September / October 18

Page 40


NEUTRALIZE HIGHRISK TRANSPORTS Equipped buses, cuffs, body restraints and more all work to subdue even the most high-risk transports.

The MCI Inmate Security Transportation Vehicle, or ISTV, is a durable, secure, prisoner transport designed using semi-monocoque construction for reliable performance on all types of road conditions.


escape during transport earlier this year when the guard stops at a casino hotel in St. Louis… inmates steal a van after a prisoner holds a pen against the neck of a guard in Oklahoma last fall…but most chilling, two inmates escape from a Georgia prison bus last summer and disarm and then fatally shoot two C.Os. The Georgia investigation reveals many security issues, but to list a few: the handcuffs were not double locked, the gate between the guards and prisoners 40 CORRECTIONS FORUM • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2018

was not locked, the guns were not on the officers but in a box, and only one of 13 lights on the bus was working. The offenders were not searched before boarding and a pen and toothbrush were used to unlock and dislodge the cuffs and barrier gate. It seems obvious that correct equipment deployment is crucial to secure transport, especially when that equipment is highly relied upon for support and protection. Providers of transport equipment, including director of training for Nova Security Group Inc., Brian Dillard, advocate

training and knowledge-of-use measures. He points out that for Nova, “training consists of device functionality, as well as scenariobased application.” Dillard explains that once training is secured, planning for the unforeseen is the best way to neutralize security issues before they escalate. “When developing a plan, one must make every effort to consider all possible contingencies. Any given situation can elevate the risk and threaten the success of the operation.” The solution: Diligent planning and clear communication. Every oper-


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