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COMMANDING THE COMPLEXITIES OF FOOD SERVICE Food service demands rigorous controls. Here are ways to handle every facet efficiently. Trinity supports the requirements of the American Correctional Association and state level accrediting bodies.
From menu planning, through the process of procurement, meeting nutritional and dietary needs, to meal delivery and food safety and everything in between, there are ways to efficiently navigate through the multiple facets of food service. When support is needed, vendor partners can be invaluable. Trinity Services Group, for instance, enhances food service operations by allowing the facility to transfer the following burdens to the company: Menu development, purchasing, food safety, food service training, menu management systems, cost controls, inventory man40 CORRECTIONS FORUM • JULY/AUGUST 2016
Cook’s introduced the first 8-ounce Disher because customers were serving 8-ounce portions but had to approximate the size with current tools. VISIT US AT WWW.CORRECTIONSFORUM.NET