 24 oak trees and thus the name. Just to the east, festooning the

Roger with Frank McDonald 8 November 17, 2016

cheiner, is the copse of trees I call 300 oaks. Not only that, the local’s ancestors hadn’t stripped those oaks of moss for bedding. Thus it resembles “The Shadows on the Teche” but on a Cajun scale. Greg invited me for opening day of second dove season split, just as he did last year. Sadly, I was ill so I missed the ten hunters harvesting 80plus doves. I made the second weekend in October and asked local artist and hunter of note Frank McDonald to tag along. Edwin McCall of Frank’s sculpted copper works Southern Edge Catering are always big sellers, especially at DU and GCCA auction events. Now that he’s gotten a plug from me, maybe he’ll finally give me one of his finely sculpted in copper fish. Three of his works decorate the hallway of Jim Bel’s camp located next to his Hackberry Hilton Hunting Lodge southwest of Hackberry. Greg told me to arrive at 24 Oaks between one and two p.m. as we were to have appetizers. Say what?? Not only that, but we were to be fed after the hunt. As a gourmand and chasseur (Cajun French for glutton and hunter). I was not going to miss this hunt and feast fete. As we exited Frank’s truck, I was welcomed by Greg and the waffling marvelous aroma of something barbecuing. I left Frank and Greg to discuss the hunt and followed my nose to the BBQ pit. Edwin McCall, of Southern Edge Catering, cowboy hat in place instead of a chef ’s cap, stood proudly over his aromatic creation. Pit roasting was bacon and cheese-wrapped boudin. Yep, barbecued boudin. I’d barbecued boudin but never a gourmet treat like this. I took six of these toothpicked delicacies and plopped down into my hunting chair, gobbling down five of them. I had placed one tidbit on my hunting chair’s armrest only Vol. 8 • No. 15

Frank McDonald and host Greg Blanchard to have it stolen by a yellow Lab. He devoured it toothpick and all. More on Zebco the canine later. Being fed and satiated now, Greg hauled us in a four-wheeler to an aged oak in the millet field. I set up in the spot below the oak’s farthest limbs reach where I had hunted from last year. Frank’s spot was on the fence and tree line where Greg had been last year. Let the hunt begin, I thought, as I waited for the zigzagging zooming tourtes (Cajun for dove) arrival. I’d shot poorly last year, eight doves for 32 shots. This year, they were in for it. Meanwhile, a dove made the grave error (pardon the pun) of lighting on a branch above Frank’s head. We spent the next 15 minutes trying to find the darn downed dove that matched the ground cover. Miraculously, Frank finally spotted it. Back in my chair, it was my turn to shoot. And shoot. And shoot. Somehow, I managed to shoot even worse than I had last year. Score it one for15 shots at darting, diving and detouring doves. Frank, on the other hand, could hit the elusive things. The only problem was he’d drop them in the pasture on the other side of the barbed wire fence. When you reach a certain age, crossing such fences becomes highly improbable. Just call Frank and I the barbed wire fence-challenged. We were rescued by Zebco, the appetizer-eating Lab, and Randy Young’s daughter, Rose. Seems when Frank dropped one, Zebco, from a hundred yards away, would take off to retrieve with young Rose scurrying behind. Trailing behind at an amble was Randy. Zebco would find the dove. Then Rose would take it from him and bring it to one of the two old coots on the fence line. Thus it went all afternoon. Finally, the sun began to dip behind the horizon and our hunt was over. It was only a hundred yards or so to Greg’s camp, so we ambled in. Frank added his eight to the dove pile and I humbly added my one. Twelve hunters accumulated some 90-plus doves. The aroma of supper distracted me from shooting a picture of the dove pile. I am, after all, a gourmand. The night’s Edwin McCall cuisine was jambalaya, fresh green beans and petite potatoes in butter with fresh baked rolls. It took me three plates to decide which was better, the boudin appetizers or the supper. My dilemma was resolved by the chocolate éclair deserts. Supper won out over the , but just barely. The piece de resistance was the hunter’s harvest moon that rose over the 300 oak copse to shimmer shine the moss that draped the oaks. It added a harvest glow to the hunters, guests, and food-stealing hunting dogs. Fed and fatigued Frank and I said our happy goodbyes to all, with a truly special “Merci tres bien” to Greg. He did, after all, invite us back for next year. Vol. 8 • No. 15

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Resort Review

Sanctuary Cap Cana, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic 5-Star, All-Inclusive, Adults Only raised brow of my boss when I didn’t give much advance notice of my departure? Yes. Was the extra cost of the flight worth it because I booked at the last minute? Yes. Was disappointing my family yet again because I blew off another bonding celebration to heed the call of the wild blue yonder worth it? Yes. Okay, I guess I’ll always feel a little guilty about that one. Sanctuary Cap Cana is a magnificently sprawling “adults-only” resort with three distinctive areas and architectural styles: Spanish Colonial, Caribbean Villas and The Castle Suites. The gorgeous terraced grounds of each area flow together with seamless fluidity. Every path takes you on a shaded stroll through lush green and colorful blooming botanical gardens with surprising peeks of a vibrant blue sea around every twist and turn. At only 174 rooms in 12 categories, Sanctuary Cap Cana’s sophisticated and award-winning design and ambience draw honeymooners and anniversary couples from around the world who seek a tropical sanctuary offering peace, quiet, natural beauty and privacy. You won’t find the party crowd here. Upon arrival, my travelling companion and I were upgraded to an Ocean Front

by Patricia Landry OMG! Well, there you have it. My three letter rating for the awe-inspiring, luxury all-inclusive resort Sanctuary Cap Cana in the Dominican Republic. Most all reviewers give this tropical jewel a top rating of 5-stars but I’m pushing it above and beyond. Just a few weeks ago, after coming across sigh-worthy photos of this beautiful multitiered resort in Punta Cana, I was on a mission to go there. And, go there pronto! I was absolutely captivated by the resort’s look and feel of a small Spanish colonial village with winding cobblestone pathways through lush tropical foliage and sweeping views of a sparkling blue Caribbean Sea. Now, I’m in the travel business. I look at photos of gorgeous and breath-taking Caribbean resorts all the time. There are hundreds. But, I have never been so compelled to just drop everything and go to any one of them - as soon as possible! I didn’t consider my job. I didn’t consider the cost. I didn’t consider family obligations. Yes, shame on me! Weeks before I had offered to cook a family dinner for the upcoming christening celebration for my niece’s little girl, I took back the offer! Was my impulsive behavior worth the

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Suite with a Butler in the Castle Suites! (Okay, of course I had let the resort know beforehand that I was a Travel Agent and Travel Writer. Fully hoping this would happen. Hehehe.) I woke up every morning and drank my coffee on the terrace with spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea to welcome a glorious sunrise. By 6:30 a.m., I was barefoot and walking completely alone on a long palm tree-fringed stretch of sugar-white sand beach. With the new day’s light still low and diffused, the sky still streaked with soft pastel colors from the rising sun and the sound of the gentle waves lapping at the shore – and my feet, I felt like I was in heaven! I absolutely loved exploring Sanctuary Cap Cana with all its charming and wellappointed nooks, plazas and alcoves in the stillness of the early morning hours. And, then back-tracking again in the dark of night when all the cobblestone paths were softly illuminated and the shadows of the dense foliage created dramatic film-noir type scenes. I took being in this tropical paradise during a full moon as Divine Providence – since it wasn’t planned. Strolling the resort paths at night and catching glimpses between the palms and thatched-roof villas of a brilliant full moon shining on a rippled sea will be a moment in time I shall never forget. During my treks, I was surprised to find five hidden pools – one with a man-made

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water fall. The beautiful main pool is positioned in front of a small crescent-shaped beach with stunning views of the Caribbean and is the hub of any socializing or activities. There is a lively swim-up bar. Those seeking more solitude and privacy can sneak off to any one of the other beautiful pools and more than likely have it all to themselves. There are 5 restaurants. Casabella serves the delicious and bountiful international cuisine breakfast and lunch buffets. The Blue Marlin for fresh seafood is an open-air, thatched roof on piers restaurant jutting out into the sea. The Steakhouse serves your typical steakhouse fare – now don’t expect Ruth’s Chris but the food was good (even though I had to send my lamb chops back twice to get a medium-rare.) If you like red wine, forget about ordering the $70 bottles and just opt for the FREE house red that was very good. Capriccio Italian Restaurant

was my favorite. Had creamy wild mushroom risotto one night and chicken Alfredo another night. We didn’t get to make it to the Asian Wok restaurant, but I heard rave reviews from other guests. Sanctuary’s exquisite 2,000 square foot Spa is considered one of the best in the

We’ve all heard of the expression, “The Crazy Cat Lady.” Maybe you even know of a few (Editor’s Note: I think I may know one very well…). But I think I might be turning into “The Crazy Bird Lady.” Our backyard is practically a bird sanctuary. We have everything from cardinals and blue jays to hummingbirds and woodpeckers and everything in between. My kids have been fascinated lately because a pair of cardinals keeps flying back and forth to a nest to bring food to their babies and they have spotted both the male and female cardinal carrying bugs, worms, etc., We even have an owl. I haven’t been fortunate enough to get a photo of it or even a sighting, but we do hear it hooting nearly every night.. I enjoy taking photos of birds–and not only the birds in our backyard. For some reason, I’ve been seeing snowy white egrets all over the place, and sometimes in spots where nobody else seems to see them. I’ve spotted them in ditches, backyards, front yards, in the middle of town, on the outskirts of town, next to the interstate, in Cameron, and so on. Sometimes, they fly away before I can get a photo, but I’m often able to sneak up on them and snap one. I guess I’ve become a bird whisperer of sorts. I’ve also been able to get close-ups of little blue herons, gray herons, juvenile herons, and other birds that I don’t even know the names of. I can’t say that my kids are always quite as enthusiastic as I am about birds, though. Sometimes they’ll point one out to me but will say, “Mom, you’re not going to stop and take a picture, are you?” Our cats are enthusiastic about birds but for different reasons than mine! We have three outdoor cats: Tiger, Claire Bear, and Grayley. A few months ago, we watched as Tiger and one of the birds in our yard teased each other. The bird would dip down very low and fly right in front of Tiger. Our sweetheart Tiger would reach up with his paw and take a swipe at the bird and then they would repeat the game over and over. Until the bird flew just a little too close and yep, the bird lost that battle. Claire Bear chases Vol. 8 • No. 15

Dominican Republic. A massage indulgence is a must. Considered one of the best in the Caribbean, the Jack Nicklaus designed Punta Espada Golf Course is near the resort and a fleet of golf carts transport golfers to and from. I’m not even going to mention the few small somewhat negatives I might have noticed about Sanctuary Cap Cana through my eyes as a critic - only because absolutely none of the many completely thrilled and happy guests I talked with at the resort noticed anything negative. You would also be hardpressed to find anything less than a 5-star rating by the 5,000 reviewers of the resort on Trip Advisor. So, if you don’t take my word for it that Sanctuary Cap Cana is truly a tropical jewel, consider the words of those 5,000 guests from around the world! Need more info? Call Travel Partners at (337) 602-6767!

the birds but doesn’t seem interested in catching one. And Grayley? All she cares about is eating, and I think she starts anticipating her next meal while enjoying her current meal! Regarding bird photos, one of my favorites is from a short trip to Hackberry with my kids. We were fortunate to pull up at the exact moment that a fishing guide and his group pulled in to the marina. The group was kind enough to let my kids join in the excitement as they pulled bucket after bucket of redfish out of the boat. They let my kids hold one of the larger fish, and then let them watch as they cleaned the fish and in between, threw scraps of fish to the birds. Suddenly, amidst all of the excitement, my son spotted a gorgeous bird on the wharf just taking it all in. He whispered, “Mom, look! Hurry, take a picture.” And I did. It turned into a nice photo and a great memory, too. I’m still on the hunt for a bald eagle and I won’t stop until I get that photo, although I would probably be too excited simply being in the presence of an eagle to even take a picture. I know that sightings are rare, but a couple of my photographer friends have been lucky enough to spot them and get great photos. I belong to a few photography groups and it’s exciting to see what some seasoned photographers, especially those who are fortunate enough to make a living at photography, are able to come across and capture with their cameras. Living in Southwest Louisiana, we’re surrounded by beauty and such great opportunities for fantastic photos. On that note, if you’re out and about and happen to see “The Crazy Bird Lady,” please do stop and say hello. Just don’t step between me and a bird and mess up that perfect bird photo! Lisa Addison wrote her first short story when she was 7 years old and hasn’t stopped writing since. She enjoys photography, trying new recipes, and going on adventures with her kids. You can follow her photography at Lisa Addison Photography on Facebook and her profiles of people at Humans of Louisiana on Facebook. November 17, 2016 11

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The Jambalaya’s Annual Mardi Gras Issue! It’s time to plan for The Jambalaya’s Annual Mardi Gras issue! In case you don’t recall how this works, let’s recap the following: Each full color page costs $300. Most krewes choose two pages, which cost $600. Krewes can get page sponsors by selling four ¼ page ads at $150 (one krewe page free), two ½ page ads at $300 (one krewe page free) or one full page ad at $600 (one krewe page free) or any combination of ads and cash to equal number of pages desired. Deadline for 2017 All copy and photos must be in by February 13 AT THE VERY LATEST. NO EXCEPTIONS! All payments must be in by February 13. We accept cash, checks and credit cards. Photos must be emailed in a jpeg format or delivered on a disc. We will not scan photos. Email copy in a word document. All go to You already know who’s on your courts, so start sending bios in NOW! A suggestion on article word count: Keep in mind that the longer the article, the smaller your photos will be. Less words, bigger photos! If you want one page, then your article should be around 600 words. For two pages, approximately 1,000-1,200 words TOPS. You want to show off those beautiful color photos, don’t you? Again, this is just a suggestion, but worth considering, and keep in mind that we do edit for space. For more information, call Lauren at 436-7800 ext. 107 or email

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By Lauren Abate The holidays are right around the corner, and that means good food on the table. Lots of it. Do you want to stay in the kitchen cooking, or would you rather pick up a pre-planned meal so you can spend more time with your family and friends? Leave the cooking to Honey-B Ham—from a full meal to dessert—and enjoy so much more of your holiday season! Honey-B Ham has been right here in the Lake Area since 1996, and their holiday meals are a local tradition. Franchise owner Joe Heinen sells thousands of hams and turkeys, both to individual families for their holidays and to business owners who give them as gifts to clients and employees. “I do 85 percent of my yearly business in the six weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas,” Heinen says. You’ll see him there every day during the season, overseeing his operations with savory scent of ham wafting throughout the restaurant. The honey glazed ham is the top-seller, and is Heinen’s favorite. Hickory smoked, spiral sliced and baked with a thick, rich honey and spice glaze, it comes ready for the table. Just keep refrigerated until two to three hours before serving. You don’t even have to light your oven; Heinen does not recommend heating it, as a matter of fact. If you have leftovers, they can remain in the fridge for five to seven days or be frozen for up to 45 days. I’ve personally never had leftovers last longer than a few days! Between the ham sandwiches, ham and eggs and a hearty winter soup made from the bone, there isn’t much left when I get through with it! Worried about eating right? Honey-B’s hams have been certified by CHRISTUS Hospital in Beaumont as being lower in sodium than other commercial hams. You can also ask for an unglazed ham if you are cutting back on sugar. If you’re choosing a turkey, make sure you select smoked rather than fried. You can eat healthy and still have an amazingly delicious meal.

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While Honey-B Ham may be known for their hams, they also offer smoked or Cajun whole turkeys, brisket, sausage and chopped beef. If you’re getting a turkey, don’t forget the gravy and cranberry relish. Then, there are the side dishes which are positively yummy: sweet potato or baked potato casserole, cornbread dressing, broccoli cheese rice, and everyone’s favorite, the green bean casserole. For dessert, they have everyone’s favorites: pumpkin, apple, and pecan pies. There’s also homemade fudge – which makes a great holiday gift! The sandwich trays, along with the meat and cheese trays, are just the ticket for office parties or casual gatherings throughout the season. And don’t forget New Year’s, Super Bowl Sunday or your Mardi Gras balls! Good food for your guests without the hassle of having to prepare it all yourself. Again, Honey-B Ham gets you OUT of the kitchen! Speaking of gatherings, Honey-B Ham offers full-service, selfcontained mobile catering services. Business catering is Heinen’s specialty, providing meals for holiday parties, company lunches, conferences and crawfish boils. You can choose from the traditional main courses/sides, or go for the trays or box lunches. Let Honey-B Ham take care of all of your catering needs.

The Restaurant

Heinen is very much aware of what his customers like when it comes to his restaurant offerings. Through the years, he’s kept his menu simple to ensure the best quality, but has added various items, including cracklins, boudin, boudin balls and even fried brisket along the way. Come in and enjoy his sandwiches, gumbo, crawfish etouffee (in season) and other favorites, either for lunch or to pick up on your way home from work. “The key to a successful restaurant business is consistency,” he explains. “I just have to be consistently good.” And with 20 years in the business and a loyal following, Honey-B Ham stands out and continues to thrive while a lot of eateries fail. You know what you get when you pay a visit to Honey-B Ham.

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Crawfish Season Soon!

Yes, that’s right—Honey-B Ham does crawfish! The season is coming soon, and the thought of those delectable crustaceans makes me drool! Make sure to stop by Honey-B Ham and take a sack home, either live or boiled and don’t forget they cater crawfish boils. Heinen knows a thing or two about crawfish, as he’s been raising and selling them since 1978 on his farm north of Jennings. He prides himself on the best quality around. Check their FB page as the season nears or give them a call to find out when they will be available. You will come back for more! A strong worth ethic and a tremendous product is what keeps Heinen’s loyal customers. “If you want the best ham, turkey, or crawfish, I got it. We have a money-back guarantee,” he says with a confident smile He also wants his customers to keep it simple. “Take Mom out of the kitchen and let us do the cooking for you!” Call Honey-B Ham today or place your order online. Honey-B Ham is located at 506 E Prien Lake Rd, Lake Charles. Hours 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday. Saturday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (this time of year), Sunday 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. To place an order, call (337) 477-8335. For more information, see their website, or find them on Facebook.

November 17, 2016 15

2016 Holiday Events in the Lake Area Jack Frost may not actually be nipping at our noses, but the holiday season has arrived—with all of its magic and excitement! What is there to do in the Lake Area? Read on and find out! And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!

Decking the Halls in DeQuincy Light Up Lake Charles

Christmas Parade, Fireworks and More! Mistletoe and Moss Holiday Market December 2 November 17-19 Program will consist of craft and food vendors, hot chocolate, music and singing. At 5:30 p.m., the parade will travel west from the Nichols Dept. Store and at 6:30 p.m., there will be a Christmas program at McNamara Park. Wrap up the evening with fireworks at the DeQuincy Ballpark at 8 p.m. Admission is free. (337) 786-6451.

KCS Holiday Express December 7 In its 16th annual trip across Kansas City Southern’s (KCS) U.S. rail network, the Holiday Express train is planning to stop at the Railroad Museum at 400 Lake Charles Avenue in DeQuincy at 4 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 7. The six-car train will bring Santa Claus for a visit with kids and offer visual displays inside and out for young and old alike. This event is free and open to the public. Additionally, at each stop, KCS will make a donation to the local Salvation Army. (337) 786-8241.

Inspiration in Iowa

Iowa Christmas Parade and Christmas in the Park December 2 Christmas Parade begins at 4 p.m. from the VF Mall and travels to the Lawrence Toups Memorial Park. Christmas in the Park will be after the parade and includes kid events, arts and crafts, shopping and more. (337) 309-7914.

Joyful in Jennings

Jennings Christmas Festival & Gumbo Cook-off December 3

The Junior League of Lake Charles proudly presents the Mistletoe and Moss Holiday Market at the Lake Charles Civic Center! Enjoy shopping, food, and amazing special events such as the Preview Party Gala, Ladies Night, and Cookies with Santa and Friends. $10 General Admission, $60 Preview Party, $25 Ladies Night, $15 Cookies with Santa and Friends. Tickets can be purchased at

Christmas with the Oak Ridge Boys November 19 The iconic group’s Christmas tour has become one of the most loved and popular performances during the holiday season. The Oak Ridge Boys will treat you to Christmas favorites at the Golden Nugget on Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $20 and are available on (337) 508-7224,

LC Symphony Holiday Home Tour November 27 The Lake Charles Symphony and The Foundation at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital announce the 2016 Holiday Home Tour featuring homes on River Road. It will be held Sun., Nov. 27 from 2-5 p.m. Admission is $50 per person. Seven homes will be delightfully decorated for the holiday season with docents on hand. After touring the homes, enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres, holiday cocktails and beverages while listening to the sounds of the season provided by Chris Shearman. Tickets can be purchased at the Symphony office in Central School Arts and Humanities Center, at or by calling 433-1611.

From 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., food and craft vendors will be at Founders Park (Main St.), Jennings to sell original works and great food. Taste all of the delectable dish- Lake Area Ballet Theatre Presents es at the gumbo cook-off. The parade will start at 5:30 The Nutcracker December 1-2 The Nutcracker is a beloved classical ballet that p.m. and will run down Main St. Following the parade, incorporates elaborate sets and costuming. A wonderchildren are invited to visit Santa and the Grinch in Founders Park. Free admission. (337) 821-5532. www. ful production danced to Tchaikovsky’s beautiful score, this enchanting holiday classic is sure to please! Don’t 16 November 17, 2016

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miss this Lake Area tradition at the LC Civic Center! School performances held on Dec. 1 & 2 @ 9 a.m.; public performances Dec. 1 & 2 @ 7 p.m. For tickets, call (337) 4771510 or go to

Cinderella’s Holiday Dining December 3 Children will join their favorite storybook characters for an unforgettable experience. Character meals include pizza, dessert and a drink. The seating incorporates a visit, photos and autographs from each of these famous characters. Children are encouraged to wear their favorite costume. Seating is at noon, cost is $25 per person (everyone must have a ticket including adults and infants). Seating is limited and reservations must be made by calling the theatre box office at (337) 433-7323

Light Up the Lake December 3 Beginning at 1 p.m., join Santa for the journey from Mill Street, south on Ryan, concluding at Michael Debakey Drive. Santa’s Workshop will take place from 2-5 p.m. with tiny tots in the Exhibition Hall and ages 6-12 in the Coliseum. Kids are invited to join in the reindeer games with

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prizes and gifts as well as arts & crafts, food, activities, storytelling, music and much more. The Community Band Christmas Concert will begin at 3:30 p.m. in the second-floor Mezzanine. Gather around the front lawn at 5 p.m. for the lighting ceremony with entertainment and the flipping of the switch at 6 p.m. to light up the Christmas lights. Catch trinkets and candy at the lighted boat parade at 6:30 p.m. followed by the fireworks extravaganza at 7:15 p.m. Awards will be given for the best entries in both the street and boat parades. Food vendors will be stationed along the lakefront that evening. (337) 491-9159,

ACTS Theatre Presents Scrooge! December 3, 9-11, 16-18 Artists Civic Theatre and Studio presents Scrooge! at the One Reid Street Theatre, based on the classic Charles Dickens tale, A Christmas Carol. For more information, contact ACTS at 433-ACTS (2287) or visit www.actstheatre. com.

Handel’s Messiah December 4 A moving experience for the entire family, it continues to

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2016 Holiday Events in the Lake Area (Continued) be a beautiful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. One of the longest running productions of the Messiah in the world, one hundred-plus voices will sing this famous work. The eight soloists are McNeese vocal students Tyler Brumback, Amy Phillips, Kaitlin Colby, Ashley Traughber, Taylor Trahan, Emmie Lancon, Layton Bergstedt. and Kevin Delaney. Performance is at 3 p.m. at the Bulber Auditorium, McNeese State University, 4205 Ryan St. (337) 477-0662.

A Very Merry Christmas Party for Seniors December 8 A festive day for seniors 60+ who reside in Calcasieu Parish begins with a continental breakfast at 9 a.m. at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Music will be provided by Ed Jardell & the Louisiana Scramble Band. A nutritious lunch will be served and bingo will be played for prizes until 1 p.m. (337) 474-2583 (ext. 1050).

Masterworks Chorale Concerts December 9 & 11 Masterworks Chorale of the Louisiana Choral Foundation will perform two Christmas concerts Fri., Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Cathedral in Lake Charles and Sun., Dec. 11, at the Immaculate Conception Church in Sulphur at 3 p.m. Adult tickets ($15) can be purchased at Swicegood Music. Students with ID and children are admitted free.

Central School’s Holiday Art Market December 9-11 The Arts Council of Southwest Louisiana invites the public to shop local art for Christmas gifts during our festive Holiday Art Market. Set in historic Central School Arts & Humanities Center, the Holiday Art Market offers an array of fine and handmade items by local artisans, with 10% of the proceeds benefiting SWLA arts, and live performances from area arts organizations. Admission is free. (337) 439-ARTS (2787), 18 November 17, 2016

LCCB’s ‘Christmas in Louisiana’ December 10-11 LCCB’s ‘Christmas in Louisiana’ Dec. 10-11 This beautiful ballet tells the story of the early settlers of SWLA. It is choreographed by Lady Holly Hathaway Kaough, artistic director of LCCB, with settings by Fred Stark, technical director. Children of all ages will delight as they experience Santa’s journeys to Louisiana throughout the state’s history. “Christmas in Louisiana: Once Upon a Time” offers a timeless quality sure to put anyone in the Christmas spirit! Dec. 10-11: School performances at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Dec. 10 - Matinee at 11 a.m. and Gala at 6 p.m.

Bulber Youth Orchestra Christmas Concert December 12 Join the members of the FGBYO as they celebrate the season with familiar Christmas classics, as well as new pieces! All are are mastered by youth musicians age 7-18 throughout the fall semester. Concert begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Tritico Theatre at McNeese State University, Lake Charles Admission is free, but donations are encouraged. (337) 855-6049.

Merry in Moss Bluff

Christmas Parade December 10 The Ward One Economic Development Board and the Moss Bluff Civic Club will sponsor the Moss Bluff Christmas Parade on Sat., Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. The parade will begin at Sam Houston High School and follow the route for Homecoming, behind the high school to Telephone Road, Parish Road and will end back at Sam Houston High School. Line-up will begin at 1 p.m. at the school. For applications and more information, visit

Seasons Greetings from Starks

Christmas Parade and Gumbo December 3 The community of Starks will spring into the ChristVol. 8 • No. 15

mas spirit with the annual Starks Christmas Parade to be held on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 2 p.m. The parade starts and ends at VFW Post #4759 on Hwy.12 in Starks. Following the parade at 3:30 p.m., there will be Christmas gumbo hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary. For more information, call (337) 743-6409.

Silver Bells in Sulphur

Christmas Under the Oaks December 2-3 There is plenty to put you in the holiday spirit at the Christmas Under the Oaks Festival. The Kiwanis Christmas Parade will kick off on Fri. at 6 p.m. with the arrival of Santa, followed by the live nativity and bands at the Grove at 7 p.m. Don’t miss the Lighting of the Christmas tree, which will take place at 7:30 p.m. On Sat., bands will be playing from noon – 8:30 p.m. and Heritage Square will be filled with food booths, a carnival, bands, dance groups and more. One hundred percent chance of snow at 7:30 p.m. Event hours: Friday 6-8:30 p.m. and Sat. noon-9 p.m.;

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SWLA Christmas Lighting Festival Southeast Tourism Society Top 20 Event The Southeast Tourism Society recently honored the Southwest Louisiana Christmas Lighting Festival as a Top 20 Event for the fourth quarter of 2016. The festival is a combination of holiday activities and events throughout Calcasieu Parish that takes place during the month of December. The festival features the Lake Charles Light Up the Lake Christmas Celebration, Sulphur’s Christmas Under the Oaks, parades in Westlake, DeQuincy, Iowa, Vinton, Moss Bluff and Starks, plus an array of other events. The Southwest Louisiana Convention and Visitors Bureau is a member of STS, an organization that promotes travel to and within the southeastern part of the United States. The bureau nominates all area fairs, festivals and events quarterly. The STS Top 20 Events marketing program highlights the “best of the best” from submitted entries. Events are selected from each of the following STS member states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. The Top 20 Events publication is sent to over 1,600 newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, AAA publications and others. The combined circulation of organizations using the publication is well into the millions. Therefore, the potential media coverage of these events has made the Top 20 Events list a coveted honor.

November 17, 2016 19

Inferno (Sony, Columbia, 2016) Remember Tom Hanks in The DaVinci Code? How he unraveled all those clues? Well, here we go again. As Robert Langdon, the Bostonian art expert, Hanks is once more pressed to solve mysteries with his photographic memory and eye for cryptic writing. Only this time, his memory is gone. Yep, he wakes up in a hospital, without a clue, at least at first. And to make things worse, he’s not in Boston, he’s in Italy; Florence, to be exact. How did he get here? Why is his head bleeding? Why do these movie stars always get such cute nurses, who then take them to their homes? Seriously, Inferno starts out with more questions than answers, as Professor Langdon suffers spiking headaches mixed with visions of the Last Judgment. But of course, his memory is going to eventually come back. I give it to the end of the movie. Now look, I like Tom Hanks. Ever since he played a Tony Curtis-like character in drag in Bosom Buddies, I knew here was a future Oscar winner and millionaire actor. Because no one, I mean no one, has a voice like Tom Hanks. And no one can screw 20 November 17, 2016

their face into a hurtful expression like him. Especially when he’s having headaches. And visions. So yes, he rates the young nurse who takes him to her home. And there, he discovers that she is a former child genius. Who just happens to be an expert on Dante’s classic poem of Hell, called “Inferno,” so she was perfectly cast for this movie, right? Thank goodness, because that’s what Professor Langdon discovers his headache is all about. A headache from Hell. I just can’t give away the searing mysteries that get uncovered except to tell you it involves THE ENDOFTHEWORLDASWEKNOWIT and an EVILMILLIONAIREGENIUS who is the cause of all the problems. But I do want to give a shout out to one of the actors, Life of Pi’s Irrfan Khan. He plays one of the shady characters that populates Inferno, and every scene he’s in he steals, with his cold stare and flawless Indian accent, because, you know, India. Anyway, in a humorless thriller like this, Khan delivers just about the only humorous lines and the sole four letter PG-13-allowed word, and he’s just great. Go see this movie

just for him if you’re one of the two people that doesn’t think Tom Hanks is the Greatest Living Actor Alive This Week. A second shout out goes to the director Ron Howard. Inferno takes us to several locations in Europe and Asia, all extremely gorgeous and worthy of a hard-working director like Howard, who deserved a vacation. And all the art museums, some of them almost as good as the Blue Dog Gallery! So with all the art to expound on, Professor Langdon gets to prove once more that he is the smartest person in the room, with or without his photographic memory. Ron Howard directed Tom Hanks in all three of the Rob-

ert Langdon adventures, and I think it’s his finest work since How the Grinch Stole Christmas, even without Jim Carrey. There are so many flashbacks and hallucinations, it was a little confusing at first, but once we understand that it’s Tom Hanks saving the world again, everything falls into place. Even right at the end, when he’s sitting on an ambulance with his head bandaged up, making his screwed up face just like at the end of The Burbs. And who directed The Burbs? Joe Dante! So it all makes perfect sense. Long live Tom Hanks! Inferno is rated PG-13 for the best line in the movie and for close-up head wounds. Enjoy!

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And Every Morning, the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer You can’t remember a thing these days. Whatchamacallit’s name doesn’t come quite as easily anymore. You can’t recall the title of that movie you used to love. Thingamabobs are never where you put them last, your glasses are on top of your head and, as in the new novella, And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer by Fredrik Backman, your storage square shrinks. Noah didn’t know where he was, exactly. Grandpa didn’t give him a map or compass. That was always part of the game: Grandpa would take Noah somewhere and Noah would figure out how to get them home. But this time, Grandpa forgot and now they were sitting in a round town square, on a bench, surrounded by things that looked faintly familiar to the boy. The old man didn’t know for sure why his forehead was bleeding, and he didn’t think Noah should be sitting next to him on the bench. Everything had gotten smaller, very quickly. It all seemed strange, Vol. 8 • No. 15

until he saw the sixteen-yearold beauty he’d fallen for, 50 years before. He held her hand again, wondering why she left and whether math could prove that he’d meet her in Heaven, just as he’d hoped. And there they sat, boy and man, side by side in a round town square that smelled of hyacinths – the kind that Noah’s Grandma used to grow. Noah hated seeing Grandpa so sad, but he knew everything would be alright; he’d yelled for his Dad when Grandpa fell. In the meantime, he started another game, to distract Grandpa from the confusion. Ted told his father not to take Noah on that rickety old boat, but nobody could ever tell his dad anything; his whole childhood, Ted tried to explain how much words meant but his father insisted that math was more important. Ted supposed it was fitting that Noah loved numbers. The old man always got his way. And things kept getting smaller. Soon, they’d be gone, fluttered and cluttered inside his brain, but Grandpa wanted to keep Noah from disap-

pearing. To keep him for last. Forever. Oh, how Grandpa hated goodbyes… Two words for you: Bring. Tissues. Bring a carton of them. That might be enough when you’re reading And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer. And yet, here’s the thing: this book isn’t going to make any sense for you the first time, maybe not even the second but you’ll cry just the same. It’s so lightly nuanced, so subtly told in wispy bits of memory that it feels too dream-like to make sense. It’s not clear at first who’s even who here, but when you’ve finished this book and dried

your tears, give it another go. Author Fredrik Backman has another phenomenal story for you – you just have to let it sink in. At under 100 pages, this book won’t take long to finish, and it won’t take long to want to share. And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer is a thing you’ll remember. “And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer” By Fredrik Backman ©2016, Atria Books $18/higher in Canada 76 pages November 17, 2016 21

Thursday, Nov. 17 Country Party Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Rusty Yates 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC Ronnie Fruge 7 p.m. @ Loggerheads 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC

Warren Storm, Willie Tee & Cypress Band starts immediately after Country Party performance @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder The Fuse 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Julia Street 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Friday, Nov. 18 Country Party Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Rusty Yates 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC 22 November 17, 2016

Mike Dean Band 7 p.m. @ Loggerheads 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC

Rodney Atkins with Jake Worthington Tickets on sale now! 8 p.m. @ Texas Longhorn Club 2374 HWY 109 S, Vinton

Willie Nelson 8:30 p.m. @ The Grand Event Center Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Tickets are on sale now at www. and/or by phone through Ticketmaster at (800) 7453000. Tickets can also be purchased on performance day beginning at 2 p.m. at the Golden Nugget Box Office. BB & Company 9 p.m. @ The Gator Lounge Delta Downs Racetrack Casino 2717 Delta Downs Drive, Vinton Cherry 9 p.m.-1 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 3 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC The Fuse 9 p.m.- 2:30 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC


p.m. at the Golden Nugget Box Office.

Band starts immediately after Coushatta Country Party performance

@ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

BB & Company 9 p.m. @ The Gator Lounge Delta Downs Racetrack Casino 2717 Delta Downs Drive, Vinton

Kings of Mojo 11 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC

Band starts immediately after Coushatta Country Party performance


Saturday, Nov. 19

@ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

Country Party Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

Cherry 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Rusty Yates 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC

DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 3 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Flashback 7 p.m. @ Loggerheads 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC

The Fuse 9 p.m.- 2:30 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Coy Planchard 8 p.m. @ Lucky Longhorn Casino 2374 HWY 109 S, Vinton

Paws teh Cat 11 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC

Oak Ridge Boys Christmas Show Sunday, Nov. 20 8 p.m. @ The Grand Event Center Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Tickets are on sale now at www. and/or by phone through Ticketmaster at (800) 7453000. Tickets can also be purchased on performance day beginning at 2

Chester & Jarius Daigle JD’s Whiskey Brunch @ 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. L’Auberge Casino Resort Kevin Johnson 7 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort Vol. 8 • No. 15

777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC

777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC

The Fuse 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Angel Garcia 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Tuesday, Nov. 22 Chip Radford 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC

Monday, Nov. 21

Stacy Bearden 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort

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Clint Faulk 6:30 p.m. @ Loggerheads 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC

Trivial Tuesdays Live Team Trivia 7:30 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St. DJ Verrett/Karaoke 8 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC Ray Boudreaux 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Wednesday, Nov. 23 Chester Daigle 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grill & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC Chris Miller & The Bayou Roots 6:30 p.m. @ Loggerhead’s Bar 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC Whacky Wednesday with DJ Mark 7 p.m. @ Cajuns Wharf 3500 Ryan St, Lake Charles Rachel & Ian 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush

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Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Kory Fontenot 8 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC Rachel & Ian 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Thursday, Nov. 24 Kay Miller & Aaron Horne

5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grill & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC

Country Party Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

Jamie Bergeron & the Kickin’ Cajuns Performance starts after Coushatta Country Party performance

@ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort

Oh, You Came to Town in Headlines and Eight Hundred Dollar Shoes… “I saw you cross the landing, descending marble stairs Like Caesar crossed the Rubicon, you seemed to walk on air. And it’s in your music and I read it in your book The truth just flew off every page. Your songs have all the hooks You’re seven wonders rolled in one. You shifted gears to cruise Oh you came to town in headlines… and eight-hundred dollar shoes” ~ “Eight Hundred Dollar Shoes” Elton John and Leon Russell (The Union – 2010) 24 November 17, 2016

777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Joe Harmon 8 p.m. @ The Gator Lounge Delta Downs Racetrack Casino 2717 Delta Downs Drive, Vinton Rapture 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Matt Cline 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort

It amazes me to hear the legends of popular music recognize those who inspired and helped them in the earliest days of their career, and few more so than Elton John and Leon Russell’s 2010 collaboration The Union. The story takes us back to 1970, when the Elton John Band first arrived on U.S. soil. Leon Russell was not only one of the hottest tickets around, he was a huge favorite of the British rocker that has become one of the biggest acts in the history of pop music. Fortunately for the knight to be, Russell was picking up what he was putting down and it wasn’t long before the two found themselves touring together and forming a lifelong friendship. The Union project was an idea of Elton’s to tip a hat to

2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Friday, Nov. 25

Country Party Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

his hero and give Leon a proper good tour and record with the strength, scope and bravado that has become the career of Elton John. The result was an album that culled the talent, not only of these two veritable forces of nature but the voice of Neil Young, the production mastery of T-Bone Burnett and the vocal arrangements of the Beach Boys very own Brian Wilson to create what has been one of the best all around records I’ve heard in my adult life. This tour de force included a collection of songs that the two wrote together along with John’s decades-long lyricist Bernie Taupin as well as Burnett and a few other guests. One song in particular was penned by John and Taupin as Elton’s homVol. 8 • No. 15

Kay Miller & Aaron Horne 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC Tony Faulk & Chaos 7 p.m. @ Loggerheads 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC and/or by phone through Ticketmaster at (800) 7453000. Tickets can also be purchased on performance day beginning at 2 p.m. at the Golden Nugget Box Office.

8:30 p.m. @ The Grand Event Center Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Tickets are on sale now at www.

Rapture 9 p.m.- 2:30 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

LA Express 11 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC

@ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

Encore 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Joe Harmon 9 p.m. @ The Gator Lounge

DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 3 a.m. @ Blue Martini

age to the aging Russell. “Eight Hundred Dollar Shoes” had such poignant lyrics as I opened this little missive with, and included a more somber imagery describing the scene that is left when the show was over that becomes so much more meaningful now that Leon Russell has, sadly, gone on to that great gig in the sky. “The parking lights are flickering. Your poster’s fading fast. You’re being here just melts away, like ice cubes in a glass.” Sleep well, Mr. Russell. Res Ipsa Loquitur

It’s Time That We Began to Laugh and Cry and Laugh About it All Again... To have your music covered by the likes of Judy Collin, Joan Baez and James Taylor is a testament in and of itself, but Leonard Cohen was a musical legacy all his own. He turned to music when his aspirations of writing didn’t come to pass and was even “supposedly” unable to even sing. Nor did he believe that the piece of music he had written, known today as “Suzanne” was even a real song when he first played it for Collins, who subsequently turned it into a hit and introduced the world to this young and terribly talented songwriter. Vol. 8 • No. 15

Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

No Idea Performance starts after Coushatta Country Party performance


Delta Downs Racetrack Casino 2717 Delta Downs Drive, Vinton

Cohen would go onto to release 30 studio, live and compilation albums that spanned just shy of 50 years and included among them were favorites “Hallelujah,” which has been covered extensively over the years, most famously by the late Jeff Buckley on his 1994 lone studio release Grace and “So Long, Marianne,” written about his early ‘60s lover Marianne Ihlen who passed away just four months ago. Cohen’s farewell letter to her was read aloud at her funeral and prophetically stated… “... our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine. “ And so it was. So long, Leonard Cohen. Res Ipsa Loquitur

It’s a Cold and It’s a Broken Hallelujah... It’s no secret that this year has been anything but kind to the legends of the musical world, and these two latest developments are no

Saturday, Nov. 26

Country Party Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

exception, but even beyond the names we all know we lose shining lights more and more every day. Bob Landry never had a hit record, nor will his name ever grace the walls of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but Bob loved music and he loved to beat a drum and he was a kind, talented and wonderful human being that was a beloved part of the SWLA music community. Even beating that drum until his final moments, Bob too, has taken his song to the beyond and a great many of us are terribly sad to see him go. But what’s the take away here? What great point about art and music am I driving toward here? What thought do I have to bring this all home? I simply don’t have one, except to urge you to find the people and the things you love and hold them close as long as you can. Don’t let the trivial and petty things of this world keep you from feeling the heartbeat of the ones who complete your life. Sadness in death is not reserved for those who make headNovember 17, 2016 25

Kay Miller & Aaron Horne 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC Ronnie Fruge 7 p.m. @ Loggerheads 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC Francie Krienitz 8 p.m. @ Lucky Longhorn Casino 2374 HWY 109 S, Vinton

Gladys Knight 8 p.m. @ The Grand Event Center Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Tickets are on sale now at www. and/or by phone through Ticketmaster at (800) 7453000. Tickets can also be purchased on performance day beginning at 2 p.m. at the Golden Nugget Box Office.

lines. It touches every one of us in our time on this spinning marble, sometimes from afar and often directly to the core of our hearts. Invest your time and your passion into those people and things that makes

No Idea 8 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Joe Harmon 9 p.m. @ The Gator Lounge Delta Downs Racetrack Casino 2717 Delta Downs Drive, Vinton Encore 9 p.m.– 1 a.m. @ Blue Martini

this world a better place, that makes YOUR world a better place. Savor every moment knowing that when you do finally have to say goodbye, you can do so knowing that your life has been made all the better and your

Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 3 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Rapture 9 p.m.- 2:30 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

memories will be all that much richer for having done so. I think it’s time to rest. I don’t know if there is anything left to say. The thing it speaks for itself. I suppose it’s time that I let it do just that.

Something is Happening Here... It seems that if it’s a show you want to see, then the Nugget is the place to be! GN Lake Charles is knocking it out of the park the next two weekends with FOUR huge show that I hope all of you are able to GO AND SEE!

Friday, November 18: Willie Nelson Saturday, November 19: Christmas with The Oak Ridge Boys Friday, November 25: War Saturday, November 26: Gladys Knight They all promise to be magnificent performances that you do not want to miss, so I strongly encourage you to GO SEE THESE SHOWS!

JMLC Pet Sounds Giveaway! We are winding down our JMLC Pet Sounds Giveaway and will be announcing our winner in our NEXT ISSUE, so you have one week remaining when this issue hits stands on 11/17 to get your name in the hat to win your very own vinyl copy of The Beach Boy’s Pet Sounds (courtesy of The Round About) and a hardbound edition of the new Brian Wilson book I Am Brian Wilson: A Memoir (courtesy of DeCapo Press) as we celebrate 50 years of this iconic record. All you have to do is correctly answer the following question and email your answer to by midnight, Thanksgiving night (11/24). “While Brian Wilson did use the legendary “Wrecking Crew” to provide his “orchestra” for this record, he brought in some other studio musicians as well, including one artist who as of today has released 70 albums under their own name, netted numerous Grammy awards and charted over 80 times, who is credited with offering guitar and/or banjo tracks to 5 of the 15 tracks on Pet Sounds. Who is this artist?” We will draw from the correct answers and should we draw your name, you’ll take home this awesome Pet Sounds prize pack!

But We’re Alone Now and I’m Singing This Song To You... A very special shout-out to the friends and family and band mates of Bob Landry. My love and thoughts are with you all and I hope that peace finds you soon. Bob was a fantastic guy and I’m sure going to miss seeing him at the shows. Much love to you all. And on that note, I bid you all farewell. Remember to get your Pet Sounds Giveaway submissions in by midnight Thanksgiving night and we’ll announce our winner right here in our December 1 issue. Until then, I will SEE YOU AT THE SHOW! 26 November 17, 2016

Vol. 8 • No. 15

DJ CaGe 11 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC

Sunday, Nov. 27 Street Side Jazz Band 11 a.m. @ Luna Bar and Grill 710 Ryan St., LC

Chester & Jarius Daigle JD’s Whiskey Brunch @ 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. L’Auberge Casino Resort

Kris Harper & Matt Moss 7-10 p.m. @ Jack After Dark L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC Rapture 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Clint Faulk 6:30 p.m. @ Loggerhead’s Bar 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC

Trivial Tuesdays Live Team Trivia 7:30 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St. DJ Verrett 8 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC DJ Jose Mata 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Ray Boudreaux 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Wednesday, Nov. 30

Monday, Nov. 28

Chester Daigle 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC

DJ Jose Mata 8 p.m.- 3 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Chris Miller & The Bayou Roots 6:30 p.m. @ Loggerhead’s Bar 3748 Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.) LC

Angel Garcia 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Tuesday, Nov. 29 Country Party Tribute to Country Music Vol. 8 • No. 15

L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC Trey Rose 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

David St. Romaine 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Friday, Dec. 2 Country Party

Thursday, Dec. 1 Country Party Tribute to Country Music 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Live Music 5:30 p.m. @ Ember Grille & Wine Bar L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, LC Backyard Boys Performance immediately after Country Party @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Anteeks 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder The Fruge Family 9 p.m. @ The Gator Lounge Delta Downs Racetrack Casino 2717 Delta Downs Drive, Vinton AM/FM 9 p.m.-1 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 3 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Allison Collins 9 p.m.- 2:30 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC

Country Party Tribute to Country Music 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder Kevin Johnson Duo 8 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub November 17, 2016 27

Orphan Annie Performance immediately after Country Party @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

Saturday, Dec. 3

Swamp Pop Festival at The Pavilion Doors open @ noon, music starts @ 1 p.m. Enjoy non-stop music on two stages until 9 p.m. and a huge 3600 sq. ft. dance floor! Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

28 November 17, 2016

Country Party Tribute to Country Music 5 and 7:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder

Loverboy 8 p.m. @ The Grand Event Center Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Tickets are on sale now at www. and/or by phone through Ticketmaster at (800) 7453000. Tickets can also be purchased on performance day beginning at 2 p.m. at the Golden Nugget Box Office.

The Fruge Family 9 p.m. @ The Gator Lounge Delta Downs Racetrack Casino 2717 Delta Downs Drive, Vinton Orphan Annie Performance immediately after Country Party @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Drive, Kinder AM/FM 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. @ Blue Martini Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC DJ Jose Mata 9 p.m.- 3 a.m. @ Blue Martini

Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Allison Collins 9 p.m.- 2:30 a.m. @ Rush Golden Nugget Casino Resort 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd. LC Paws teh Cat 11 p.m. @ Jack After Dark Nightclub L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Ave. L’Auberge, LC

Sunday, Dec. 4 Chester & Jarius Daigle JD’s Whiskey Brunch @ 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. L’Auberge Casino Resort

Vol. 8 • No. 15

The CVB is among 250 convention and visitor bureaus, meeting facilities and hotels located across the South to receive this year’s award. Throughout the year, meeting professionals nominated the meeting sites they believe provide exemplary service for group events. Celebrating over 30 years as a leading meeting planning resource, ConventionSouth magazine is based in Gulf Shores, Ala., and is distributed to more than 18,000 meeting professionals located across the country who book meetings held within the South.

Mistletoe and Moss SE Tourism Society Top 20 Event

Lyons Named Quality Transformation Officer at WCCH West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital is pleased to announce that Kristine Lyons, MSN, RN, CPHQ, has been named chief quality transformation officer. In her new role, Lyons will work closely with hospital management, physicians and employees to develop and manage organization-wide plans and programs for the ongoing evaluation and assessment of quality, safety and customer satisfaction. Prior Kristine Lyons to joining WCCH, Lyons served at W.O. Moss Regional and Lake Charles Memorial Health System for 18 years. Lyons, a resident of Moss Bluff, is a graduate of Nebraska Methodist School of Nursing in Nebraska, and earned a Master of Science degree in nursing from Walden University.

The Southeast Tourism Society recently honored the Junior League of Lake Charles’ Mistletoe and Moss Holiday Market as a Top 20 Event for the fourth quarter of 2016. Each year, Christmas shoppers get a festive jump on the holiday rush with a vast array of selections from approximately 80 specialty shops from SWLA and around the nation at the Junior League of Lake Charles’ most renowned fundraiser, the Mistletoe and Moss Holiday Market. This year’s event will be held Nov. 17-19 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. All proceeds will go back into the Lake Charles community.

L’Auberge Donates to Boy Scout Classic L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles hosted the John DeRosier “On My Honor” Boy Scout Classic recently. As the sponsor, L’Auberge Casino Resort contributed $12,000 toward use of Contraband Bayou Golf Club. The Boy Scouts of America Calcasieu Area Council is proud to serve over 3,000 youth and adults in Southwest Louisiana.

L to R: Laurie Martin, JLLC president and Julie Este-McDonald, JLLC market chair with Annette Richey, board of directors of the Lake Charles/SWLA CVB

O’Carroll Group Welcomes Hartley to Staff Peter O’Carroll and the O’Carroll Group are pleased to announce that Madison Hartley has joined the staff as a graphic designer. Born and raised in Lake Charles, Hartley graduated from Sowela Technical Community College with an associate’s degree in graphic art, and she has won several graphic design awards, including a gold medal and 2nd Best in Show in the SKILLS state and national competitions, respectively, Madison Hartley and two silver ADDY awards. She brings valuable experience in photography and graphic design to the O’Carroll Group’s creative team. Call (337) 478-7396 to learn more about the O’Carroll Group.

Golden Nugget Donates to BB/BS of SWLA L to R: Mike Beer, Calcasieu Area Council Boy Scouts of America CEO; Michael K. Pendergast, L’Auberge VP/GM and; John DeRosier, District Attorney; Jonathan Swatts, Calcasieu Area Council Boy Scouts of America District Director.

LCCVB Honored with Reader’s Choice Award ConventionSouth, the national multimedia resource for planning events in the South, presented Lake Charles/Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau with a 2016 Readers’ Choice Award. Vol. 8 • No. 15

The Golden Nugget donated $5,000 in sponsorship of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana’s 2016 Annual Gratitude Luncheon held recently at the Golden Nugget Casino and Resort. The donation was in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters annual initiative to publically recognize the individuals and organizations in SWLA who gave both financially as corporate partners and sponsors and/or in time volunteering as role-models to the several hundred children enrolled in the mentoring programs. November 17, 2016 29

FOOD TRUCKS INVADE Another invasion of mobile munchiness descended upon Crying Eagle Brewing as locals turned out to get a taste of the action for the most recent edition of Food Trucks Invade. When you get to wash all that down with a fresh frosty Crying Eagle brew, who can blame them for loading up the place for a fun and filling Thursday afternoon?

Stephan Darnutzer and Lauren Rivero

Madison Augustine and Suzanne Durio

Aaron Beale and Cody Yarborough

Taylor Hood and Amanda Ihli

Kayla, Billy and Stephanie Briscoe

10TH ANNIVERSARY BASH AT CIGAR CLUB Cigar Club is celebrating ten years in the Lake City and decided that all the presents were going to loyal fans and customers and to local veterans in need. Cigar Club hosted an afternoon of beer and spirit tastings and tons of giveaways while raising money to support the Mayor’s Armed Forces Commission’s “Stand Down” veterans outreach initiative. Congratulations!

Garrett and Katie Laneaux and Trey Hundley

Julie and Marshall Teague 30 November 17, 2016

Nimish Desai and Heath Hill

Willie Dartez, Nick Collins and Dexter Poullard

Brian Pitre, Bill Mungai and Tivona Griffith Vol. 8 • No. 15

ROOTS REVIVAL: EVOLUTION The Arts Council and the City of Lake Charles teamed up once again for the second edition of the Roots Revival series, this one titled Evolution. Local musicians Sinners were joined by Sean Ardoin and South Louisiana musical innovators Lost Bayou Ramblers who took us through the history and future of our music and culture. “Bravo et merci!” I can’t wait for the next one!

Elizabeth and Patrick Eustis

Sean Ardoin, Amy Perkins and Jody Taylor

Angie Manning with Ariel and Rayna Istre

Ashli Waldrep and Charla Blake

Abby Berenat Lavoi, Aaron and Bryant Collins with Jeremey Lavoi

TRAVEL PARTNERS OPEN HOUSE For fans of the road and air in the Lake City, you have some new Travel Partners to get you there! Travel Partners opened the doors to their Pujo Street offices for an open house for a night of drinks, camaraderie and some great info for those who are looking to get out and see the world! If you’ve got the wanderlust, check out Phil and crew at Travel Partners. They’ll be sure to help you find your way! Cheers!

Patty and Tim Hall

Phil de Alberquerque and Sammie Carlton Vol. 8 • No. 15

Dr. Bruce and Monica Maerhofer

Brenda Corbello and Deirdra Willis

Krista Holmberg and Maribel Lascalere November 17, 2016 31

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