Wave Magazine - Spring 2013

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The Comeback Kid Business wunderkind Tim Cost returns to lead the charge at his alma mater


Dear JU Alumni and Friends, Welcome to the latest edition of your publication, The Wave. There’s great progress under way here on campus, and I hope you’ll visit soon.

VOLUME 16 • NUMBER 2 www.ju.edu

Any single idea, comment or suggestion coming my way—no matter


how small—that raises our students’ chances to succeed, I’m in.


That’s how big the opportunity is right now at Jacksonville University. Let’s not just talk about progress and improvements and upgrades. Let’s make it happen. It’s time to take advantage of this window of opportunity, open wide now because of our healthy vital signs.

Ronald A. Autrey ‘01 Margaret Black-Scott ‘05 Michael Cascone, Jr. ‘65 Adrienne L. Conrad Tim Cost ’81 (ex-officio) Margaret Widman Dees ‘86 Thaddeus Foster

Now is the time to invest in JU, to support our University, to attract the best and brightest to come here, stay here, excel here and graduate here. That’s why folks here are excited about seeing changes, even small ones like grounds enhanced, grass growing, doors fixed, sidewalks repaired and other improvements. Every minor change, every single improvement, shows the depth and breadth of how much this staff and faculty care, and it means one thing: If we all care enough to make sure Parking Lot C gets a fresh coat of paint, think what that means about the big stuff: more faculty support, healthier student progress, better academics, fresher programs, stronger personnel and more inviting facilities. That’s why you’ll soon be hearing more about our new $10 million College of Health Sciences building to support nursing, orthodontics and speech pathology programs; or our commitment to transform our on-campus River House into a vibrant spot for students, faculty, staff and alumni to get together; or impressive new leadership arriving with national reputations to take our programs to even higher levels; or JU hosting the nation’s largest kids triathlon this May; or an exciting new meeting place being created just for our student veterans; and so much more.

Earnie Franklin ‘03 Mark Frisch John G. Harrison ‘67 Robert E. Hill, Jr. Matthew Kane ‘01 Henry J. Keigwin (Jack) Bruce Kern Lawrence E. Kurzius F. Andrew Moran ‘78 Greg Nelson ‘71 E. Michael O’Malley Frank Pace ‘73 Carole J. Poindexter ‘77 Gilbert J. Pomar, Jr.

You can read more details about these and other bold new developments for Jacksonville

Fred G. Pruitt ‘69/’85

University in this issue of The Wave.

William C. Rupp, M.D.

We have come such a long way, and we have no plans to stop or let up.

George Scanlon Gregory B. Smith

So read what we’re up to. I invite you then: please get involved in JU, with your time, interest and engagement. We are serious here about rising higher. Write, call or e-mail, but please join us.

Linda Berry Stein ‘69 E. Monique Tubbs ‘03 Matthew W. Tuohy, Capt. U. S. Navy (Ret.) ‘75/’03 Chris A. Verlander


Marvin Wells, D.M.D., P.A. ‘73 John F. Wilbanks, FACHE Terry L. Wilcox Charles J. O. Wodehouse

President Tim Cost, Class of 1981 TCost@JU.edu 904.256.7016

All contents © COPYRIGHT 2013 Jacksonville University. All rights reserved.

FJ Gaylor Photography




Tim Cost worked 32 years in high-level posts

at PepsiCo and other international corporations.

As JU’s new president, his energy is now

fully focused on “helping students become

the best-educated and best-positioned for

success they can be.”


14 $49.8 MILLION AND










New JU President Tim Cost turning heads with plans for more student success, higher growth By Phillip Milano

FJ Gaylor Photography



Try to capture Tim Cost’s

lacrosse/football stadium complex; to more

attention with the old locker-

nuanced steps designed to boost student

room adage “There’s No ‘I’ in ‘Team’,” and

satisfaction through stronger programs and

you’re getting close to the strike zone.

better extracurricular venues, the 53-year-old Cost is leading a charge with his business

How about “There’s No ‘I’ in ‘Students’ ”?

acumen and affable, energetic style to “put more gas into JU’s engine.”

Now you’ve hurled one right down the pipe. From humble beginnings in 1934, JU’s enroll“From day one in this role, it’s been about the

ment is now nearly 3,800 students. Academic

students,” said Cost, who became Jacksonville

majors are offered in more than 70 areas,

University’s 12th president February 1.

signature programs are attracting nationwide notice, budgets have been balanced,

He’s returned to his beloved alma mater where

and award-winning faculty are preparing the

he excelled as a student athlete, and from

next generation of leaders. U.S. News &

which he launched a 32-year career in high-

World Report has repeatedly recognized the

level executive posts at some of the largest

University as one of “America’s Best Colleges.”

and most influential global corporations.

In addition, there are now more than 24,000 JU alumni in the U.S. alone.

“It’s an honor to be making decisions that can positively affect groups of people who love

Many are seeing Cost as just the right person

this University,” he said. “For me, the trigger

to raise the bar even higher, and they’ve

is always whether a decision leads to helping

noticed his tireless dedication to students and

students become the best-educated and best-

faculty as well:

positioned for success they can be.” From his mentor Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne, JU From shorter-term gains such as renewed

past president and chancellor emeritus: "Three

cooperation from JU partners to upgrade

weeks after Tim Cost became President, he

campus grounds, plantings, walkways and

took a graduate and me for a cart ride around

landscaping at no cost to the school; to

the entire campus. The President was the

longer-term, high-profile projects such as a

driver, and we became as excited as he when

new College of Health Sciences building, a

he described what he planned to do. It was

revitalized River House for students, faculty

obvious he had already inspired others, as the

and alumni by Homecoming 2013 and a new

trees were being trimmed, and green grass

From day one in this role, it’s been about the students. President Tim Cost


was already growing in a former bare patch.

From sophomore Will Baxley, new Jacksonville

the grounds (the University isn’t announcing

But much beyond that, it was his attention to

University Student Alliance president: “I’ve

the name just yet), upgrading the Nellie’s

the students. He would stop the cart to speak

gained so much insight into his vision just

dining area to make it more inviting and

to the students, and he was already calling

from him being so available to students. It’s

bringing in more major events such as the

many of them by name—really engaging

incredible to see what he wants to get done

recent Florida Georgia Line concert at Strom

them. It is exciting for me to see this great

here. I often joke with people who ask me

Amphitheater are just a few ways to keep

communication with students."

what my plans will be as JUSA president, that

students fully engaged, addressing the needs

one of my priorities is just to keep up with

they’ve been quick to mention.

From Dan Cost, who roamed campus with

President Cost’s plans. A lot of things students

older brother Tim just recently: “You see this

have talked to me about, like better food or

• Elevate the school’s reputation. Cost is

authenticity that comes through…when we

beautifying campus, he’s already aware of and

looking beyond the current competition

stopped at the women’s lacrosse locker room

highly involved in. I don’t have to worry about

and seeks to put JU’s status and recognition

after a game, they all came over, and you

them getting solved, because under his new

in the same league as well-respected

could see the sincerity in the interaction. They

leadership I know he’s going to fix problems,

private institutions such as Furman, Stetson,

can see he cares about improving the school

and we’ll have a say in it.”

Rollins, Elon, Davidson and Wake Forest.

and making things better for them. There’s a real connection.”

Such ascension is part of a plan to leverage

That new leadership is evident immediately, as

great JU faculty to raise the academic

Cost is busy taking action as he prioritizes goals:

profile, and to make the school “slightly

larger.” Investing in faculty support and

From JU Trustee Chuck Wodehouse, who has worked for several years on the University’s

• Listen, listen and listen some more.

development, technology and partnerships

pioneering $85 million ASPIRE comprehensive

Newly created Presidential Open Office

will be key contributors to that improvement.

campaign that Cost chairs: “Some of us had

Hours held weekly at convenient campus

gone out on a solicitation and friending swing

locations have been wildly popular, drawing

• Attract more scholarship support.

to California last spring, where JU was playing

overflow crowds, and they’re just part

Raising the school’s endowment in future

a baseball game against USC. So what does

of an effort that has included being at

years to at least $100 million from its current

Tim do? He says he’s going to shake hands

as many events as possible and striking up

$36 million will help, and more creative

with a few folks. He winds up not only talking

conversations with as many students,

naming and matching award opportunities—

up JU to the Dolphin folks on our third-base

faculty, staff and community members

especially for alumni donors—are all designed

side, but to dozens and dozens of folks from

as he can. Cost will also be coming to

to attract and retain the best and brightest

Southern Cal down the first-base line. We

cities all across the U.S. this summer to

on the campus.

said with this kind of energy, this campaign is

meet JU alumni, compare notes and give

going to take off. It made us all laugh. He blew

updates on University progress. The first

• Open the throttle on the Aspire campaign.

us away.”

is set for May 15 in Washington, D.C., with

The funds toward ASPIRE’S $85 million

more to follow in New York City, Los Angeles,

goal are more than half raised, and, as

From Dr. Janet Haavisto, JU Director of

Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia and

Cost likes to put it, “now it’s time to go.”

University Honors and chair of the Faculty

other locations. For updates on specific

He applauds former JU President Kerry

Assembly: "I have such great hopes, having

dates and locations, visit ju.edu/alumni and

Romesburg’s ability to stabilize the University,

worked with President Cost for only a few

click on “Alumni Events.”

and frequently notes that it is time to invest.

Signs are up announcing the new $10 million

months. I look forward to JU being able to do so much more with our students, in our

• Create a better environment for students.

College of Health Sciences building, a state-

Study Abroad programs, scholarships, Honors

Improving the school’s “curb appeal,”

of-the-art floating classroom and dock are

programs and even improving the lifestyle here

developing better study spaces, “blowing

on line for this summer at the Marine Science

on campus. We are seeing more top students

out” the River House with new meeting

Research Institute, dedicated space is being

wanting to come to JU. We need this at this

and entertainment space, a new deck and

developed for the University’s hundreds of

point in our development. People are coming

more amenities to make it a popular gathering

military veteran students, a softball hitting

up with funds to donate, and it's because of

spot for faculty and students, luring one of

facility is in the works, and plans for other

the outreach that President Cost is doing."

the country’s most popular food chains to

upgrades to the quality and quantity of


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campus teaching and studying space are

this summer: Learn2Earn, an annual initiative

Time in the middle-class household wasn’t

being hammered out.

of Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown, a 1985

spent lounging in front of a TV or gabbing on

and 1989 JU alumnus, is expanding from

the phone, but in studying, leading in sports or

• Tell the JU story. Speaking to numerous

one week to three in June and July, and

“knocking around” with friends.

organizations, donors, corporate executives,

the free “4th and 1” football and SAT/ACT

community and alumni groups and others

prep camp put on by the Jacksonville

Greek/Irish father Peter Cost, who died two

is just the first step in Cost’s plan to raise

Jaguars is on campus June 16-19.

years ago at age 79, was an “athletic, alpha-

the University’s profile locally and nationally,

to attract many more investors and reignite

the school’s alumni base. Cost has already

met with many of the University’s staunchest

male, a self-made man” who built his Johnson Restaurant Supply into a thriving company.

supporters and most important affinity

Small-town values: Never be “too cool to care”

groups, including alumni, athletics, honors,

Cost wants to do it all with a genuine desire to

Peter Cost could loom larger than life for the

veterans, parents and key faculty leadership

get things done with everyone’s input. His mix

four kids. One day, at age 12, Cost had just

—individually and in groups.

of animated leadership and sincere empathy

won a big sporting event. After the hoopla, his

has developed over time, JU’s new president

dad led him down into their concrete cellar. He

• Make more community connections.

says, and he owes much of that combination to

ran some cold water into a metal bucket, put

Cost wants people in the region to really

a handful of influential people in his life.

young Tim’s arm into it, shook it back and forth

“see what they haven’t seen” at the

University, and that means inviting them on

Without them, the force of nature that is Tim

campus and engaging with them. Already,

Cost might well have turned out to be, well, a

Look at the water as it becomes calm again,

JU has announced a partnership with the

lot more force, and a lot less nature.

the older Cost said.

City of Jacksonville to host the 2013 First

Coast Kids Triathlon May 4 and 5, the

Growing up in the Syracuse suburb of Camillus,

“ ‘See it now…even though you were just

country’s largest kid's triathlon. More than

N.Y., Cost reflected the small-town values of

splashing all over it,’ he told me. ‘That’s what it’s

2,000 youth athletes, 350 volunteers and

hard work, thinking of others, giving back and

like when you get involved in something, Tim:

6,000 spectators are expected. Meanwhile,

“trying to make things better” instilled by his

There’s a lot of commotion, but as soon as you’re

two college prep/team-building programs

positive, nurturing parents and three close

gone it looks just like it did before.’ His point was

for high school students will be on campus

siblings (Lynn, 60, Randy, 55, and Dan, 49).

that I should be aware of my environment. You

“All-Italian” mother Yolanda was a steady, loving presence as a homemaker.

and pulled it out.

Tim and Stephanie Cost Alumni Welcome Reception Meet new President Tim Cost ’81, and his wife, Stephanie. Share your thoughts about JU’s future and hear President Cost’s aspirational vision!

6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 6 | Howard Building Lobby Golf Cart Tours of Campus Begin at 5 p.m. | Refreshments Served RSVP: Kimberly Calhoun, kcalhou2@ju.edu, (904) 256-7201

Presidential Receptions are coming your way, too!

Washington, D.C. (May 15-16); New York (May 30-31); Atlanta ( June 11-12); Philadelphia ( June 20); and more. Contact Robyn Reeves at (904) 256-7014 or rreeves3@ju.edu to help plan or host. For more information, visit ju.edu/alumni.


You can try to help improve all you’re involved in, but don’t ever be too cool to care.

the “smartest, best-looking, funniest” girl at his

hand people, advising him as Special Assistant

large high school, whose empathy and crystal-

to the President.

clear observations about human nature (one particular comment about “living your faith” hit

For his part, Gilmore is impressed.

him like a line-drive to the chest) captured Cost’s attention and heart.

“His work ethic is amazing, the way he’s just stepped up, and it’s not about glory and

Artis, Fran and a “wide-open spigot” at JU

attention,” Gilmore said. “He has a desire to

But it was at Jacksonville University, where

worked my whole career, and that’s what I

he began classes in 1977 at age 18 on “200

can bring to JU.’ And I’ve seen it already, the

acres of the most beautiful stuff I’d ever seen,”

way he’s taking time with students, finding out

that the possibilities for his future professional

their needs and what we can do to help them.”

make a difference. A number of people have said, Tim, you’re going to burn yourself out, and his response is ‘No way, that’s how I’ve

career began to come into focus for him. JU is also the place where Cost first encoun-

President Tim Cost

“This was the most wide-open spigot of my

tered the dynamic Dr. Kinne, now 95, then

life in terms of making my own calls, figuring

president of the University, with whom he now

out my own focus and pace,” Cost said.

has dinner frequently and talks every week.

“It had this really attractive combination of allowing for complete independence, but with a

“The students saw her everywhere,” said

can make it better, but don’t think it’s yours. Or

comfortable, nurturing feeling where the people

Cost. “We were impressed by this outgoing,

that it revolves around just you.

were smart, well-meaning…and the professors

energetic, charismatic person who spoke to

were interested in your welfare and potential.”

everyone, people serving the food at events,

“And that’s really become part of my approach:

the students, the staff…I just hadn’t seen a

You can try to help improve all you’re involved

From cold upstate New York he’d heard of this

person throwing themselves into the well-

in, but don’t ever be too cool to care.”

small, private university with a highly ranked

being of everybody else like that. I was taken

baseball program, in a state where the family

with her compassion and with how she

Then there was the high school guidance coun-

had vacationed frequently, with academic and

handled herself. I thought then, ‘Wow, we

selor who nudged Cost not to forget about the

athletic scholarships that made the tuition

are really being led.’ To this day, she is just a

same-age classmates he might have left behind

expenses doable—and an NCAA basketball

remarkable leader.”

as he advanced to play on sports teams with

legend named Artis Gilmore.

athletes two and three years older than himself.

Cost has openly borrowed lessons from “No question, Artis made a real difference

Kinne’s book, and during his first months in

And, of course, there was class leader Stephanie

because of the notoriety he brought JU, in an

office has been regularly getting out of his

Lake, now Stephanie Cost, his wife of 30 years,

era with no ESPN, no Google, no smartphones

office, making it to almost every corner of

and almost nothing on

campus. He recently described this initial

national TV about faraway

leadership period, to roaring applause at a

colleges,” Cost said.

student scholarship luncheon, as “the most enjoyable of my 32-year career, bar none.”

It’s a fortunate turn of events, as Cost now welcomes

From excitedly exchanging views at his weekly

Gilmore as one of his right-

Open Office Hours; to physically pulling aside wide-eyed students at a

JU President Tim Cost, pictured with JU senior Abigail Warnken (left) and Wells Fargo’s Deneen Baldwin, took time at the February Career Expo at the University to personally match students with employers.

February campus job expo to hook them up with eager corporate recruiters; to awing JU performers by showing


the “basketball floor” of McGehee Hall as a

and PepsiCo. He developed sophisticated skills

sophomore; later, entertaining at his place at

in marketing, strategy, public policy, capital

Century 21 Apartments on Atlantic Boulevard

markets, crisis management, investor relations,

with teammates Rick Scheetz and Ralph Albano;

government affairs, business development,

throwing himself into his studies; and bending

philanthropy, brand communications, customer

his focus on liberal arts courses toward business

outreach, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory

subjects after becoming exposed to economics,

affairs and corporate social responsibility.

marketing, advertising, finance, accounting and more.

Learning how to bounce back in the early going after “getting my butt kicked” by gaffes

JU President (now Chancellor Emeritus) Frances Bartlett Kinne presents Tim Cost with his college diploma at the 1981 commencement ceremony.

Vince Narkiewicz, now chairman of the

borne of inexperience, going head to head with

Marketing and International Business

his corporation’s chairman to argue against a

Department at JU, had a huge impact once

possible acquisition, spending months helping

Cost started picking up the professor’s insights

protect a famous and powerful CEO from a

on customers, markets and leadership (“I

potential shareholder and media firestorm…

was finally buying what he was selling,” said

from those experiences and many more, Cost

Cost). He combed through Forbes, Fortune,

learned plenty, including what he terms his

Advertising Age and BusinessWeek at the library

“biggest lesson by far” as a leader:

in his spare hours, after baseball practice. “I try to really drill down into an opportunity— “Tim was part of a group of students at that

and this discipline took me awhile to fine-

time who went on to become very successful,”

tune—and then walk around that issue from

up at numerous concerts and plays; to sitting in

Narkiewicz said. “He told me at a JU lacrosse

the perspective of each constituent it affects.

the back of Davis College of Business classes;

game recently how influential I was for him,

Get their input, consider their incentives. It

to testing JU’s new aviation simulator; to

which was flattering and a bit embarrassing.

may now be called shared governance, but

shooting skeet with coaching from the Varsity

Now to see him being so involved, and in

it’s always worked best in my mind as shared

Shooting Team; to frequent noon-time lunches

service to this institution, with deep ties to JU

leadership. You have to have the guts to make

in a booth at the Riverview Café at the Kinne

and a diverse business background, he brings

decisions, for sure, but it helps enormously

Center; to playing proud and vocal spectator

an awful lot to the table.”

to look at it from all viewpoints. I guess I didn’t get a powerful ‘worry’ gene, and so I

alongside parents, alums and fans at JU Athletics events of every type, you’d have to be holed up in the basement archives of Swisher Library to not have bumped into the new president lately. (Maybe not even there; Cost’s

Bringing home listening, business skills to serve

enjoy making decisions every day. Bringing in others…and really listening to their input…that makes decisions clearer and more rewarding for everyone.”

already dropped in for a long walk to revisit his

An eclectic corporate background it is. Hitting

old stomping grounds.)

the ground running after graduation, working

That’s something that Dan Bryant, a colleague

out a mutual plan with Stephanie to “see

of Cost’s at PepsiCo and now Chairman of

Part of the interaction is clearly forward-looking,

where we could take all this,” Cost launched a

Public Policy at the prestigious Covington &

and part is re-energized from memories of JU,

three-decade juggernaut of a career, adding to

Burling law firm in Washington, has seen time

his recollections jogged by each hallway and

his academic credentials along the way with

and time again.

pathway he rediscovers on campus, by each

an MBA in Finance and Economics from the

former professor he bumps into again.

William E. Simon Graduate School of Business

“Tim is clear-eyed, strategic and very insightful

at the University of Rochester.

of trends and looking around the corner. He’s a gifted leader in the way he involves people and

The great memories aren’t hard to come by: As a freshman, the right-hander making his first

He used an untiring discipline and focus on

then positions them to succeed, pulling them

NCAA appearance and pitching the only 9-inning

teamwork and performance to rise to senior

together,” Bryant said. “He’s not a yeller, and

no-hitter in Jacksonville University history;

management positions at global companies

there are plenty of them in the corporate world.

refereeing intramurals and playing pick-up

including Eastman Kodak, Bristol-Myers

He’s unfailingly courteous, even at a thousand

basketball games; a Resident Assistantship on

Squibb, ARAMARK, Pharmacia/Pfizer, Wyeth

miles an hour.”


We’ve always supported each other’s dreams. And this one, it’s a culminating experience where we can can follow a passion to help young people and the surrounding community.

to work as a small business founder and owner of an interior design business, and as chairman and founder of Caritas, a West Chester, Pa.-based philanthropy group. Among other pursuits, she is also particularly active on the board of Wings for Success, which helps disadvantaged women transition into the business world.

With the caring attitude comes a cool head and firm business sense that will help guide JU as

Stephanie Cost

Asked about her own plans, she said she'll continue becoming acquainted with JU and the

it moves from its position of stability to a new

broader community, then invest herself in the

growth era, Bryant added.

University, non-profit world and other activities. Ask Cost about her attributes, and you’ll

“He’s a great competitor who doesn’t like to

quickly uncover descriptors like “powerhouse,”

“We are willing to uproot ourselves to take on

lose, and let’s face it, higher education is a

“dynamo,” “self-aware” and “spiritual.” Ask

new challenges, and I’m in this 110 percent,”

competitive field these days. Tim will be an

about her impact on his life and you trigger

she said. “We’ve always supported each other’s

untiring advocate for Jacksonville University.

one of those few moments when he’s nearly

dreams. And this one, it’s a culminating experi-

He’s got great vision. Quite frankly, about

at a loss for words, gazing out his third-floor

ence where we can follow a passion to help

the only thing I’ve seen that would come

Howard Building office window, pausing,

young people and the surrounding community.”

hard to Tim Cost would be throwing a left-

clearing his throat, and finally saying: “She’s

handed curveball. Other than that, he’s gifted

just a wonderful woman…who’s taught me so

With two successful children building their lives

and works hard. It’s a great combination for

much about really thinking about others.”

and careers, the Costs have seen firsthand the

everyone there to have working in their favor.”

opportunities and challenges in front of collegeThe two began dating in high school and now

age adults as they strive to meet their own

A “powerhouse” partner ready to help JU

have two grown children, daughter Melanie,

goals in a global economy.

26, a public affairs/communications executive at CSX, and son Drew, 24, who works in

“Tim sees the enormous potential to help at JU,”

management for Gatorade after years as a

she said. “Whether helping make the University

Always in partnership during his career was

pro soccer player. The family has always loved

better overall or helping one young person feel

Stephanie, helping raise their kids as Cost

sports, vacationing and creating experiences

special and excel, that’s what makes this so

sometimes commuted two hours each way to

together, and especially seeing live music (Cost

compelling to us…it’s an invitation to serve.”

and from work, starting her own business and

beams about attending at least a dozen Mark

helping run charitable groups.

Knopfler, Bruce Springsteen, Eagles and U2

electronic dance music dee-jay Avicii as acts

“Born leader,” team player ready to “bring it” for JU

he’s picked up on from his kids.)

It’s a zeal not lost on Matt Kane, CEO of

concerts, but is quick to mention John Butler, Robert Randolph, the Black Keys, Nas and

Greenshades Software and one of JU’s For Stephanie, the move to Jacksonville after

younger Trustees.

a lifetime based in the Northeast is one more chance for them to take on a new adventure, and

“His passion for JU oozes out of him,” Kane

to pursue their common desire to help people

said. “It’s all over his face, and that cuts into a

achieve their full potential. She’s put her passion

potential partner. And with his consensus style of leadership, that just fits well with academia, because even though he brings a business

President Tim Cost and his wife, Stephanie, at the JU-Florida Gators baseball game March 5 at Sessions Stadium.

mindset, he’s not about autocratic leadership. This is no dictatorship. It’s about being in that room and helping students. That’s what lights him up and will make him a great president.”



Cost, on the other hand, doesn’t talk about being a great president. He’d rather be a great motivator, great ambassador, great mentor and great servant to JU. “Can I bring more investment to JU? Can I bring the business community and others in as partners? Can I invest in faculty and students and staff? Can I upgrade our physical surroundings and programs? Can I help enhance our reputation? I’m comfortable with my ability to help do those things and I’m willing to devote that time and energy to Jacksonville University. “That’s just how I feel about this place.” Fran Kinne doesn’t need to be sold on that, that’s for sure. "He tells me he learned a lot about leadership from me, but he is a born leader," she said. "He knows that behind him is always a team. He knows when you have that level of energy, you have to give it away and don't expect anything in return. It is a complete dedication to giving of yourself to others. Giving is what life is about, and that shapes his philosophy. "Our cart ride around the campus confirmed what I already knew. Tim Cost is our great leader. You will surely notice what happens to JU in this next step of progress. And, don't doubt it, he will make it fun."

Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne JU past president and chancellor emeritus

FJ Gaylor Photography

He knows that behind him is always a team.

all aspects of JU. It’s going to be the most attractive gathering spot on campus,” Cost said. ASPIRE was publicly unveiled Nov. 30 after a “quiet phase” during which a handful of highprofile projects were funded and completed. Since then, commitments have been made to fund 52 new named scholarships and guarantee construction of a new football and lacrosse stadium. Groundbreaking for the $10 million College of Health Sciences building is expected to occur June 3, in time for JU to host its first expanded class of nursing students in the new facility by Fall 2014. A 2013 groundbreaking also is expected for the football and lacrosse stadium’s $4.5 million first phase. Many of the recent gifts and donations from alumni, friends and corporations are from


first-time contributors, or those who have been sitting on the sidelines, whose enthusiasm about Jacksonville University has been reinvigorated in recent months, said Michael Howland, JU’s Vice President of Advancement. “To see our alumni stepping up more than

By Kevin Hogencamp

ever is a sign of the remarkable things that are happening at this university,” Howland said. “I feel that the generosity of our alumni and supporters who believe in Jacksonville

enovating the illustrious Jacksonville

entertainment space; meeting rooms with

University and our mission is a testament to

University River House is a relatively small

state-of-the-art technology; and a mammoth

the promise that the ASPIRE message has

piece of the comprehensive development

fire pit.

conveyed, along with the bold, inspirational

campaign under way on campus, but that doesn’t

vision and energy President Cost has brought to

mean it’s not among the most significant projects

The $500,000 River House refurbishment,

from JU President Tim Cost’s viewpoint.

which will break ground soon and may be

this campus.”

complete by Homecoming in October, is

Jacksonville University has long been recognized

“ASPIRE: The Campaign for JU 2016” is

symbolic of the synergy JU is experiencing

as one of the South’s best-kept secrets.

converting the former JU president’s residence

through the $85 million ASPIRE Campaign—

into a place for students, staff and faculty to

and representative of Cost’s zeal to connect

congregate, recreate, lounge, dine, meet and

the University’s past, present and future.

even strategize.

With ASPIRE, that may no longer be the case. More information about ASPIRE is available by

“The River House project is not about brick and

calling Michael Howland or Robyn Reeves at

It will feature an overlook to a resort-style

mortar. It’s about the campus looking different

(904) 256-7393, by emailing rreeves3@ju.edu,

pool; 2,000 square feet of gathering and

and feeling different. It’s about connecting

or by visiting ju.edu/aspire.





new Named Scholarships created

for Enhancing Campus and Student Life

$300K for the River House renovation


for Athletic Facilities

for Advancing Scholarships and Academics


for College of Health Sciences

$49.8M IN TOTAL COMMITMENTS* RECEIVED *As of late March 2013; includes commitments made before Nov. 30, 2012, ASPIRE public kick-off.



After a 40-year career in higher education,

“To know people feel as strongly about JU

faceted legacy as Jacksonville University’s

Romesburg’s last day on the job was Feb. 1.

and the students, staff, faculty, coaches and

president includes guiding the institution from

everyone here means so much,” Romesburg

an inherited financial predicament and helping

“Because of Jacksonville University’s

said at the reception. “I care so much about

restore the alumni’s faith in their alma mater.

emphasis on highlighting the campus’s

them and JU, and our common mission, which

natural beauty under (Kerry Romesburg’s)

I’m almost evangelical about: to help the

But it’s the realization of Romesburg’s vision

leadership, the university is much more

students fulfill their dreams. And all of us have

to better use the picturesque St. Johns River

attractive to potential students,” Board of

worked together to help make that possible.”

as JU’s backdrop that will be set in stone on

Trustees Chairman Ron Autrey said at the


dinner, reading from the resolution honoring

On Feb. 28, Jacksonville Mayor and JU

the Romesburgs.

alumnus Alvin Brown honored Romeburg with a

On Jan. 31, during a moving and memorable

proclamation of “Dr. Kerry Romesburg Day.”

dinner honoring Romesburg’s nine years at

The Marine Science Research Institute,

the university’s helm, the Board of Trustees

Negaard Rowing Center, Strom Amphitheatre,

presented the outgoing president and his

Dolphin Green, Swisher Golf Facility, Kruzius

wife, Judy, with a resolution naming the

Beach and Cost Trail were developed on

westernmost area of campus “Romesburg

Romesburg’s watch.


President Matt Tuohy announced that the

Earlier in the day, hundreds of well-wishers

The first Jacksonville University Presidents’

Romesburgs have been selected as honorary

streamed in and out of a packed Howard

Society appreciation dinner was held Feb.

JU alumni, a distinction previously bestowed to

building lobby at a campus send-off reception

8 honoring individuals, corporations and

only five others.

for Romesburg.

foundations for their generous contributions

Riverfront.” Also, JU Alumni Association

of $10,000 or more in unrestricted gifts to the University during the year. Three JU presidents – Chancellor Emeritus Fran Kinne, recently retired President Kerry Romesburg and new President Tim Cost – were on hand to thank guests and recognize them for their gifts. Men were given green-and-gold ties as gifts, and women received green-and-gold scarf wraps.


THANKS TO LARRY, JU HAS NEW VENUE TO REVEL IN MUSIC AND FRIENDSHIP THE T-SHIRTS ACROSS CAMPUS SAY it all: “Thanks, Larry!” Already, Strom Amphitheater—the huge new riverfront stage on Dolphin Green named after donor Larry Strom, who played basketball on campus in 1955 and 1956 when Jacksonville University was still Jacksonville Junior College —has produced two momentous events. On Nov. 5 at the amphitheater, JU’s Dolphin Productions hosted a thank-you party for Strom and a free music festival featuring talented Dolphinium Records artists Chroma, AJ. Neaher, Whetherman and Safari Soundlab. The Strom River Jam’s aesthetic highlight was a giant hot air balloon that fittingly accented the evening’s festiveness and significance. On March 7, President Tim Cost invited the entire JU community to “go country” by wearing blue jeans and boots and attending a free Florida Georgia Line country rock concert at the Strom also presented by Dolphin Productions. “LAST NIGHT, NEARLY 3,000 PEOPLE HEARTILY GATHERED ON OUR CAMPUS FOR A CELEBRATION OF MUSIC AND FRIENDSHIP,” COST WROTE TO JU STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFFERS THE NEXT DAY. “THE INTERACTION AMONG THE STUDENTS, ALUMNI, FACULTY, STAFF, BOARD MEMBERS AND THE BROADER COMMUNITY WAS UNPRECEDENTED AND HEARTWARMING.” Cost said plans are under way to ensure that additional JU memories will be made at the Strom.



schools accredited by the International

program is now listed among the top 100

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools

accredited programs in North America by the

of Business, an esteemed group that JU’s

International Graduate Forum, capping a rigorous

Davis College of Business joined in 2010.


process that examines the top criteria driving business schools’ effectiveness and reputation.

JU made the list with its competitive tuition rate ($646 per credit hour), student diversity

The 2012 MBA Rankings look at key

(63 percent white/37 percent non-white),

performance indicators in faculty quality,

gender breakdown (59 percent female/41

number of faculty with Ph.Ds, student-to-

percent male), small average class size (17.5

faculty ratio, diversity, pricing, accreditation,

students), number of faculty with terminal

class size and more. The rankings examine

degrees (41) and more.


USING EXAMPLES IN EDUCATION, trade, tourism and manufacturing, Florida Gov. Rick Scott praised the JU Public Policy Institute for its efforts during a speech to the Institute’s


board of advisors Feb. 7. “Thank you all for being so involved in policy,


maximizing the opportunities for our

because it really does matter. It impacts families

served in leadership capacities at Jacksonville

students’ success is paramount to her

every day, so know that what you are doing

University for nearly 10 years, became JU’s

and the University. The JU community is

matters,” he said.

dean of students Feb. 1.

fortunate to have her stepping up as our dean of students.”

The JU PPI is taking Fall 2013 applications for the state’s first Master in Public Policy (MPP) degree.

Gover has served as JU’s dean of student development and assistant dean of students

Gover succeeds Dr. Bryan Coker, who

and director of residential life; she also is JU’s

has become vice president and dean of

Scott’s visit highlighted a productive winter for

director of retention services, a position she

students at Goucher College in Baltimore,

the PPI:

will maintain.

Md. Coker served as JU dean of students since 2003.

JU and Florida Coastal School of Law officials

announced that students may simultaneously “I continue to be excited about working

obtain a master in public policy degree and juris

at Jacksonville University because of the

doctor in law, a first in Florida.

potential that lies ahead and the energy


that (accompanies) the arrival of President

Cost,” Gover said. “I am most excited

Halverson, a JU PPI board member, established a

about the further development of our

scholarship fund for Jacksonville Teach for America

riverfront property. I believe we have an

corps members and alumni to obtain a JU PPI MPP

amazing opportunity to create a vibrant

degree. Also, a merit-based scholarship fund was

social climate on campus (and) truly

established for JU MPP students. Together, the

enhance the student experience.”

two scholarship funds total $100,000.

As dean of students, Gover’s duties include

The Haskell Co. and Haskell CEO Steve

The PPI was awarded a $152,000 grant from

supervising the student conduct system,

the Jessie Ball duPont Religious, Charitable and

“Kristie has an exceptional record of proven

student government and traditional student

Educational Fund.

leadership at JU,” said JU President Tim

affairs such as residential life, student

Cost. “She has consistently demonstrated

involvement and leadership, orientation and

To learn more, visit www.ju.edu/ppi or call

that improving the student experience and

Greek life.

(904) 256-7342.



By Phillip Milano


“March Forward: 31 New Scholarships, 31 Days”

scholarships that begin in the Fall 2013 term

in Akron, Ohio, watching her mother work

campaign, which created 31 new Jacksonville

have been created, funded by individuals at

two jobs and wondering how she and her

University scholarships during the 31 days of

an overall value when matched by JU of about

sister would ever be able to make a better

March, with the funds awarded to incoming

$3.3 million. Named, matched scholarships for

life for themselves.

(Fall 2013) freshmen.

amounts even as low as $1,000 per year for four years are available.

Another dealt with parents who didn’t see

They heard from new JU President Tim Cost,

the value of education and or in nurturing

who noted that he himself was able to become

Then there was Dr. Han Duong, who graduated

her ambitions.

a Dolphin and graduate Magna Cum Laude in

from JU in 2000 and came back to teach

1981 as a result of a package of scholarships

mathematics at the University. He endured

offered him.

separation from family members after fleeing

Still another vowed she wouldn’t be stereotyped as the “fighter from the ghetto” who didn’t achieve her dreams.

Vietnam, and thanked the Williams family for “And there are plenty of others right now,

their generous scholarship help.

outstanding high school sophomores and Another came to the U.S. from Vietnam and

juniors, who we are hearing want badly to come

“You may not know it, but you are responsible

was separated from his father for three years,

here,” he said. “The work you as donors are

for helping with my educational, personal

wondering what, if anything, would inspire him.

doing, whether it’s $500 or the millions we have

and career development,” he said. “I want to

received from some, please know just how

encourage the students here today to do more

Among the scholarship speakers, audience

impactful it is. We want more of these students,

than just be good students. Think carefully

members heard from senior nursing major and

and we want them to stay, excel and graduate.”

about the opportunities given you.”

Baker, who discussed the daunting challenges

Cost said that as part of JU’s pioneering $85

More information on March Forward, Named

of growing up in a household that did not

million ASPIRE comprehensive campaign,

Matched Scholarships, Endowed Scholarships

champion higher education. Thankfully, her

more money is being raised for scholarships.

and more is available at (904) 256-7393,

grandparents inspired her as she pursued her

Just in the short term, more than 50 new JU

rreeves3@ju.edu or ju.edu/aspire.

Jacksonville Commitment Scholar Alexandra

dreams of an education in nursing. “I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD AFFORD JU, BUT BEING A COMMITMENT SCHOLAR MEANT ALL THE DIFFERENCE,” BAKER SAID. “JU HAS SHAPED ME FROM BEING JUST A TEENAGE GIRL TO BECOMING A HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL.” One by one, they stood at JU’s Sixth Annual Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon on March 13 and relayed how donors’ scholarships changed their lives. The speakers joined with more than 160 others attending to show their appreciation to dozens of donors on hand at the event at the Davis College of Business. This year’s luncheon was unique in that it came in the midst of the ambitious



By Todd Vatter


Brad Edwards said at the groundbreaking

The modernized building will do more than

ground March 25 on the Debbie & Fred

ceremony. “We have many friends here

serve as the future home for JU softball,

Pruitt Softball Complex, a 2,300-square-

at JU who mean so much to the growth

it will have a lasting effect and serve as a

foot multipurpose facility that will become

of the University, not only through their

cornerstone of growth on the JU campus.

the crown jewel of the softball facilities in

financial support, but through their time

the heart of the Valley between Oak Hall

and attendance at many of our events. It is

“When I first started here, our players used

and Swisher Gymnasium.

through the vision and backing of Fred and

to have to dress at home for their games,

Debbie Pruitt along with Mark and Meredith

and now they will have their very own locker

Frisch that this project was made possible.”

area just a few feet away from the dugout,

Located steps away from the softball field, the complex will include a team

said softball head coach Ali Higgs. “It’s just

lounge and study area, a locker room for

The project is a component of JU’s com-

an amazing testament to the growth of our

22 players and coaches, coaching staff

prehensive $85 million ASPIRE Campaign,

program and the University, and it would not

offices, and a covered hitting facility.

the largest fundraising and development

have been possible without the support of

venture ever taken on by the University.

the Pruitts and the Frisches.

today’s historic event and what this new

“Debbie and I wanted to take on a project

“They came to me with this vision to

project will mean to the University and our

under the ASPIRE Campaign and we both

enhance our facility and now it is becoming

softball program,” JU Director of Athletics

love athletics,” said Fred Pruitt, a two-time

a reality. I cannot say thank you enough to

JU alumnus. “We are very appreciative

everyone from our University and Athletic

of everything this University has done to

Administration to all our parents and fans

enhance our life so we wanted to pay back

who have stood behind us.”

“We could not be more excited about

and do something special. We are very proud of what the team has accomplished

Higgs noted that the student-athletes

here and for what lies ahead in the future.”

on the softball roster bought into the JU experience without a promise of a

The hitting facility will provide team

new facility.

members with a covered pavilion where they can hone their hitting and pitching

“Now, with this new building and hitting

skills year-round. It will have modern

facility, we can reward them for their

batting cages, new pitching nets and a

commitment,” she said. “It will not only

turf-covered padded concrete floor.

improve their JU experience, but enhance that of everyone new who comes through our program.” Construction is slated to take 90 days. Meanwhile, anticipation of what lies ahead for JU softball is only expected to increase with each day. “It’s an honor to be standing here. Words cannot even describe what is going to happen here in a couple of years,” said Karson Tuck, a junior infielder from Walkersville, Md. “This means so much to us, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.”





honor to Jacksonville University in various

Athletics Department has unveiled its 2013

ways dating back to our days as a junior


Hall of Fame class consisting of five new

college on to the present. Each one of

been celebrating its basketball tournament’s

members who will be introduced during the

the inductees has had a significant impact

75-year history. As part of the celebration,

12th annual induction ceremonies this fall at

on the history of Jacksonville University

the NCAA unveiled its top 75 All-Time March

the Negaard Rowing Center.

athletics, and as a Hall of Fame member,

Madness players. The elite list includes

I am honored to have them join us.”

Jacksonville University’s Artis Gilmore, who was presented with a commemorative

Joining the Hall of Fame are Frank Barker (Men’s Basketball, 1948-50), Al “Rocky”

Stay tuned to www.JUDolphins.com for

Rausch (Baseball, 1976-77), Linj Shell (Football,

information on the exact date and time.

award from the NCAA in February.

1999-02), Kristen Negaard O’Brien (Rowing), and John Harrison (Special Recognition). “We are very excited to induct this class,” said JU Athletics Hall of Fame Committee Chairman Brad Negaard (JU Hall of Fame ‘93). “It includes individuals who have brought


seasons with the Dolphins before being

men’s lacrosse program paid a fitting tribute

diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in

to Corey Lovrich on March 16 by retiring his

spring 2011.

No. 88 jersey. The jersey will be hung in the newly Lovrich lost his valiant fight against colon

dedicated men’s lacrosse team room in

cancer and passed away in May 2012. A

JU’s Botts Hall.


product of Long Beach, N.Y., he played two Gilmore led JU to the 1970 NCAA Championship game against UCLA while averaging 26.4 points and 18.6 rebounds in the Dolphins’ five games. JU finished the season ranked No. 4 in the final AP Poll as the team became the first in NCAA history to average more than 100 points per game in a season.


Gilmore, who now serves as special assistant to the JU president, was named national Player of the Year in 1971 and his 22.7 career rebounds per game average still stands as the NCAA record.


WAVE   SPORTS HOW DO YOU BEAT WALL STREET, ACHIEVE 22 PERCENT ANNUALIZED RETURN? ASK THREE JU GOLFERS By Phillip Milano MOST FUND MANAGERS WOULD rejoice over a 22 percent annualized return handling tens of thousands of dollars of other people’s money—or get jealous of whoever else could pull it off. They’ll just have to drool over what three JU business students accomplished last semester handling The Dolphin Fund, an investment portfolio in the Davis College of Business. The students – head manager Thomas “Trey” Douglas and team members




Francesca Yong and Jimmy Murphy – managed to bring the fund up $19,000

thousand dollars and began years ago

Depot stock, and the team made a short-

during the three months ended Nov. 30,

with donations to JU.

term gain of $1,000 on its stock.

about 22 percent). That compares to an

“If we lose money, it’s not the end of the

With Dr. Adams’ know-how, the three

S&P return of 0.68 percent (annualized at

world because the biggest thing is to learn

students created a diversified portfolio

3 percent) during the same period.

how to understand the stock market,”

and steered money into a variety of

he said. “But when you are sitting there

stocks, several of which were in energy


with actual money, there’s a little different

and insurance – AFL (AFLAC Inc.), PSX


pressure on you.…I probably get more

(Phillips 66), CVI (CVR Energy Inc.) and


stressed than the other two team members.”

VLO (Valero Energy Corp.) – and did

for a 5.43 percent return (annualized at


very well.


Working under the guidance of Adams,


the students researched the fundamentals,

While the idea is to make a profit, the


watched trends, exercised patience during

overriding goal is to gain from the


recent “fiscal cliff” market fluctuations,

experience of learning how the market


picked strong stocks…and listened to their

works, Douglas noted.


instincts, Douglas said.


“When we go into the real world,


“We’d bring our ideas to Dr. Adams, and

employers hopefully will see we aren’t


he was a tremendous help with advice

coming in blind and that we know

and ideas,” he said. “You want long-term

what we’re doing,” said Douglas, who

The three are all varsity golf team members,

growth, but you have to look at the short-

graduates in May and would like to be

which Boylan said he felt “gives them an

term technical side of things, too. And

a financial adviser and someday a chief

edge, as they are very competitive.”

sometimes, you just have to see what

financial officer. “We’re also trying to lay

your gut tells you, too.”

a foundation for other students, to draw

The 22-year-old Douglas called it “a

them in and create a spark in them, and

dream opportunity” to manage the fund,

That paid off when Murphy, Douglas’

which is now worth several hundred

roommate, had “a feeling” about Home

show them how we do this.”





contests, starting with the Pioneer Football


more action-packed Saturday afternoons

League opener against Morehead State on

29 – Thu. at Delaware

at D.B. Milne Field this fall. The 2013

Sept. 14.


football schedule has been released and is highlighted by five home games on the

Other home dates for the Dolphins include

7 – Sat. at Jacksonville State

JU campus.

Sept. 21 vs. Warner, Sept. 28 vs. Butler, Oct.


26 vs. Davidson, and Nov. 16 vs. Stetson.

21 – Sat. WARNER 28 – Sat. BUTLER*

The Dolphins begin the year at Delaware on Thursday, Aug. 29, followed by a trip to

For season ticket information, call

Alabama to face Jacksonville State on Sept.

(904) 256-7863.

OCTOBER 5 – Sat. at Drake*

7. JU then returns home for three straight

19 – Sat. at Campbell* 26 – Sat. DAVIDSON*


NOVEMBER 2 – Sat. at Marist* 9 – Sat. at Mercer* 16 – Sat. STETSON*


tournament in the country for the

continues to be an Atlantic Sun Conference

emerging sport of sand volleyball last

trailblazer. JU hosted the first conference

spring and will do so again April 20-21. The A-Sun is the first conference to receive an automatic bid to the American Volleyball Coaches Association National Championship. Other A-Sun schools with sand volleyball are Florida Gulf Coast, Mercer, Stetson and North Florida. JU Athletics also will host the inaugural A-Sun women’s lacrosse tournament April 26-28. Having won the National Lacrosse Conference Championship a year ago, the Dolphins were picked as the unanimous preseason favorite in the A-Sun; the tournament winner will receive the league’s automatic bid to the 2013 NCAA Tournament in May. JU is joined in the A-Sun women’s lacrosse league by Stetson, Kennesaw State, Howard and Detroit.

Home Games CAPS Home Games played at Milne Field * Pioneer Football League Game


















1 GAINESVILLE RECEPTION AT ‘THE SWAMP’ 3 Peter Van Note ’68, Jim Winn ‘63, Mary Lou Van Note

BEER, BRATS AND BASEBALL AT JU 4 Buddy Reeves, Karen Kelczewski Hike ‘76, Pat Reeves ‘12 5 Justin Felker ‘12, Caren Sessions Felker ‘83, Brian Gilbert, Shirin Brenick ‘79, Michael Howland ‘76, Dane Gilbert ‘76, Buddy Reeves, Walter Carr ‘68, Karen Kelczewski Hike ‘76, Pat Reeves ‘12


GATHERINGS AT BLACKFINN AMERICAN GRILLE 6 Lucas Meers ’12, Dean of Students Kristie Gover 7 Mary Glyn Cook '10, Caroline Geoghegan '10 8 Amy Cavanaugh '79, Ashley Cupaiuolo '08, JU Professor Walker Blanton 9 Mike Boudreaux '04/'07, Patty Parrish '67, David Cameron ’66 10 Chelsy Rowan '10, Jess LeClair '11



RECEPTION AT MOSSFIRE GRILLE 11 Connie Hutton ’73, Shirin Brenick ’79 (Alumni Director), Jeannie Hardwick ’84, Gary Brose ’87, Bonnie Barnes ‘05/’06, Jeniah Jones ’02, Patty Parrish ’67, Thomas King ’09, Terry Allen ’96, Madison Shelly (Senior Director/Major Gifts), Matt Tuohy ‘75/’03

12 Bonnie Barnes ’05/’06, Carrie Anderson ’06, Laura Pacheco-Spann ’96 13 Terry Allen ’96, Thomas King ’09, Gary Brose ‘87 14 Patty Parrish ’67, Connie Hutton ‘73

11 I M P O R T A N T


If you’ve gotten together with other Dolphin alumni, send us a picture! Please send a high-resolution digital file to media@ju.edu and include the event and names of each person shown. Not all pictures will be used.





Baseball, Burgers and Beer


4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 JU Campus (Romesburg Riverfront – across from Sessions Stadium)

Monthly Alumni Reception 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25 BlackFinn American Grille 4840 Big Island Drive #05, Jacksonville, Fla.



Spring Commencement 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 4 JU Campus (Science Green)

Regional Reception 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 16 Miller's Ale House 1756 Wells Road, Orange Park, Fla.

Monthly Alumni Reception




5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 30 BlackFinn American Grille

Alumni Reception For Tim and Stephanie Cost 6 p.m. Thursday, June 6 Howard Building Lobby JU Campus

Monthly Alumni Reception




ALUMNI RELATIONS IS GOING GREEN! NO MORE PRINTED INVITATIONS In an effort to promote sustainability, the Alumni Relations department is no longer going to use printed  invitations for most events. There are many ways you can keep up-to-date about upcoming events: Friend Dunk’n Dolphin on Facebook and follow JU on Twitter at www.twitter.com/dolphinnetwork to stay connected and learn about events and speakers.

5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 27 BlackFinn American Grille


1970s FRANK BERTONI ’70 has been


and Amelia, live in Crozet, Va.—and still proudly wear the Dolphin colors.


MIKE SIMS ‘91 recently opened the

to a second

first of what he expects to be four

term as a

Jacksonville-area Your Pie (www.yourpie.

Town of

com) casual pizza chain locations in

Union, N.Y.,

Fleming Island. He has food retailing


experience at Nabisco, Promo Depot


and Acosta.

he lives in Endicott, N.Y.

MICHAEL HADDEN '93 and his wife, Julie, of Macon, Ga., celebrated the birth


of their third child, Emma Kate, on Nov.


14, 2012. She joins big brothers Noah

BAKER ’00 has

and Jaxon.

been promoted to


vice president and

’81 is enjoying

general manager of

success with his

Employment Guide

startup venture,

in Norfolk, Va.

Stereofame Records Inc., The record


label’s first release

’02, a state

by Rapper J. Dash,

representative and

“WOP,” has sold

businessman from

more than 500,000 copies. A Ponte Vedra

Wesley Chapel, was

Beach resident, Underwood owns several

elected in February

other businesses, including Strategic Interactive Holdings Corp.


as speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.

TODD PLISS ’87 is gaining national


media attention through his emerging

’00 is clinical


Los Angeles, Calif., personnel service

research director


business, Rent-A-

at Park Avenue

’02 of Whitney

Grandma (www.

Dermatology in

Point, N.Y.,


Jacksonville. A

celebrated the

com). A business

licensed registered

birth of her

major, he credits

nurse, she has

son, Matteo

his courses and

held numerous nursing positions in

Toby Johnson,

experience at JU

hospital, home health, ambulatory care

on Sept. 11,

with contributing

and research settings.

2012; the

to the company’s success.

newborn has TRALYN REEVES HODSON ’00, her husband, George, and children, Hailey

a big brother, Dominic Anthony Johnson.

Class Notes is compiled by your friends in the Alumni Relations Office. If you’ve got news to share, let us know! We want to stay connected with you so email your information and photos to alumni@ju.edu. Please do not send hard copy photos.





Vedra Beach and her mother-in-law,

SANDY VAUGHAN ’94 recently

Deborah Oliva,

married Ron Owens in Key West; she


have self-published

is an associate at Golder Associates

across the country and world, but

a children’s

in Jacksonville.

no matter where their lives have led them, they all share a common bond:

book, “Wishy

Jacksonville University.

Life Buddies: An


Easter Tradition”



and Daniel

That is why we are working on a new

com) illustrated by


project designed to help bring our

current JU student

married on

Dolphins back together.

Stephanie Escalona

March 10


in Denver,


A new Alumni Association publication

Colo. Talia is Marketing Senior Manager

will include comprehensive biographical

for Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado;

listings with contact information, career

the couple resides in Colorado.

overviews and family highlights of our classmates. Plus, a special section


about the school will help you reminisce


BARNES ’10 married recently in

as you read about our past and learn

’12 shaved her head

Remington, Va.; the groom's cake was

what's in store for the future.

March 17 to raise

all about JU.

money for pediatric

Please help us make this publication

research through

as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

the St. Baldrick’s

Our provider, Harris Connect, will begin

Foundation; she

contacting you by email and/or regular

participated in the same fund-raiser in

mail or phone in May to verify that

2011 as a JU student.

the information we will print is correct and complete.

MARY KATE RADLOFF ’12 of Atlantic Beach is the fifth JU graduate in the

We appreciate your support and coop-

family; the others are four brothers: her

eration. For questions, contact Sharon

father, MARK RADLOFF ’80, of Atlantic

Getz at sgetz@ju.edu or (904) 256-7670,

Beach, along with ED RADLOFF ‘87,

or Shirin Brenick at sbrenic@ju.edu.

of Jacksonville, JIM RADLOFF ’82, of


Jacksonville, and WAYNE RADLOFF ’79,


of Dunwoody, Ga.

CROW ’10 (third from left) married recently in Cherry Hill, N.J. Pictured with the couple at the wedding are, from left, KEVIN SAWYER ’09, JENNIFER BARNES ’10, WILLIAM COOK ’10 and JEFFREY BRAWER ’09.






Donors qualify for Order of the Dolphin based upon contributions of $1,000 or more in a calendar year and the Kerry & Judy Romesburg Consecutive Giving Society based upon Order of the Dolphin membership for three consecutive years. The Presidents’ Society recognizes donors of $10,000 or more in unrestricted funds in a calendar year. We are extremely grateful to those listed below, and all who supported JU in 2012 through ASPIRE, The Wave, JU Connect and appeals for the JU Fund, JU Scholarship Fund and individual Colleges, Schools, Departments, Programs and Sports. Thank YOU!

2012 PRESIDENTS’ SOCIETY Ron and Hilah Autrey/ Miller Electric Company Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Foundation, Inc./ Florida Blue Michael and Elizabeth Cascone/ Mr. and Mrs. Jonas H. Gredenhag/ Cascone Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cost Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Frisch Dr. J. Phillip and Mrs. Kimberly Garcia/ Garcia Aesthetics and Wellness Institute, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Kane Tim Payne Al and Carole Poindexter Mr. and Mrs. George P. Scanlon/ Cedar Street Charitable Foundation Ms. Dorothy D. Smith Linda Stein and David Stein/ David A. Stein Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Mary-Virginia Terry Dr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Wells Carolyn Munro Wilson/ George M. Cohen Foundation, Inc. Charles and Camilla Wodehouse



Romesburg Giving Society (*) & Deceased notation (~)

3M Unitek Corporation

Mr. Mica R. Bethea

Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Chartrand

AAA Bonding Company, Inc.*

Birdsong Peanuts

Mr. Jeff Chartrand

Accredited Surety and Casualty Co., Inc.*

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Birdsong*

The Chatlos Foundation, Inc.

Alexander DeGance Barnett, P.A.

Mag Black-Scott and David Scott*

Mr. William J. Chatlos III

Mark and Beverly Alexander*

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida

Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin Chomiak*

Align Technology, Inc.

Foundation, Inc.

City of Jacksonville

Allstate Life Insurance Company

Mr. Michael A. Boudreaux

The Alton Foundation*

Mr. Benjamin W. Bowerman

Mr. and Mrs. H. Robin Alton III*

Brandy Bail Bonds, Inc.

George M. Cohen Foundation, Inc.*

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Anderson*

Shirin and Bruce Brenick

Mr. Joe L. Coleman, Jr.


Norman & Florence Brody Family Foundation

Capt. and Mrs. Dean R. Colver, Sr.

Dr. John P. Aris and Mrs. Cristina Palacio

Mr. William H. Brody

The Community Foundation in Jacksonville*

Ron and Hilah Autrey*

The Bruning Foundation*

Ms. Catharine Corbin

The Ayco Charitable Foundation*

Peggy and J.F. Bryan IV*

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cost*

Mr. Steven N. Bacalis

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie R. Bryan

William Franklin Cowart~

BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards LLC*

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Craighill

Dr. John A. Balog*

Bug-Out Service*

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Crosby*

Bank of America Merrill Lynch*

Mr. Tony Burch*

CSA International, Inc.

Bank of America Foundation*

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cannon

CSX Corporate Citizenship

Baptist Health Systems

Mr. Gregory P. Carroll

CSX Corporation*

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Barker

Dr. Joan Carver*

Mrs. Christine P. Daniel

Will Paul Bateman Foundation*

Cascone Family Foundation*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dees

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick V. Bauer

Michael and Elizabeth Cascone*

Mr. Joseph P. DeLuca and Dr. Brenda F. DeLuca

Dr. Lois Becker and Dr. Felix Frayman*

Mr. Craig J. Caskie


Ms. Charlene F. Bell

Mr. Rex F. Caton

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donahue*

Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin D. Bell*

Ms. Amy L. Cavanaugh

Dreambuilder Custom Homes

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Berman

Cedar Street Charitable Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Dubberly*

Dr. Lee Ann Clements and Mr. Jeffrey R. Clements*

If your name was inadvertently omitted, please notify Lauren at 904.256.7095.


Lt. and Mrs. Brian W. Dudley*

The Hartley Press

Bruce and Holly Kern*

Mr. and Mrs. Royce B. Duncan*

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hartley

King Realty Group

Jessie Ball duPont Fund*

Ms. Sue E. Hartman

Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Koegler 1967

Jess & Brewster J. Durkee Foundation

Haskell Foundation

Dr. Jeffrey L. Kraskin*

Capt. and Mrs. Kendall G. Durkee


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Kurzius*

Mr. Matthew C. Eckler*

Mr. and Mrs. Preston H. Haskell III

Gasper and Irene Lazzara Charitable Foundation

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Dr. James E. Hastings and

Dr. and Mrs. Gasper Lazzara

Dr. Judith M. Erickson

Dr. Constance P. Hastings*

Alyson and Wally Lee*


Healy Foundation

Legacy Trust Company

Far East Brokers and Consultants, Inc.

Mr. Edmund Healy

Capt. and Mrs. Kirk T. Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Federspiel

Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrus Healy

The Living Crosse Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Felker, Jr.*

Mrs. Lindsay D. Helms

Logix3, LLC

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

Mrs. Karen Hike and Mr. David Hike

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loomis

Florida Blue*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hill, Jr.*

Mr. Tony A. Loughman*

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hodge

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Maisch, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus T. Foster*

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holbert

Mr. and Mrs. H. Christopher Malone III

Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Frame*

Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Hooten II*

Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville Auxiliary/Palms

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Frisch*

Mr. Donald H. Horner III

Mayo Clinic

Cmdr. and Mrs. Mark Gabrynowicz*

Michael and Cathy Howland*

MCC Sports, Inc.

Garcia Aesthetics and Wellness Institute, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Hurley, Jr.

Joy McCann Foundation, Inc.*

Dr. J. Phillip and Mrs. Kimberly Garcia

Ms. Connie Hutton

Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. McCarthy III

W. W. Gay Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

Michael H. Igoe & Associates, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. McCarthy, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gay*

Incepture, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. McCord*

Mr. and Mrs. Barkley M. Geib


McCormick & Company, Inc.

The W. C. Gentry Family Foundation*

Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

Dr. Margot D. McCullers

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gentry*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jacoby

Ms. Catherine Schultz McFarland*

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gerrity

Mr. and Mrs. L. Samir Jallad

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McGehee, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gibbs III

JAX Chamber

Michael and Julie McKenny*

Thelma Elizabeth Riddle Golightly~


McKinney-Geib Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Skudneski

JM Family Enterprises

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. McNulty*

Mr. Sean P. Gorman

Mr. C. Lamar Johnson*

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Meffert, Jr.*

Greater Jacksonville Fair*

Dr. and Mrs. Franklyn A. Johnson

Mr. Richard A. Melkerson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas H. Gredenhag*

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Johnston*

The Miami Foundation

Mr. Steven J. Grossman

Russ Jollivette

Miller Electric Company*

Mr. Kevin W. and Dr. Susanne Haga*

Jonco Management, Inc.*

Mr. Andrew J. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. Derek J. Hall*

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Jones*

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Miller IV

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hall, Jr.*

Mr. Rodolfo Junco de la Vega, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Hannon*

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Kane*

Mr. Bob Moore

Helen E. Harms Estate

Dr. Warren E. Keene

Moran Family Holdings, LLC.*

John and Gail Harrison*

Jack and Beverly Keigwin*

Mr. and Mrs. F. Andrew Moran*


Mr. and Mrs. Padraic E. Mulvihill*

Ms. Cynthia Sanborn*

Linda and David Stein*

Mrs. Sherry L. Murray*

Mrs. Hilda Sanborn*

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Stewart

National Georgraphic Society

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Saunders*

Mr. Arthur J. Stites*

National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Scaduto*

Strickland & Hooten, P.A.*

Navy League of the US - JAX

Mr. and Mrs. George P. Scanlon

Roger W. Strickland Irrevocable Trust

Tom Nehl Truck Company

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Schall*

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Strongosky, Jr.

Mr. Frederic W. Nessler

Dr. and Mrs. William L. Schirmer*

The Suddath Companies

Dr. Michael J. Nigro

Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation

Ms. Suzanne Suter

Nimnicht Chevrolet Company

Schultz Foundation*

Carl S. Swisher Foundation*

Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Purvis Nimnicht*

Mr. Clifford G. Schultz II*

Swisher International Group, Inc.*

Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael O'Malley

Mr. Frederick H. Schultz, Jr.*

Mrs. Mary-Virginia Terry*

Mr. Russell R. Ortiz

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schultz*

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Tesinsky*

Frank and Karen Pace

Nancy R. Schultz*

Mr. Eric Thomas*

Ms. Ellen M. Paige*

Dr. Hugh Van Seaton*

Thomson Reuters

Tim Payne*

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Segreti*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Tobin III

Diana and Jim Peaks

Mrs. E. Carson Sessions*

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Torres*

Mr. Paul I. Perez, Jr.

The Hon. and Mrs. Wesley J. Shannon

Dr. and Mrs. John E. Trainer, Jr.

Mr. Michael J. Peterson

Robin and Madison Shelly

Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Turknett

Mr. John J. Petrakis*

Robert and Carol Shircliff Charitable Trust

Mr. Francis R. Ulrich

THE PLAYERS Champtionship*

Robert and Carol Shircliff*

UTC Aerospace Systems

Pilot Corporation of America

Mr. Richard C. Sibley*

Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Van Note*

Al and Carole Poindexter*

Sidekicks Films

Mr. Robert G. Wadeson, Jr.

Gil and Nancy Pomar*

Sigma Theta Tau International

Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Walker*

Fitzhugh K. Powell, Jr., AAI, CRIS, CWCA*

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Simendinger III

Hon. and Mrs. David M. Walker*

Raymond Prahl Charitable Trust*

Ms. Virginia S. Sims

Capt. and Mrs. Edward C. Waller

Mrs. Kathryn J. Prahl*

Harold K. Smith Charitable Fund


Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Price*

Mr. Brian J. Smith

Joseph and Doris Watson Foundation, Inc.*

Fred and Debbie Pruitt*

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Smith*

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Watson III*

Raymond James Global Account

Ms. Dorothy D. Smith*

Dr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Wells

Mr. B. Allen Reid*

Mr. and Mrs. George G. Smith

Dr. Susan Hite White and Dr. A. Quinton White*

Dr. Marilyn L. Repsher

Sodexo America, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wiglesworth

Dr. Rathbun K. Rhodes*

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Solomon

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wilbanks

Dr. Jeane and Mr. Kenneth G. Richards

Southern Oak Insurance Company

Edna Sproull Williams Foundation*

Dr. Margaret J. Ripley

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Spindler

Charles Judson Williams III*~

Riverside Hospital Foundation, Inc.*

St. Johns Marketplace, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. James V. Williams, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Romero*

St. Vincent's HealthCare

Mr. Patrick M. Williams, Sr.*

Dr. Kerry and Mrs. Judy Romesburg*

Mr. Shawn M. Starr

Carolyn Munro Wilson*

Glenn and Anita Ross*

State of Florida*

Charles and Camilla Wodehouse*

Mr. and Mrs. David K. Rowe

Capt. and Mrs. Lee A. Steele

Mr. and Mrs. Len W. Worley, Jr.*

Dr. William C. Rupp and Dr. Janice Clark

David A. Stein Family Foundation, Inc.*

Mr. Morrie Zimmerman


VOLUME 16 • NUMBER 2 www.ju.edu

PUBLISHER Jacksonville University EDITOR Phillip Milano CREATIVE DIRECTOR Derek Hall

ART DIRECTOR Donald dela Torre



MAIN  NUMBER 904.256.8000

ADMISSIONS 904.256.7000 admissions@ju.edu ALUMNI 904.256.7201 alumni@ju.edu UNIVERSITY MARKETING 904.256.7042 &  COMMUNICATIONS media@ju.edu REGISTRAR 904.256.7091 cbarret@ju.edu

UNIVERSITY 904.256.7612 ADVANCEMENT gsimend@ju.edu

PUBLISHED BY University Marketing & Communications Office


University Advancement Jacksonville University 2800 University Blvd. N. Jacksonville, FL 32211-3394


Rebecca Barry ’05 Stephen Bigelow ’03 Ben Bowerman ’05 Michael Boudreaux ’04/’07 Amy Cavanaugh ’79 Felicia Day ’06 Brian Wm. Dudley ’96/’05 Matt Eckler ’96 James Farrah ’94/’95 Renee Finley ’88/’02 Kori Frank ’09 Caroline Geoghegan ’10 Kassandra Gove ’07 Madison Grisham ’09

Casey Hampton ’07 Jeannie Hardwick ’84 Karen K. Hike ’76 Donnie Horner, III ’11 Connie Hutton ’73 Michelle Murray Miller ’80 Patty Parrish ’67 Edward Robinson ’64 Scott Romero ’78 Joey Sanchez ’09/’10 Shawn Starr ’94/’96 Matt Tuohy ’75/’03 Don Vella ’71 Robert Whitkop ’77

All contents © COPYRIGHT 2013 Jacksonville University. All rights reserved.

Imagine making an impact now and leaving a legacy for later. … Annual Giving and Planned Giving fit perfectly together.

Planned (V.)

Annual (Adj.)

Make preparations for an anticipated event or time.

Occurring or happening every year or once a year.

Giving (Noun)

To entrust to another, usually for specific reason.

Please consider Jacksonville University in your annual and planned giving this year. For more information, please contact: Donna Morrow, Director of Planned Giving 904.256.7928 • dmorrow1@ju.edu • ju.edu/plannedgiving

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