Cis 349 final exam guide set 2

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12) Which of the following is not a step to ensuring only authorized users can see confidential data in the LAN Domain?

13) A nonintrusive penetration test ____________.

14) What is a corrective control in the LAN-to-WAN Domain? 15) One particular type of network security testing simulates actions an attacker would take to attack your network. This is known as:

16) The __________ is a generic description for how computers use seven layers of protocol rules to communicate across a network.

17) Although __________ are not optimal for high bandwidth, large-volume network transfers, they work very well in most environments where you need to maintain connections between several other networks. 18) What is the primary type of control used to protect data in the WAN Domain? 19) The Remote Access Domain server components also generally reside in the ___________ environment, even though they still belong to the Remote Access Domain. 20) The most common control for protecting data privacy in untrusted environments is encryption. There are three main strategies for encrypting data to send to remote users. One strategy does not require any application intervention or changes at all. The connection with the remote user handles the encryption. The

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