IWA Messenger - Spring 2014

Page 26


Partners in Mission

Sophomores are First to Receive Scholarship The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation awarded two scholarships to its first recipients of the Dr. Hector P. Garcia and Wanda Fusillo Garcia Scholarship. The scholarships were presented to sophomores Gabriella Vargas and Alexsander Villagomez in January at the Corpus Christi Cathedral’s St. Joseph’s Hall. The presentation was held following the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Mass at the Cathedral. Each recipient read an essay on how Dr. Garcia has influenced their lives. Gabriella and Alexsander were chosen as the scholarship’s first recipients. They each received a $5,000 scholarship to be used towards their junior and senior year tuition at IWA. The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation first announced the scholarship to the IWA community on September 18, 2013 – the Texas state recognition of Dr. Hector P. Garcia Day as set forth by the Texas Legislature. Incarnate Word Academy was chosen as the Foundation’s first recipient because of the Academy’s commitment to excellence in education and its close personal relationship with the family of Dr. Garcia. All of Dr. Garcia’s daughters are graduates of IWA and Dr. Garcia was the personal physician of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament for many years. The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation was organized to educate state-wide and national communities about the continuing historical relevance and legacy of Dr. Garcia. Additionally the Foundation encourages and promotes the continuation of his ideals through establishing charitable projects and education scholarships, and by working with various universities to support those whom the foundation believes share and actively strive to promote the same ideals that Dr. Garcia held so dear. Read more online iwacc.org/publications

Sophomore Gabriella Vargas (left) with Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation President Cecilia Garcia-Akers, Vice President and Secretary Jim Akers, and Treasurer Steve Arnold.

Sophomore Alexsander Villagomez (left) with Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation President Cecilia GarciaAkers, Vice President and Secretary Jim Akers, and Treasurer Steve Arnold.

Proud supporters of Incarnate Word Academy


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