Social and Economic Impact Report 2008

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Because The Village at Market Creek has grown, this report is organized into five areas. The various teams, partners, and investors who have made this work possible are also organized by these categories: 1. Community Vision and Voice: This section reports on civic engagement and community service. It covers the impact of efforts to mobilize large-scale, cross-cultural resident participation in the planning, decision-making, implementation, and ownership of change. 2. San Diego’s Smart-Growth Pilot Village: This section documents the development of the physical assets of The Village, an effort to reclaim 45 contiguous acres of blight and turn them into a vibrant mixeduse, transit-oriented cultural village that fosters environmental sustainability, social equity, and the resident ownership of assets. It describes the effort to rebuild in a way that maximizes and returns the benefits of development to the immediate community.


3. Community Enterprise and Ownership: This section reports on the work to build economic opportunity. It recounts efforts to develop community-owned enterprises that bring essential services, create jobs, expand contracting opportunities, and build community wealth. Market Creek’s strategies focus on simplifying and adapting the tools of the marketplace — such as a Community Development IPO — so that residents have a financial stake in their community and businesses benefit from social responsibility. 4. Family and Community Networks: This section documents the work of residents in building the social infrastructure of their neighborhoods. It describes the bridges that connect residents, community organizations, and funders to energize learning, support the potential of children, and encourage healthy lifestyles. 5. Shared Learning: This section reports on Market Creek as a shared learning environment for people across the country. Focused on new approaches to community building, social enterprise, and community ownership, partners are investing in learning, which attracts new ideas to The Village and stimulates ongoing innovation in the field.

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